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    Sunday, July 4, 2021

    Gears of War | ❤ Gears. Happy Saturday y'all 🍻

    Gears of War | ❤ Gears. Happy Saturday y'all ��

    ❤ Gears. Happy Saturday y'all ��

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Danger all around…

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Absolutely Terrifying

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Danger all around… (behind the scene)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    I managed to skeet shoot a tracker in my GoW 4 playthrough, i don't think ive ever done that.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Storm Collectibles - Gears of War Tactics: Disciples

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Knife go stab

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Just Want Bernie Back :(

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    I like mercy but every fuckin game?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    On top of that it's a 5 stack vs 5 ransoms. Rip.

    submitted by /u/antwontuchdwn
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    Gnasher supremacy and the underuse of the weapon sandbox, the cause and its consecuences.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:55 PM PDT

    Gnasher supremacy and the underuse of the weapon sandbox, the cause and its consecuences.

    It is well known that the gnasher is an essential part of the gears of war multiplayer, some may even go as far as to say its just as iconic of the series as the lancer with its chainsaw bayonet, and it has been a multiplayer staple for the entirety of the games main lineup. however in gears 5 its supremacy and status as apex weapon is only toppled by power weapons, such as the boomshot, dropshot and others. but what is it that has taken us to the point the gnasher shotgun can outclass not only the lancer, but all main rifle weapons, such as the retro lancer and the hammerburst.

    In my current state as of writing this post, with more than 110 hours on gears 5 alone and double the ammount on 2, 3 and judgment i think i have got around the root of this situation, that is the elimination of weapon loadouts. For you see, taking gears 3 as the direct example here, you had the choice to pick your assault rifle to acomodate to your playstyle, from the jack-of-all-traits lancer for every situation to the iron sighted hammerburst for long range suppresing fire and the suppresing power that was the retro lancer for close range fighting.

    You may ask how is this relevant to gears 5's current state, and the main answer is that on top of the lack of loadouts, all rifle weapons across the board are underpowered, only coming to have the same stopping power of their old counterparts when a perfect reload is in place, without it, the only purpose the lancer or any other assault weapons have is to be a placeholder untill you get to pick up a power weapon, in the current state of the game there is not only an incentive to switch to you gnasher as soon as you spawn to rush back into action, but there is no reason whatsoever to keep your lancer and change your gnasher for the sniper rifle in gridlock or the torque bow in canals, and there is no reason to not swap to your gnasher once you see someone rushing in because the lancer just cant put out enough suppresive fire to stop him.

    The second main problem that the removal of rifle loadouts brings in is the thinning of the weapon sandbox in multiplayer maps, for you see, there is a lot of maps that try to still incorporate the retro lancer, hammerburst and even the enforcer as weapon pickups in the map, bringing us back to the point of the fact that all rifle weapons are across the board underpowered, what this causes is that the player just wont even go out of its way to get, lets say, the hammerburst in gridlock, for why swap your underpowered rifle for another underpowered rifle when you can rush to the boomshot, the frag grenades or the sniper rifle, now in the ocasions a player DOES choose to get out of its way the first thing that he will realize is that he will run dry of ammo after two or three reloads, for unlike in gears 3, where you could stock up ammo from weapons dropped by either friend or foe, in 5 the only way to get ammo for said rifle is to wait for the weapon that you picked to respawn (that only happens after you empty the weapon in the first place) or rush to the other side of the map to the other hammerburst spawn, so the question goes to why even bother? this does not only but make more noticeable how underused the weapon sandbox in multiplayer is, gears 5 has one of the most extensive weapon rosters in the entire saga, yet every map is always defined by the boomshot, the sniper rifle, the torque bow, the dropshot and sometimes the scorcher, and while most of the weapon sandbox lies underused, we have weapon points in the map filled with underpowered assault rifles that no one will even be bothered to pick up most of the time.


    submitted by /u/Tercio_Armato
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    Why hasn't lag comp been dialed back? It's been pretty rough since Gears 4. Seems like people with good connections are mostly at a disadvantage.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    You can find possibly 100's of videos of kids on Gears with 150+ ping playing the game perfectly fine, and not only that, but also having an advantage. Depending on connections different advantages happen.

    The most common effect I experience is them acting/shooting before me in situations where they 1,000% should not be able to. Getting out of roadie runs extremely early, coming out of a roll animation only halfway done to wallbounce or shoot much much earlier than they should be able to. The less common but also frequently experienced advantages high ping players have is:

    Shooting you around a corner without doing a wrapshot with the gnasher.

    Headshotting you when you're already around a cover with sniper/tbow/embar/boltok (I roll my eyes at sniper montages where they constantly have the bad connection symbol showing up)

    Stuttering within movement without it hindering their movement (so they are much harder to hit, it will show them back a step without actually take a step back, show them a step or 2 forwards without them actually moving forward, and the worst part of all is this can happen while they are bouncing for no reason at all)

    Shooting where they aren't aiming. They are not doing a reaction shot, nor am I in a position to be backpacked, but still I get hit with a gib by someone not even facing or remotely aiming near me.

    The least common advantage that I experience is them shooting their gnasher behind/to the side/in front of my character and getting a gib. Now when I say least I still experience this at least once a game vs. someone in the 150+ ping area.

    It just makes no sense that someone with that amount of ping should be able to do this on someone's screen that has far less ping. I generally have 20-60 depending on what server the match is on, but I always have a steady consistent connection and I'm tired of the bullshit other's can pull off because they have extremely bad connections.

    Do you know that when I have 80+ ping I am literally stuck in one spot, cannot bounce and most of the time cannot shoot at all? With 80 ping? How does someone play with double that without problems? And really in 2021 why should they be able to? Give them a nearer server if that's the issue! Jfc....

    submitted by /u/aofk
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    How come in kaits skeleton suit skin she got blue eyes but none of the others do?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Not played Gears since Operation 6

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:15 AM PDT

    Fancy playing it for once, I lost interest in playing as I can't be arsed doing the tour of duty again, I want to do some campaign.

    submitted by /u/Warby_BlacklistUK
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    I'm always getting saved

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Noob Question: Does aiming with the gnasher tighten the pellet spread in Gears 5?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Honest question

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    Can someone explain to me why the Jack class is so good?

    submitted by /u/Montez1001
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    VOD for women's tournament?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Can't find it. Where is it

    submitted by /u/WearierPanda588
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    How do decoys work exactly? (Some in the horde don’t get distracted by them)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone knows how do they work exactly.

    What enemies do they actually distract?

    Which ones are just not distracted? (Other than the bosses)

    Any help would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Rod2099
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    Nomad's "Rain Down" skill... How much is 1 meter? A video or pic would be nice...

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Is it ever just so BARELY slightly above the enemy? Because I can see that being super useful and very applicable in many situations... But if it's a significant amount, then it's going to be very very useless on quite a few maps...


    submitted by /u/Dil1on
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    Team Syndrome Enforcer available to claim NOW

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Team Syndrome Enforcer available to claim NOW

    πŸ“’ Team Syndrome Enforcer available to claim NOW πŸ”” at πŸ–₯️ https://live.gearsofwar.com πŸ‘€ during the Gears 5 Xbox Women's Tournament get it before it closes! πŸ”

    Team Syndrome Enforcer Watch and Win Women's Tournament - July 3rd

    See my links on my Reddit profile.

    submitted by /u/AceSMcCloud
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    Reminder "only" change to get these skins today! Live.gearsofwar.com

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:33 PM PDT

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