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    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Gears of War | Weekly Developer Stream Today - Discuss & Submit Questions

    Gears of War | Weekly Developer Stream Today - Discuss & Submit Questions

    Weekly Developer Stream Today - Discuss & Submit Questions

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:55 AM PDT

    Weekly Developer Stream Today!

    Where to Watch:


    • Starts at ~3pm PST
    • Lasts for ~1.5-2 hours
    • Note that Twitch & Mixer both retain VODs for a little while (maybe a couple weeks) after the stream, so you can go back and watch/listen


    • Most weeks, Dana ( u/tc-mjrdecision ) and Liam ( u/OctusTC ) host
    • Occasionally Ryan ( u/n0dezero ) or some other developer
    • Andius (Community Team) works behind the scenes to run the stream/chat


    • The community team discusses any recent news and follows up with a Q/A session
    • Some streams have raffles or "click-to-claim" style prizes available!


    Submitting Questions!

    Currently TC looks at 2 main places for questions: The Chat and General community discussion. In attempt to gather some better questions that TC may be able to better prepare answers for, we are going to look at collecting some questions in this thread.

    Check out the sticky comment below!

    Also note that this is not a thread that is officially supported by TC. We cannot guarantee that they'll see and/or use this. But we figure it's worth a shot. If nothing else, maybe someone else in the thread will be able to answer your questions!


    Answered Questions:

    On weeks when I'm able to, I will try to post the answers to some of the questions in the comments. To assist though, we encourage the community to grab time-stamps and/or answers to post in this thread!

    submitted by /u/BChaps
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    The memories of the first time this happened are like a stim to my soul

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    I hope they never fix this

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    This game is a mess and a gigantic missed opportunity.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    It may be a waste at this point spending my time writing an extremely long post detailing what as all of us here already know point by point but I am going to continue as a way of getting the frustration out of my system.

    The problems with the game; whether it be ping issues, server issues, progression and stats not counting, the lack of signature series characters over dumb terminator cross promotion (some of which is paid), the maps and lack thereof, the store and microtransactions, the general incompetence and strange decision making when it comes to things like weapon skins having 'GEARS 5' plastered all over them or locking player made maps from the challenge progression, the constant barrage of bugs and jankiness and the overall grind for everything in the game - so on and so on, are extremely, EXTREMELY demoralising and off putting for a fan of this series. I personally can not be bothered with this game in its current state especially with a metric shit tonne of new games coming out this winter. I regret my full purchase of the game as after finishing the excellent campaign I am left with nothing but massive disappointment.

    I don't want to directly attack TC however I am struggling to see anything but pure disregard for the fanbase at this rate. Many times already throughout the beginning of this games life cycle TC have ignored our biggest concerns and complaints where it really matters. Im sure feedback is being passed on but nearly two months after launch the game has had MORE issues and MORE bullshit put in rather than less or stuff having being corrected. The store still sucks real bad on the same level as a free to play game (Universal emotes being resold for same price as the same emote with dialogue for one character as one recent example) and new grindy character Totems which are an insult to players time have been implemented for us to earn these new 'free' characters.

    While talking of characters where are our key characters from even the campaign? Baird and Cole to name a couple? The canned response is about their abilities being developed for in horde and escape and so on and so on but who actually wants this system? No one wants to be forced to play a character for their abilities TC, NO ONE! Make character ability presets and let us pick! Then you'll be able to get characters out faster in general and so on. This is a gigantic change that would take time to implement however I have seen countless posts requesting this and it would be a great change for the game as characters are key content in a gears game.

    When the game first come out it was number one I believe on Xbox Live even beating out Fortnite. This is absolutely due to Game Pass allowing new players to try out the game. Now its quickly dropped to somewhere near the 20th spot. How has the game fallen off so quickly? The reasons above are just a few in my opinion (shockingly there are even more issues not mentioned here).

