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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Gears of War | Daily Discussion (February 12, 2020)

    Gears of War | Daily Discussion (February 12, 2020)

    Daily Discussion (February 12, 2020)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:05 AM PST

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    The top left is a bug too.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Code for a cosmetic for Xbox I don't play so enjoy. :D

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Chrome Steel Kantus in the Esports shop this week.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    You Know What Really Grinds my Gears? #LongRantEdition

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:08 AM PST


    I typed this up in last-week's "you know what really grinds my gears" thread. It got a good response, and a few people said I should post it as it's own thread....so here it is.

    Also, there is a TL/DR at the end if you don't care to read it all :)





    • I typed this whole friggin' essay out (except for the summary at the bottom), and my browser crashed...so now I have to type it again...and I'll probably leave some stuff out :/





    My old love for the series stemmed from a few key aspects:

    • The grind to improve and learn. This is lost on me now, as I just don't really care.
      • I've plateaued. I improved, and reached a point that I was quite happy with. Any other improvement would require a lot more time/effort...and at this point in my life, I just don't have the time/desire to focus on video games.
      • I love understanding why things are the way they are and understanding things from a mathematical standpoint. This is what drove me to testing and making videos about Horde fortifications and skill-card drop rates. I've grown tired of testing (and then having TC change stuff), and it just doesn't feel to be worth my time to investigate.
    • The evolution of the series. Just as with my skill level, the evolution of the series is sorta plateauing.
      • As with any innovation, you start out with big leaps forward. As you approach the ideal state, things start to slow down. We had huge leaps between G1 and G2, between G2 and G3. Then G3 to Judgment introduced Overrun & FFA with was a really nice change of pace. Eventually, things slow down though.
      • Besides the graphical improvements, the changes to MP didn't seem that extreme between G3 and G4. Horde had a huge shift...and it's no coincidence that this is where I ended up spending a decent chunk of time. Going from G4 to G5, again, not much changed - but they introduced Escape. That was enough to hold me over for a bit, but now I'm just kinda bored.
      • The series kept making these big leaps. This had me excited for each new installment, and kept my friends coming back. With the small steps that we have no, it's just not enough to keep us hooked.
    • My friends and the community. It's always better playing with people.
      • I joined the forums in high-school. But it was in college that I really started to become more active. It was a fun way to kill some time between classes. I started to meet new people (many of which I would call my friends to this day). The forums meant so much to me, and this was at such an important part of my life. Upon realizing how much the community has impacted me, I really felt inclined to "pay it back", and help support the community where possible. While I still enjoy some aspects of the community, I'm finding it harder and harder to feel connected.
      • Friends are the other big aspect of this. A few are IRL friends, but a decent number are online friends that I've met from the community. Just as with myself, many of them are starting to move on and play less and less...and this starts to snowball. Gears is best enjoyed with playing with friends. As we start to play less, the game gets less enjoyable...so we play less...so it's less enjoyable....so we play less...and on and on.
    • The grind and challenge. As with most things in life, it's more enjoyable if you have goals/targets to strive for.
      • In Gears 1, I was still learning. Gears 2 had a series of challenging achievements. Gears 3 had challenging achievements and the Onyx Medals. Basically, all of these games had some challenge/goal to work towards. There was an end-point. On top of that, some of the challenges were actually difficult.
      • Now we get to Gears 4, and the whole concept of a "challenge" has been replaced by "grind for CR". To start with, a lot of this was just basic playing the game. There was a sever lack of a true "challenge". To make things worse, there was no end-game. It was simply "keep grinding and get as much as possible". This was a big turn off.
      • Enter Gears 5, and we no longer have CR. We start to get a few challenging things back, but for the most part, it's still a lot of grinding. The big miss for Gears 5 though is the time-limited aspect. I miss the days where I can just play at my own pace and complete tasks. Now, everything is locked behind timed events, the ToD, or some drip-fed characters.
    • The rewards & "completionist" mindset. Everyone has some level of completionist mindset, and it's a great thing to keep you going.
      • I loved trying to collect everything in Gears 3. I even tried to do most of it in Gears 4 (though I quickly got bored of that). In Gears 5, it simply isn't possible. To start with, the time-limited aspect of things makes it easy to miss out on something if you're busy for a bit. There's no "catching up later". Worst of all though is the fact that a majority of the quality content is hidden behind pay-walls. It's just not a fun atmosphere.
      • In the past, the games felt like games...with some cosmetics available. In Gears 4, it felt like a game...but with a strong emphasis on "you need to grind to save up for these cosmetics". But now in Gears 5, the game straight up feels like store...with a game built to support it. I get that the game needs to make money. It's just unfortunate that the atmosphere now feels like it all revolves around the store.


