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    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    Gears of War | Weekly Developer Stream thread (February 13, 2020)

    Gears of War | Weekly Developer Stream thread (February 13, 2020)

    Weekly Developer Stream thread (February 13, 2020)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Weekly Developer Stream Today!

    Where to Watch:


    • Starts at ~3pm PST
    • Lasts for ~1.5-2 hours

    Be sure to check for a stickied comment below. If anything changes in regards to day/time, we'll be sure to have that info in the stickied comment!


    • Most weeks, Dana (u/tc-mjrdecision) and Liam (u/OctusTC) host
    • Occasionally Ryan (u/n0dezero) or some other developer
    • Andius (Community Team) works behind the scenes to run the stream/chat


    • The community team discusses any recent news and follows up with a Q/A session
    • Some streams have raffles or "click-to-claim" style prizes available!

    Submitting Questions!

    Currently TC looks at 2 main places for questions: The Chat and General community discussion. In attempt to gather some better questions that TC may be able to better prepare answers for, we are going to look at collecting some questions in this thread.

    Also note that this is not a thread that is officially supported by TC. We cannot guarantee that they'll see and/or use this. But we figure it's worth a shot. If nothing else, maybe someone else in the thread will be able to answer your questions!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My UIR-themed bike

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:19 PM PST

    This is Warcus. The Big Bad in Gears 6.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:17 AM PST

    Full Scale Gears of War Cosplay Theron Guard - SKS Props [self]

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Full Scale Gears of War Cosplay Theron Guard - SKS Props [self]

    Here's some great detail shots of my Gears of War Theron Guard Cosplay taken by my friend Wes (aka the Portrait Dude) It took around 420 hours to get him from a stack of foam to a fully wearable costume. This build utilized arm and leg extensions as well as a built from scratch muscle suit. Plus to finish him off a full scale Torque Bow that actually lights up

    You can see this beast moving around on my Youtube channel


    Complete with light up Torque Bow

    You can see more of my builds at www.sksprops.com

    submitted by /u/sksprops
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    I couldn’t care less. Now let me be clear, it may sound like I hate the cyclops, which is false. He is one of my favourites, but I can’t get excited for a character to return when I have to pay money, and I refuse to pay any money on this game.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:03 PM PST

    These numbers are mental

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:11 AM PST

    The Change This Franchise Needs.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:27 AM PST

    The only way this franchise survives is by going a completely different direction. Something that nobody would ever expect, a fresh new take on the world of Gears.

    This can only be done IF and ONLY IF they introduce Warcus, Marcus' evil counterpart and WaDom, the late Dom's equally evil counterpart, into the mix.

    Imagine a really serious scene in the game when it seems like there are two Marcus's (remember one is Warcus) and you, the player, has to make the choice with Kait holding a gun to shoot as they are pointing at each other saying "No I am the real Marcus" but you will be able to recognise Warcus by the distinct W on his bandana.

    I hope The Coalition reads this. It would be incredible.

    Edit: I have finalized my design. It's up to The Coalition to contact me to use it. Warcus design

    submitted by /u/RazielPC
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    I gonna save you MR. President

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Why is this a thing?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:23 PM PST

    The next master skins your gonna be able to get is the dropshot, overkill and GL not the gnasher We aren’t probably getting the gnasher for awhile I’m just guessing that those 3 are going to be in the next tour of duty. in trailer for this operation in this screenshot you see those 3 weapon all onyx

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Concrete and holistic fix to Ranked and progression.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:39 AM PST

    I'll get straight to the point. There is a massive issue with Ranked currently - players quit from matches. And there is a massive issue with progression - players are forced to grind specific challenges and medals to progress the ToD, which is the only meaningful reward system in the game.

    (meaning that you can be an AngryFPSGamer; someonee who plays consistently, is a loyal player, and yet has barely moved on the ToD - meaning he has barely been rewarded).

    There's a simple fix to these problems.

    1. Incentivize players to play and finish ranked matches. As it stands, the only thing you can get from ranked is a very small number of weapon skins, which we don't even know what these skins are. Otherwise, you practically have no reason to sweat in ranked play, unless you enjoy losing points for outstanding performances.