    Some of this may sound entitled to some people but what this actually is is someone caring about a series and game that I do not want to fail, along with most of this subreddit who feel the same way. There are plenty of videos out there defining whats wrong with the game better than I have here and my hope is just that TC listens to its players and doesn't continue to let the game die in the way it already is.

    TL;DR - Countless issues arising on an almost daily/weekly basis alongside grind, anti consumerism and a lack of real community communication is driving me and other lifelong fans away but more importantly failing to draw in a new audience despite the extremely promising start due to Game Pass being utterly squandered.

    submitted by /u/MASdestroyer
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    GRIDLOCK by Night (gears3) bring it back

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    The only character additions we need

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:37 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:23 PM PDT

    Gears 5 Money Model being F2P even though the game can be bought outright for $60-80 needs some form of rectification.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:03 AM PDT

    Edit: Can't edit title, so imagine the price range stated is $60-120.

    This pricing model only makes somewhat sense if this game was only available as F2P. It kinda is F2P with GamePass, since from what I understand, it's required on console nowadays to play online, and the games are simply a bonus to online. I could be wrong about the online requirement though.

    However on PC, there is no pay to play online fee. This means unless you plan to use GamePass for other games outside of Gears 5, you're better off just buying Gears 5 outright. But since this game's money model is based off of F2P, this game isn't worth buying for the $60-120 price tag. I say this because a majority of the game's content is either locked behind a massive grindfest, skippable through Iron payments, or Iron exclusive content.

    Now as much as I dislike F2P models, I don't think TC's bottom line would be met reasonably if no one actually bought the full price versions of the game. The majority of the Gears 5 playerbase played the game through the GamePass deal for the $2/2 months offer. I am included in this myself, even though I was considering buying this game on Steam, and would have if it wasn't for the GamePass deal. But currently, I have no incentive to buy this game full price, nor will I ever if there isn't anything done to make a full price purchase enticing.

    At least for me, I'd be more willing to accept the F2P model if buying the full price options of Gears 5 also came with the same amount of Iron that you could purchase in the in-game store as well. This bundled iron would ideally be proportional to the cost in the in-game store, and possibly greater in proportion if the Iron prices aren't lowered more to be more reasonable.

    This bundled Iron could then be used to purchase content in the store that players actually care about. The advantage about this is that TC could gather accurate financial data about what players actually want in the store regarding to skins, executions, emotes, etc and actually produce more content that actually corresponds to what is sold. This compiled data could be used to produce the content that matches this, and it could be used to finance future map packs, new characters, and campaigns, game modes, and whatever else that all players would be recieving for free for what TC would traditionally add into a season pass.

    However, I can only see this working out well if Iron prices in the Store are never increased past the current value, and the bundled Iron is actually enough to add in an amount of content that would be reasonable for a full price player to be satisfied. If it ends up feeling like a ripoff, this will not end up working most likely.

    Also, for the love of Gears, please do not make new future characters locked behind insane 10 hour grindfests. These characters should be accessible to everyone in a reasonable amount of time. Having to essentially work a full 40 hour work week in the game in order to unlock a 4 character roster expansion is insane. It's also not fun at all if the majority of requirements are the same, but can only be worked on one at a time. It makes it feel like a massive grind, and huge efficiency waster, especially if you don't particularly want to play PvP or vice versa with PvE.

    If the characters are going to require an average of 10 hours to unlock per character, then the unlock requirements to have their progress shared between all current and future characters. The scrap requirement can be exclusive to each character, as long as scrap isn't made rarer as a result, or the scrap cost doesn't go up; the scrap could be used as play time in the game in general, since you'd need to put a decent amount if playtime in game to be able to amass a decent amount of scrap already.

    I know this is a very long post and it might have somewhat went on a tangent in some places. I needed to get out what I've been thinking on my head lately about this game and it's financial viability and enjoyment by the playerbase.

    TL;DR: Compensate the current and future players who support you by purchasing the $60 standard entry fee, to the whatever maximum price version of this game that's available for retail. Compensation can come in form of bundled iron of value of purchase price.