    While there are many of the things that I enjoyed about the series....and frankly just aren't doing it for me anymore, there's 1 more BIG THING that I wanted to hit on:

    • The connection/relationship with the developers. Though there have certainly been some rocky points, I feel that overall I've maintained a relatively positive relationship.
      • Even in the Epic days, I had a good relationship with some of the developers. With TC, there's been some rocky moments, but still, I try to maintain a good relationship. The thing is, I don't go out of my way to brown-nose, but I also don't blindly hate them. I speak my mind about things and try to see it from both sides. This inevitably causes some tensions when I don't agree with stuff...and has fans calling me a white-knight when I do support them. TC doesn't listen to everything I say...but I do occasionally get through to them...and it feels great.
      • The biggest issue I'm starting to have though, is that I've started to "see too much". It's not that I'm getting some special privileged info or anything. It's just that as someone who's very involved and covered Gears news for a while, I'm very keen to picking up on things. In doing so, I've started to feel that my alignment/goals are further and further from that of TC. It's probably one of those cases of "don't get too close to something you love."
      • There's many things that I've pushed for over the years, and frankly, it seems like a lot of it is falling on deaf ears. I don't expect TC to do everything I want. I'm certainly not a game dev, so I wouldn't know what's best. There are though, some fundamental things that I just don't seem to agree with them on. Pushing a game to launch before it's ready, creating a predatory FOMO atmosphere, lack of transparency, and honestly just shift in direction of the game that I don't enjoy. The stuff all adds up.
      • Back to the biggest issues though (seeing too much). It's hard for me to play the game (and follow news) right now. Every time I boot up, I'm constantly reminded of all of these things I disagree with. We keep seeing everything revolve around the store and ToD. We constantly run into bugs. We can't get a single piece of news without TC trying to give some facade of real transparency or the "we hear the feedback" statement. I just find it hard to play and enjoy the game, when I'm constantly reminded of how much I disagree with things.

    As always, whenever I bring this topic up, I need to clarify something.... There are some great people at TC, and I'm sure there are plenty of great developers. I imagine that many of my issues are with leadership, but again, I don't know what happens behind closed doors. All I can say is that when I look at TC has a whole, from what I can see, I don't seem to agree with the studio.

    So, let's sum this up....


    • My skill-level has plateaued, and I have neither the time nor desire to work to improve it.
    • The recent installments of the series haven't made large enough leaps to keep things feeling "fresh"
    • Many of my friends are no longer playing
    • The sense of a challenge has been demoted to a limited-time grind
    • The bulk of the rewards are encompassed by a sense of FOMO or microtransactions
    • I feel out of touch with the developers and the direction of the game
    • I can't play the game without constantly being reminded of these things ^^^^^



    As I said in the intro, I actually had to type this up twice (thanks for crashing chrome!), so I probably missed some stuff. But hopefully this gets my points across :)

    submitted by /u/BChaps
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    Gameplay Update – Multiplayer XP Changes

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:56 PM PST

    New Gnasher Thoughts

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Really fucking digging the new gnasher, only complaint is maybe it's jsut a little too weak at close range now. Thought?

    submitted by /u/Awake_OhSleeper
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    Stuck in match results anyone?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:05 AM PST

    I tried Cupid Torque bow mode but everytime the round is done I can't chain an other round. I keep getting stuck on match results screen with nothing happening .