    • Every match rewards ToD stars (assuming the player finishes it), regardless of whether you gain ranked points. Two stars rewarded if the match is a loss; four stars rewarded if the match is a win.

    • Every completed match rewards 100 Iron. If I'm a good player - Good, in the sense that I actually stay in matches and am not AFK - I should get something for that, regardless of whether I'm skilled or unskilled.

    So, that is, players now actually have a reason to not only play Ranked, but to finish their Ranked matches. As it currently stands, players are practically punished if they decide to stay in a game where 1 or 2 of their teammates quit and they're getting dominated by the other team. It's a shame TC hasn't realized any of this yet.

    1. The actual account level - that number by your name? It means nothing right now. Outside of an unknown and, frankly, unimpressive reward once you re-up. So, we can't leave out casual and PvE players.

    An easy fix is to bring a system like the one above over to other modes and account level.


    • Reward players for progressing their level. This level most accurately reflect how much a person is playing the game, and there should be no reason why someone who is always playing the game is not getting anything. I recommend 1 ToD star per level. That's a simple 1-1 ratio that instantly makes that level actually mean something.

    • 100 Iron every 10 levels. I think this is a decent rate of gain. So, every 100 levels, the player has enough to get multiple items from the store.

    • Bonuses on re-up. I recommend 250 Iron and 6 stars for a re-up. Probably should be more, because the re-up should be a worthwhile reward that players feel the need to progress toward.

    I don't know about any of you, but I currently feel no need at all to progress my account level, and I honestly have very little reason to play Ranked outside of just for the experience at the end of the day.

    That's fine if you're a hardcore player like me - but most people aren't, and Gears is far too sweaty, anger-inducing and difficult of a game for people to not have anything to work toward unless they're doing a painful challenge/medal grind. What new player is going to take the time to grind out medals? Who's going to grind shit in a game they're still trying out? You need to like the game before you invest time grinding.

    submitted by /u/ClusC
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    Blood Drive with Ray Tray? Gears 6

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:02 PM PST

    This needs to be said, because I feel the developers don't get it..

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:44 PM PST

    I typed this in a post before, but the devs need to understand one fundamental law here, if they are wondering why the game is so unpopular and isn't shining like it could I can see a big part of as to why that is..

    Now the game-play is wonky and there is bugs, but I think once all that gets fixed eventually in an untimely manner (its what we expect at this point) I think the studio will still be stuck in a situation and they probably might be scratching their heads as to why and I generally think there is a golden rule that needs to be met, when a company decides to go full on GREED, and I'll state its okay to go full on GREED, it is business after all to some degree, but if and when they do decide to do that, they have to match or exceed player expectation.

    That is paramount, I've seen company's do this over and over and over again, and they fail at this approach simply because they did need meet players expectations when it comes to the overall package, and I think once this game plays smoothly and has content towards game-play, yes thats a big step in the right direction, but your still are not meeting player expectation in comparison to what you want from your players which is player retention and money, you make the players jump through so many hoops but you give so little in return here is my answer to your terrible decision making as of late. Again when studios get this right all you ever here after wards is complaining of how annoyed people are because they're bad at said game or just dislike it in general, which still seems bad, but the difference is the truth is spoken in the numbers by this point, objectively most people shut up once this area is met. Something like this is key for two things LONGEVITY and PLAYER PLANNING, if you meet these two requirements in a game, you silence the critics if of course you have a solid foundation those two things build off of (and right now you don't even have that ..yet), and I think TC knows this, but why they've not done it is beyond me. I'll go out on a stretch and call it laziness, they'd rather do less and hope to receive more.

    So I wrote this in response to a comment saying its harder to do creative content for Gears, but this is wrong, its not harder if anything it could be made easier if only the studio planned its pipeline and planned ahead to prepare for such an undertaking, but if you look at some form of success today within the trending fields, they are all doing this to some degree, except gears to my knowledge is the only one not doing it the correct way, there is doing, then there is doing it RIGHT, but still asking just as much as the other games are today, which doesn't add up... this game and this issue I bring up is to me the cognitive dissonance of gaming in 2020 right now. In my mind if it was to become a thing tomorrow, Gears would of magically had a huge mental block removed from its name and lighten the load to how people perceive it, when comparing it to the game they'll play today when deciding on what to spend the night on amoungst there list of games & apps... because I can tell you right now when I see Gears 5 on my games & apps, I immediately think "uninstall" and wonder why I have not done it already or reminisce over how simple Gears 4 was to enjoy or another game that got it right, but I can tell you its not this game. In fact why is it even still in my games & apps list you ask ?. It shouldn't be there, but luckily it looks ugly if I have a Gears game missing and not installed with the others. Yep, thats the painful truth.