    I hope this feedback doesn't get buried in reddit and hopefully seen by TC. I want to enjoy Gears 5 the best I can, but if nothing is done to make the player experience more reasonable, then I'll have no issue dropping Gears 5. I've been a Gears fan since the beginning, but nowadays, there's plenty of competition out there, with better consumer friendly practices and price models.

    I forgot to tag you, u/OctusTC. This should probably help you notice this. I don't need a response or anything; I just want you to notice it.

    submitted by /u/N7_Commander_John
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    Gears' store in a nutshell.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    Locust Sniper liked this

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Havent we learned from other titles?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    Short and simple. For honors community did a black out. They got theyre game somewhat fixed and devs shooken up. The battlefront 2 fiasco . Look at that game now its awesome than what it was on launch. Ive grown up on gears while everyone else played other things i was stuck on gears . I dont want to see it get ruined more than it is. I know its a long shot. But in all honestly isnt everyone tired of being seen as dollar signs? When will enough be enough times were simple back then we actually had all our content with a 60 dollar purchase. But now we dont even have that only get 50% of the content while the rest is online only. Think about it my fellow gears. Its you that can make this change

    submitted by /u/IsatInFlames
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    Gears Ranked Broken and it needs a burial?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Why when i win i get -1000 points and when i loose i get positive? is it just flat out broken and useless??

    What are the coalition waiting for everyone to stop playing their game?

    submitted by /u/TheRumBy
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    I would actually pay money for this skin. Please TC!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    The same expression in the daily shop today as the one from October 1st that you can use on all characters except this time you can only use it for Del and they are charging the same price. They did this before with Fahz.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    My thoughts so far and why I'm quitting for now

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    These are my personal opinions on Gears 5, I don't mean any of this to be inflammatory. Played Gears of War since the first game huge fan of the series, finally got a replica lancer. Bought the ultimate edition (unfortunately. Still not really sure what extra I got for $20). I've been playing a little bit almost every day since release, sitting 3 stars from completing ToD and placing silver in everything (reason why later). As soon as I complete ToD and the events I'm quitting.

    First of all the launch window bugs and in game store haven't bothered me. Lots of big games shit the bed online on release and sadly I'm conditioned to expect it. The store I can ignore, haven't bought and won't buy anything. The campaign is amazing so far except up until recently I've had issues where it would sign me out and kick me to the menu after a while of playing and I couldn't find anyone else with the same problem. I think it was related to using a controller to sign in? I don't know but it seems to be working fine now and that's why I haven't finished campaign yet (work full time and playing insane solo).

    I'm stuck in silver in every playlist because I've been having a hard time finding cool people to play with online. Hardly anyone uses in game chat and I suspect there's a bug for in game chat with PC users. Solo ranked gets old quick and I haven't even really had luck finding team mates on discord (that server is a trash fire). Escalation is absolute garbage and painful to play if even just to get the medal. The shotgun tuning seems to have helped a lot. Last night I must have tried 10 terminator horde matches as Del to get the kills medal done and every match had shitters that bought fortifications as JD, moved the fabricator across the map from our already established base, people running around the map with over 10k energy, absolutely maddening. This is with me wearing a headset asking the players to deposit energy.

    Finally my biggest complaint is that a lot of the events and unlocks are on a timer, like you have to complete them when TC wants you to or you won't get them. This is stressful to me and just makes me want to quit. A lot of the grinding is artificial, especially on the character unlocks, and when they add a paid option to skip it becomes very transparent where the scummy motives lie. The re up rewards are total trash (one skin I'll never use????). There are late ToD skin unlocks of character from the campaign and apparently after the ToD finishes there's no way to get them unless you pay. The terminator chars have no place in this game. It's literally an ad, YOU PAY TO USE CHARACTERS TO BE AN AD!!! All this combined together is why as soon as I complete the events I'm done until at least the next ToD.

