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    Gears of War | Gears 5 | Operation 8 Trailer

    Gears of War | Gears 5 | Operation 8 Trailer

    Gears 5 | Operation 8 Trailer

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    When will it be our turn, Microsoft?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Look all I am saying is I wouldn't say no. Add GOW2 Remaster and we are good to go.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Gears of War 2 - Rendezvous Trailer.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Credit to shauny for high res image of Ketor

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Gears 5 horde weapons locker PSA

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    Just a quick tip for horde players out there. If you didn't know, always upgrade your lockers to level 4 before buying new ones. This goes out to you mechanic player especially. For everyone else, be willing to share your locker for a bit on higher difficulties until everyone gets one. Even demo players, you might have to learn how to share for a few rounds.

    Now on to the reason why. If you were unaware, the weapons lockers reload faster the higher level they are, and it doesn't scale the way you think it would scale. 1 Level 4 locker is much MUCH better than 4 level 1's. It's not even close.

    Based on my own testing, with a stopwatch, a level 1 locker takes 100 seconds to refill a single boomshot round. So 300 seconds (5 minutes) to fully refill one boomshot. Level 2: 80 seconds per round (4 mins) Level 3: 60 seconds per round (3 mins) Level 4: 40 seconds per round (2 mins)

    If you do the math like I did, one level 4 locker is over twice as fast as a level 1.

    I'm going to throw some more numbers down from my tests with other weapons. Strangely not all guns are equal and they don't even scale with the same proportions. These are the exact time to refill a completely empty weapon to full:

    LANCER: Lvl 1: 7 minutes Lvl 2: 6 minutes Lvl 3: 4 minutes Lvl 4: 2 minutes 50 seconds

    LONGSHOT: Lvl 1: 6 minutes Lvl 2: 4 minutes Lvl 3: 3 minutes Lvl 4: 2 minutes

    SALVO: Lvl 1: 5 min 15 seconds Lvl 2: 4 min 10 seconds Lvl 3: 3 min 5 seconds Lvl 2: 2 min 5 seconds (I triple checked this one because it didn't follow the pattern)

    Keep in mind, these are the base values, mechanics and robot experts have cards that can make this even faster. (RobotExpert players if you aren't using "overclocked lockers" you are grieving your team btw.)

    If you take a closer look at all of these numbers you'll notice that in all cases the level 4 lockers are twice as fast as level 2 lockers or faster.

    In masters runs it bothers me to see mechanics buying several lockers for all the different players, then slowly upgrade them. You literally are all gimping your ammo regen by half of you have 4 level 2 lockers rather than 2 level 4s. Learn to share and communicate with your team about who is sharing, until everyone can get their own.

    Demo players are usually the biggest offenders to this and I get it, demos need their boomshots/GL and for good reason. But as a demo player I know for a fact that I'd rather have 2 boomshots regen at 40 secs per shot and have my marksman share two slots rather than "my own" locker that's level 2 where I get one shot every 80 seconds.

    Now the other thing to keep in mind is that for architects and robot experts, the lockers cost the same at ALL stages. It's 6375 points per weapon locker slot for those two classes, regardless of whether that's the first slot or last.

    Mechanics players I get the fixation, your efficient fabrication card makes the level 1s the cheapest, at around 4700 depending on your card level, but still, I'd rather pay a little extra to make the team more effective. One thing you may not have kept in mind is that the price stays the same for the later upgrade levels, but the EFFECTIVE price does not. Remember, it's not just new slots you are adding onto a locker, you don't just get 4 slots for boomshots regening at 100 seconds per shot, no no no. Because they get faster it's always more efficient to upgrade first.

    For everyone else, remember to communicate. Sharing is caring and teamwork makes the dream work, so talk to your team about who is using what, then when you get your own lockers make sure to MOVE your weapons off so that person can have a locker to themselves.