    So here is my comment from earlier, to sum up why Gears needs a system like this, it would help bolster the ToD, the daily's, the longevity of the game, player planning and pretty much solve a big portion of issues at once so they stick around longer to plan their characters look, its just an essential thing needed if this is where the devs wish to take the game, and I firmly believe that if something like this is not implemented soon (understandably probably would be for the release of Gears 6, as 5 is a total bust and creating this system for it is futile in my eyes, they clearly are not developing or changing fast enough to turn it around, they;ll fix the game-play but nothing much else im sure of it). I'll be blown away if this ever gets a solid good rep again, Gears 6 though its possible in my eyes to return to form and im not saying req packs, this is more akin to a pubg style gear system. Again there is doing it, and then there is doing it right TWO different things. The PuBG system might not even be right for Gears, but by zeus's beard Gears needs this in some form to stay relevant and long lasting, people are even expecting a system akin to this in Tactics (see its a thing) and the devs I believe have done such a system to this so again, bring that over to the main titles of your series. Hell I'll even say if Gears 5 launched with a system like this, it'd be a lot more popular even with all these bugs and errors, it couldn't of hurt. It beats paying for a character you'd already grown accustom too and had for free in previous games.

    You'd be surprised with how much a gamer can put up with if they feel rewarded, have a sense of involvement and planning in a game, which is something you managed to completely skip on, not only that but hinder and stagnate, as people do the math and realize the EXTRA effort to receive a character they've had with ease before, im laughing as I type this, its truly absurd how it got to this. Most people will just switch off.

    So I was discussing why games like cod etc are doing better right now whilst essentially doing some of if not the same thing, and why cod is preferable in specifics areas compared to gears. The other person stated that it was harder to develop stuff like that for Gears, but its essentially not and its not really if it is or isn't but how its seen that matters and how it comes off, because these things matter..

    so lets get to it.

    they could do a lot more in other areas though why is nobody wondering that ? there is no excuse really. They could of done cosmetic weapon attachments, custom characters were you earn amour parts, helmets, visors, knee pads, body Armour, skin types for locust, boots, gloves, different tac coms designs/colors, voice lines, weapon cosmetic types/shapes. Armour variants of all of those individual pieces, gears / locust mash ups were every so often you can unlock a locust gear piece thats not to distracting from distinction of the enemy but in gold, so your custom cog could have locust sniper goggles etc, you could of had facial features, face paints, hair types, beard types, battle damage details on your custom cogs Armour or body (like a hammer of dawn scar or JDs arm thing), face wraps, weapon holder slots, that change the layout of how weapons are placed, belt buckles, belt trinkets, tattoos, eye color.

    and even then you could add this to standard gears and swarm/locust characters without messing with the theme and personality of a story character for example.

    Baird is standard Baird, but you can put things on him like different goggles, and other parts but you can't change his personality or look visually (no altering of the traits that make him, him or you cant swap his face) so then people can still utilize the system but still play as their favorite character, but all customization for a standard character fits their theme. e.g. most of Bairds stuff is engineer or smart ass related, or tech driven. or better yet just customize him and totally make him look like a cog gear, but underneath all that is still his voice and maybe at the front of his cog Armour it says "Baird Kilo Squad" etc so much choice here, its stupid after 6 games nothing is being done about it and now is about time since they want to go full on greed.