    The Coalition made a fine game after some bug fixes, it's fun and campaign is awesome, but either them or Microsoft are trying to be extremely greedy with the mtx and battle pass Fortnite nonsense. People are going to get tired of this real soon. Putting Gears 5 on gamepass for $2 was a gigantic mistake. Like really you don't think people would have paid $60 for a new Gears?? Now they're trying to recoop the money lost from squeezing it from players. Who's idea was this nonsense???

    tl;dr the game is awesome, but some things are being handled poorly and I feel I'm being pushed away

    EDIT: Forgot to mention my opinion on the "drip feeding" of content. I liked it in Halo 5 and Splatoon 1. When the games launched they had few maps and weapons and it gave time to get really familiar with what was there. I liked having a small selection to get used to things. They add free content and you suddenly have something new to play with. I caught on now though and it just seems like a transparent ploy to add artificial longevity and an excuse to gouge for mtx purchases. There has to be a better way.

    submitted by /u/Teknomekanoid
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    The ranking system has me in an utter kerfuffle

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    Is anyone else struggling to actually get into a match of Pumpkinball?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    The game will load up and just sit there in the validating match screen with the scoreboard and NEVER start.

    submitted by /u/Atluuuus
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    Using a Boom when you play in Europe...

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    When I’m playing ranked and half my team quits.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Heroes die but legends are forever

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    New JD Halloween Skin looks sick!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Haven't played in years but I still got it.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Attention to detail, Myrrah and a Boomer on the Relaxed Boomshot. Note : They are also on all Relaxed weapons for some reason. Also.... there are no characters on the C H I L L set, I already checked.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    Just got credit for losing a match of Pumpkinball

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    So yesterday it seemed like you had to win to get credit towards the imago skin, but it seems like that's been fixed today. Simply playing 13 matches should be enough now.

    submitted by /u/FataleOrendi
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    When your playing horde and you get to wave 46

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    But Xbox says it's time to update.

    submitted by /u/El-Green-Jello
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    Current Ranking system does NOT work [ Feedback ]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    Your current ranking system is not not working. You keep making ninja changes and it's doing nothing. Right now execution the ranking is completely busted - you can win entire matches versus higher averages and take mvp and lose points. You can lose a round but just go for rapid multikills and gain points - it doesn't make sense. I'm currently masters and I think the whole thing is a joke.

    I got to masters literally by losing matches and just going for as many points as fast as possible in king of the hill - winning didn't even matter and my play style was adjusted just to go for ranking because my goal was to rank up. I could care less about securing a power weapon or helping a downed team mate - all I cared about was my SPM. I played selfishly and the end result? I got the highest rank in the game. (Of course I'm good at the game as well - but point still stands).

    • Just establish a CONSISTENT ranking system.. here's an example.
      Win match = +250 points
      Lose match = -250 points
      Overall match MVP = +50 points
      Top 3 overall = +25 points
      Top 5 = + 15
      Anything below - apply standard +250/-250 and nothing else. Despite not doing 'the best' these players will still move up and down rank CONSISTENTLY.

    What does a ranking system like that achieve? Well first of all.. you GO UP in rank if you WIN, and you go DOWN in rank if you LOSE.. It's been pretty established that this is how ranking systems work for YEARS. Also including the 'pole position' bonuses would just make you rank up faster - because if you play well and lose, you will lose LESS points. If you play well and win then you gain even MORE points. Regardless of MVP as long as you're WINNING you'll be going UP.

    Stop the resets, stop the ninja rank changes each week, and just give a simple system. I can't even play with friends because when we win they will LOSE rank - you cannot determine their impact on the match via statistics - it goes BEYOND that. I can have a guy rotate to a strong position so we can choke an enemy out with lancers but I get the kill - he may do little to no damage but simply his PRESENCE locks down an area where the enemy cannot rotate and enables me to secure the kill. Your ranking system cannot account for that but the end result is we win the round/match.

    So please before people lose interest completely in ranked - make the changes. The current system does NOT WORK. And again I'm already masters and telling you it's not working.

    submitted by /u/nickwithtea93
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