    For my comment about robot Experts griefing earlier I was serious. Based on my own testing if your overclocked locker is at level 4 (45% faster) all of your level 3 lockers are actually faster than level 4 lockers purchased by anyone else. This just means that your DPS can really go to town. Never unequip that card.

    Hope this helps. Happy to answer questions.

    submitted by /u/Falkon_Stryke
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    Bots stop working after a while in horde to. They just put their weapons up and start disconnecting.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    Repost: operation 8 is the last one. (source in comments). This was announced in May.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Perfect skin, game mode and situation for this execution

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Operation 8 Whiners and Manchildren

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    I don't know what people expect other than maps and skins at this point. TC literally gave us what everyone cries about. I'm sorry but Gears is a game. Its not going to fix your daddy issues and give you a BJ. There I said it.

    submitted by /u/horsepower228
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    Operation 8 trailer day! (blog post tomorrow).

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Gears5 Operation 8 is coming.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Let's talk OP 8

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    Beside the trailer how soon can we expect to get news from OP8?

    I heard the full dev post was supposed to be released today, but does anybody know when?

    Here is my list of things I really wanna see:

    . MKII Lancer . Versus A.I as the swarm . New gun crosshairs . Lancer / gnasher / snub rebalance . Active reloads in PVP . Being able to spawn with hammer burst like gears 4 . Horde that let us set - up generator where we want . Switch A.I character skins in PVE / PVP!

    All that would make an hell of an OP for me.

    What about you folks?

    submitted by /u/spartanb301
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    MKII spotted in trailer. Better be a skin this time!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    Can Gears tactics bring fully enjoyed with minimal/ no audio?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    So I'm working a few night shifts and there's quite a lot of down time with nothing to do and I'm thinking this may be the perfect opportunity to give tactics a go.

    Like I said, at work it has to be quite quiet etc so just want to know details about is there fully voice acted cutscenes, subtitles, audio cues during gameplay etc?? Is it worth playing or saving for better circumstances?

    submitted by /u/BuffedUpNerd
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    Day 4. Today’s character is Dom Androsan the cocky younger brother of the main protagonist (Ethan). He’s a gear who’s somewhat new to the job, often making reckless decisions in battle. Despite this, he’s a very loyal man who’s willing to stick up for any of his ally’s.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Pretty sick of getting stuck with 4 torque bow arrows in horde. Is that legit all theron guards use like tf.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    I wasn't expecting that

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    One Deebee Army!!! Clutch kills Gear 5

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Almost made it to cover

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Do you like the current Gib Range in PvP?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Is the gnasher gig range favorable at this very moment?

    Select which statement best suits your position

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/bad-raamance
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    Just a fan’s ideal version of Gears 6 (Hope TC reads)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    I wrote this knowing that it's not gonna happen but more in the hopes that TC could stumble upon it and extract something out of it to use for Gears 6. Thanks to anybody for reading if you make it all the way!

    Gears of War: Onslaught (The Halo Infinite of Gears, basically)

    Gears of War: Onslaught is a Free to Play Multiplayer game available on Xbox Series X|S and PC. You get free access to all PvP and PvE modes except for Campaign. Campaign is now more like an optional paid expansion that plugs in to the free game.

    However, there is no set story that the title "Onslaught" is referring to. There are no more sequels (in the traditional sense) and there are no more trilogies. The name is just a word that is being used in the same manner as Halo "Infinite". Onslaught is like a never ending attack on a grand scale. It implies aggression and war. Onslaught is a Gears game that evolves and grows over time. It's a game that doesn't focus on any one story but many stories with no true main characters. Every character and every perspective matters now. The game will eventually feature Campaigns that take place across all the time periods of Sera's history. There will be stories set during the Locust War again.

    The Multiplayer portion is focused on 3 major goals: Accessibility, Content and Variety


    • Versus now has some new additions to evolve the experience and provide more variety. Battleground is a new 12v12 mode on bigger maps that feature vehicles. Vehicles can be used as cover but watch out because they aren't indestructible and you can still be run over. Classic weapons return to counter these vehicles such as the Mortar and Hammer of Dawn. This mode will give players the opportunity to play Versus in a new way that isn't just a Gnasher fest for the most part. These bigger maps can also be played in Horde with 8 players total.