    ..all of what I have mentioned could fit gears in some way on a theme fitting realistic level.

    instead they just charge for characters we'd had for free for years.. wtf. Its laughable. I'd of rather them charge for above instead and of let us kept our characters we've always had for free.

    its not easier though to make content just because of theme or genre, its about being creative and wanting to put the effort in. Im not talking unicorn skins either im talking realsitic gears themed skins, they have enough source material and design skills for sure if they wanna be greedy and go this route they need to put in equal amount of effort because all everyone sees this as is pathetic and lazy, which it is. Whilst that continues to go on each day they lose more respect and admiration and they wont dig themselves out until they match our expectations with their needs, you can only shovel so much shit one persons way in a two person agreement, otherwise someones going buckle, and its evident here. Gears games are not stale or old or boring, its just been put in the center of complete shit show of bad purposeful choices, with lazy people at the helm of these choices.

    Overall games like Apex, CoD, etc etc etc they don't go all out either, but in some form it is present, and its woefully apparent that they do it great in one area or more, far better than Gears does, for example with CoD yes its standard characters, but its £8 for a pass but it gets it right in the weapon department, no expense is spared when it comes to weapons, its the most detailed weapon system on consoles, Apex doesn't offer that much customization but it has solid game-play and its focused and so its okay to have that system, it meets players needs. Each trending successful game today excels in one or two areas, but Gears is hardly hitting a C+ in almost all of it, besides campaign. Gears needs longevity though around its repetitive short nature, this is the easiest path / answer in my eyes. Just remember also locking content forever pushes people away you think a fan of classic baird will stick around later if he can't get him ? yeah didn't think so .. have a good think about that. Your system is whack and on its own planet.

    TLDR: If you want players and money, meet the needs of your players in some form, especially here as it covers the most ground in one go. Essentially, your want must match or exceed our need, its how other companies are doing it, some are doing it, but some are starting to DO IT RIGHT. Completely Two different things. You also tried to copy it and failed, copy and do it better or find the fit for it to Gears it being unique in its own form, because this isn't it. Gears Tactics from a glance appears to be you (TC) trying to learn this I think.

    To the future people who might hate what I've typed Im just giving feedback, thats more than just ranting and if you don't think this fits this game, and like it how it is, then your just robbing yourself of future extras and enjoyment. It doesn't hurt anyone and helps everyone to some degree.

    submitted by /u/SerifGrey
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    C'mon guys!!!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:10 PM PST


    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:11 PM PST

    Worst servers of any gears game so far. Maybe 5 dollars from skins to real servers would have been a reasonable investment. Can't wait for gears 6 to be mail order cardboard cutouts.

    submitted by /u/idontknow_something
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    BIG GNASHER CHANGES! - In-Depth Analysis: One-Shot Range, Damage Values, Spreads & General Thoughts!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Is this game series called "Gears of War" because all the soldiers look like they take steroids or because the individual soldiers in the army are all like the gears/cogs of a machine?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Gnasher broken on PC?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Glad I'm already Rank 1 in the ranked mode I play the most, but why is the Gnasher performing so inconsistently? Point blank 80% and sometimes 0s? Might have to just wait a for weeks for a change or hopefully revert. All this update entailed was forcing players to use 2-3 shots to kill someone from ranges that should be an instakill and not what they deem good enough on a 6-shot gun. Reaction shots only work 1/5 times now, so they're just reinforcing the bot gameplay style now of walking in a straight line and holding your trigger. I see a lot of positive reviews about it so I'm assuming I play well enough to say it's at least busted on PC. Fix soon please.

    submitted by /u/Tooezbro_rs
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    Sup guys, I just found this. Never used any of the codes and don’t have a use for them. So enjoy! Please leave a comment if you download one!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:00 PM PST

    gotta love the boltok

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    New gnasher=new personal best

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Having trouble unlocking Baird

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST

    So basically I've completed all of the challenges aside from the 'get 30 headshot kills during versus' I've never really played versus because I've always preferred to stick to horde, but I tried pvp with a friend and got some headshots, but when I returned to the Baird unlock challenge screen, my headshot counter was 0/30 :/ (yes I have the Baird Totem equipped) So I'm kind of lost,, do I need to play a different type of versus match? Use a specific weapon?

    submitted by /u/briansepstein
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    That's the best dropshot I'll ever hit tbh

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Arm wrestling a COG soldier

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Nice 2v5.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:38 AM PST

    how much xp in a elite horde now after update?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    i played 20 waves but my game is glitched i cant see the amount xp or anything i get after a match

    submitted by /u/CrimsonHeadxvk
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