    I have to alt+F4 Gears 5 because I get no response in task manager...

    submitted by /u/Woxinium
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    Can hear other players talk, but I can't speak in game

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:52 PM PST

    As the title says, I am unable to speak in the gears 5 in game chat. I can still use party chat and other games but for some reason this one hates me. What gives?

    submitted by /u/JJMC_
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    Will there ever be a fix for the "0ms" issue?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:48 AM PST

    I live in the United states on the west coast, and sometimes, even though I know I should be getting matches quickly, the game will not match me. When I look at the servers in settings, it will show 0ms for 7 of them. It's made me lose interest in the game more than the broken ranked system.

    submitted by /u/GreedyHabib
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    Can anyone tell me what free content has been added this Op?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:38 PM PST


    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:03 PM PST

    so i have been playing gears of war 3 quite a bit recently. a little back story quickly, played gow 4 for pretty much the life span of the game but decided to go to trade school and wasnt able to sit on the box as much. my xbox gold lapsed and didnt play until my xmas break. so on a whim i bought the gold and have been playing here and there but i had the day off from school and work last monday and decide to veg out...all damn day. ate a "special cookie" after my girl left for work..turned on gow 3 and started playing koth and it was not able to find a quality match so i was pitted against bots. got tired of it. i was ready to be done and so i was just looking through my achievements, skins, characters etc. noticed i was missing onyx retro and sawed off. oh well nbd but then i saw the ivory and my god it brought back memories of me trying to get that " I've got this" achievement and failed for years. So now im stoned and decided to play guardian unfortunately against bots. and then idk what happened but on Cove i picked up the boom, incends and it was like a lining of the stars these dumbass bots literally were running in packs. i was at 7 kills as leader, then i see myrrah running back to spawn, with the cog on her ass..i roadied and rolled to be in front then used my last boom and got the achievement. i stared at the screen for like a minute shocked. 9 years later and i finally got it. long story, pretty weak getting it against bots, but the skin looks sick af still. thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/HazedxVaya
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    Just tried Arcade Mode for the first time.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Aside from the fact that any form of hyper-bouncing seems to be disabled, and Lancers can headshot, and it's a noobfest...

    This is the most fun I've had on Gears 5 since FFA released. This is where all the little Timmy's have been hiding. That's all I wanted to say.

    submitted by /u/ClusC
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    Custom Horde is unplayable

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:30 PM PST

    The lobby browser is filled with unjoinable games. There are lobbies that dissolved a week ago. Duplicate lobbies. Lobbies with 3/5 showing but you can't join them. Is there ever going to be a fix for this? It's been a problem since launch but it just keeps getting worse.

    submitted by /u/Chief_RedButt
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    12,000 elimination classic Baird challenge

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Whats the fastest way to get all these eliminations

    submitted by /u/SlashslingingsIasher
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    Nothing like joining a ranked game where everyone has 100+ ping and the opposing team is a 4 stack

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:52 AM PST

    What do you think Cole Train's load outs will be?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:41 AM PST


    Yah think he'll be a heavy? Explosive? maybe a boomshot? Maybe extra damage with heavy weapons like the Trishot?

    Whattya think?

    submitted by /u/afterthefire1
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    Ranked rewards

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Anybody know what weapons the ranked weapons skins are gonna be for at the end of this tour of duty?

    submitted by /u/chocolate_chipz1
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    Prime Time video gaming hours and can't even find a match in TC's Special event mode. Amazin.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Bittersweet that the game is dying but TC isn't rewarded for how poorly they manage this franchise.

    Update: I found a match, but it didn't spawn me into the game. THanks TC

    submitted by /u/JJCUE
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    So this happened to me twice in a row ������first time whatever about it second time had to get a pic my connection is pretty strong so may someone explain how this might happen?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    I thought this was worth sharing

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST

    So last night I had a dream in which gears 5 had a 20 v 20 game mode in a huge map, and the first team to get to 500 kills would win, also you were able to ride the bikes from the Gears of War 4 campain mission around the map, you were able to drive choppers and even tank, I dont know about you guys, but I feel like that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/PapiYuu
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    u/Vizier_Thoth lost a bet, now here he is in all his glory

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:59 PM PST

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