    • Overrun also makes its glorious return with some new changes. COG characters are still limited to only a few classes but you can now play as any class with any character thanks to icons above players' heads to show which class they are. View them with the Tac-Com or if you're the Swarm team you mark them to easily identify their class. The Swarm and Locust are the same team in Overrun. Let's say you pick to play as a Drone: you will appear as the Drone skin of your choice, which could be Locust or Swarm. Other monsters are very much their own thing though like Tickers and Snatchers since they have no Swarm/Locust counterpart.

    • Traditional Versus is still not going anywhere. You can expect to see your favorite modes again on traditional maps. Each and every single character can have different weapon skins from each other at the same time. Wanna have RAAM equipped with fancy weapon skins while Drone gets the standard issue skins? Now you can do it. Multiple characters can now be selected at the same time - meaning when you load into the map it randomly picks a character between all the ones you have equipped.


    • Horde is now more easily accessible than ever. The class system is gone to remove the barrier of grinding to become useful. Now, it's just about learning the game and how to play it well. You'll never get rejected from lobbies just because you don't have a specific card or setup. The only thing that separates you from anyone else is skill and strategy. You can start up the game for the first time ever and jump right into Insane Horde and be just as useful as the guy next to you who's been playing for a year straight - he'll probably just be a lot better than you because of he's way more experienced with the game.

    • There will be many variants of Horde to choose from such as Frenzy, Boss Rush, Endless Mode, etc. All enemy types and Bosses from the entire series will eventually be in Horde. Updates to Horde will include new enemies, bosses, weapons, fortifications and even mutators to further customize your experience. Power no longer needs to be manually picked up, it's now automatically given to you to ensure that every move you make is to crush your enemies and not to compromise just for money pick-ups. The rewards in Horde are all exclusive COG cosmetics.

    Brand new PVE mode called Emergence

    • You play as the Locust and Swarm as an 8-player team and launch an all-out assault on the COG. You'll have the full Swarm/Locust selection of monsters for you like Beast from Gears 3 but on crack. This mode will only be available on the big Versus maps, not the traditional ones. COG forces are hunkered down and your goal is to eventually push them back into their home base by capping their hills and then taking that final hill. They will dig in and defend each hill to the death. You fail if the time runs out.

    • As the timer goes down, the COG will eventually get powerful reinforcements like vehicles, Mortar Crews, Silverbacks and the Hammer of Dawn. Even the Vulcan returns as COG soldiers cooperate to carry it around and wreak havoc. DeeBees will also show up though they are more rare. It might be smart to start the game by rushing with faster but weaker monsters so you can gain as much ground as possible before the heavy reinforcements show up. There is no penalty for death except for the respawn timer.

    • You start out with low-mid tier monsters and when you've captured a set amount of hills: The entire arsenal of monsters is unlocked and the respawn timer is gone. You can also set your skins up so you can play Swarm versions of characters instead. This will obviously not work for things like Maulers or Tickers. And obviously there will be no Locust skins for Swarm-only monsters like Snatchers or Pouncers. Playing this mode can unlock you some special Swarm/Locust skins.

    • COG Engineers will actively repair and place Fortifications so don't let them. Certain story characters will show up at set times among the other soldiers and they will provide unique buffs to their surrounding allies and potentially even debuffs for you. Knowing how they affect things is important and the story characters you get are random.

    • Emergence comes with 15 and 30 minute variants so you almost always have time for a match.

    submitted by /u/ktsmith91
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    Horde daily rewards?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, just a quick post and question because I haven't seen it asked or I am missing it but say I complete the horde daily reward for the class xp, can I keep doing it over and over to get the class xp or is it just the once?

    submitted by /u/YoChillDrew
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