• Breaking News

    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Gears of War | reminder that the reason the community is mad because 1. lack of character on release 2. no way to earn iron through being a dedicated player

    Gears of War | reminder that the reason the community is mad because 1. lack of character on release 2. no way to earn iron through being a dedicated player

    reminder that the reason the community is mad because 1. lack of character on release 2. no way to earn iron through being a dedicated player

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    the concept of a cosmetic store with only real money works and doesn't get complained about is if the game is free.

    People have paid 60-90 dollars for this game and it just rubs them the wrong way by putting a lot of good content in the store and a lot of content people don't care about as the free content.

    For example, the imago skin, who honestly cares about that? I doubt barely anyone. Why not make the weapon skin set or the other 2 halloween sets the earnable ones? Are all the free content just back burner ideas that get created fast and put into supply drops/grind attached to it and all the flashy cool looking cosmetics are store only? Or is it just a big coincidence that the shitty skin is made free and the flashy/unique/stand out skins are the ones that are in the store? Give players some flashy shit here and there instead of making everything pay pay pay.

    No one likes the free curb stomp you gave us, the "new one". It's slow as hell. The one that is fast and pays respect to the gears 1 curb stomp is pay only ofc. Why not switch it up? If you switched it up, then no one would have complained. Why even make a new curb stomp, who asked for it? How about focus on bringing back what's in the game already instead of wasting time making new things for the fun of it when a lot of players are unhappy?

    Iron for re-ups would be interesting as it would limit the amount of iron per account, or you could make iron per game or time spent in a game. If you ever want to make iron giftable, maybe make a untradable version of iron that is the same value, but is just the version that can't be traded, so that people can't farm it on alts and then just transfer the iron via gifting.

    Just saying. People would love to play the game more if the content was earnable without paying money. I understand you think your concept is the way to go, but it just isn't.

    I personally don't have an issue, but it isn't about me. The gaming industry is about understanding your players and what works and how. Like I said, a cosmetic only store that can't be grinded via gameplay only works on free to play games, not 60-90 dollar games. That just pisses people off.

    Oh forgot the mention the characters. If you had OG delta squad and 3-4 locust characters on the swarm people would be in love with the game. Instead, you are making people not play the game until operation 2-4 to actually enjoy the game. The people who are veterans grew up to love the original characters.

    Also bonus : Sarah connor is pretty trash but the 20 dollar bundle terminator character is actually pretty solid with her setup, especially for escape. Is it a coincidence the character that was free barely has anything going for them but the character you MUST pay for has good skills?

    DOUBLE BONUS: why was the DB even a totem character when there are no escape/horde abilities for him? The characters are done (as admitted on stream) besides the abilities, so he could have easily been included as a base character but instead of getting an actual character for horde/escape (like baird/cole/dom) we got a filler character.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    I went 15 and 10 on ranked TDM and I lost more on the round We won then both rounds we lost DONT IMPLEMENT A RANKING SYSTEM IF YOU HAVE ZERO IDEA ON HOW TO CALIBRATE IT AFTER 2 MONTHS

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    When you finally hit that scratch you've been struggle to get

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    What kind of sorcery?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Getting back handed

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Switch Your Button Layout for NO Delay...

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    So I've seen a few ppl talking about the game feels like it has a delay in versus for example like when u pull the trigger and you feel like u should shoot but it doesn't come out and next thing u know ur a dead grub

    Well I'm here to help y'all out!

    Change ur button layout to classic alt and just remap the buttons (using the in game button remapping settings) to whtever u r used to. Once you do this you will notice a difference because EVERY button layout on the game BESIDES classic alt has a delay. Well not really a delay but rather the game registers button inputs on the RELEASE of the button but classic alt registers the button on the PRESS of it. So switch to classic alt for faster response by like 2 frames

    submitted by /u/SenzuOGU
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    'Marcus is useless'

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    When another player said this regarding Horde I couldn't argue.

    Marcus and to an extent Fahz suffer at higher waves/difficulties.

    He fails as a tank, has limited damage output, and his Ultimate and Band of Brothers seem to be broken.

    The new COG Gear has 3 damage reduction cards and multiple healing and stim cards, making him far tankier than Marcus, with a substantially more useful Ultimate.

    I'd love to see Marcus get 'Razor's Edge'. It provides substantial universal damage resistance when wounded and would synergize exceptionally with Last Stand (+ damage when wounded), his Ultimate's recharge, and role as a tank. The Gear already has this card, and nobody is going to complain about certain characters sharing skills.

    Dude needs some love and this seems like a relatively easy way to start.

    Similarly, Fahz needs some Called Shot. I'd like to see it unlocked mid-level, but if it replaced his current gold skill card I'd welcome it. It'd be a familiar addition that increases his personal and team usefulness. (Heavy weapons could get 50% of the bonus to encourage using something other than the trishot).

    It's viable but not particularly fun to have to hide in the back with the face of the franchise in particular, but that seems to be where Marcus and Fahz are, reduced to needing trishots to contribute.

    submitted by /u/IQDeclined
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    Twitter Funny AF

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:00 AM PDT

    Characters should always be released at the start of an operation, not in the middle of it.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    Operation 2 will have the characters released at the start, which is great. Why? Because if this grindy system is kept to unlock them, then at least while you are doing the tour missions/medlas you'd unlock characters.

    People who didn't care about escape/hore who did it for medals for progress got pissed off when there was yet another escape/horde requirement to unlock something.

    There is another game I play that does the same thing and it's just to give a false lifespan to something artifically instead of organicly. Stop making us repeat content that is old or we already did.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    Gears 5, could be great with a small technical fix

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    A lot of players are complaining about many different aspects of the game and I can understand a lot of them. For me those issues are not "game breaking" issues. When I play multiplayer I have so much fun. I like other modes better than some but the joy of playing and fighting gives me such an adrenaline rush. I'm sure many of you all love it as well. My BIG issue is how much down time there is between games (match making, "validating match", etc). I think most of it is bs to keep us thinking something is happening. But it isn't. So is the match making so bad and broken we have to wait forever or are there just not many players? I don't know. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Clintonm8
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    I havent seen anyone post of the "Chrome Steel" Drone Elite that was in the Pumpkin ball trailer? Kinda disappointed he looks too basic.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:48 AM PDT

    Coalition, if you somehow see this...

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    I always stick around in ranked games even when others leave. Literally played my second game of the night, got disconnected/ kicked/ session timed out, and was penalized for 15 mins. This is so discouraging for playing your latest, biggest game so please fix this. When you sort all this out, at least wipe everyone slate clean or something

    • most gears players, probably
    submitted by /u/Koenma-Sir
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    Sums up my first 3 games of escalation tonight

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    Ranked system

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    Please fix the ranked system, I have been playing gears since the original and I am a direct hard gears fan. The ranked system in this game makes me not want to play the game at all. I know I'm not alone in this battle of winning a ranked game and losing 100 points or getting MVP but lose the game and drop 400 points. For example I duo queue with my friend in masters (I was in masters in the alpha and first week of game launch). After the ranked update I was dropped to gold 1 and when we play together we win every game and I lose points... a gold in a masters game loses points for a win? Please fix the ranked system because I want to love this game. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Brockoli15
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    Treat yo self! - FYI for Aus customers. Gears 5 Razer Thresher is back in stock on the Aus Razer Store!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    I'm getting horde cards from the terminator horde event now.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    Not sure what the issue was. Wasn't getting horde cards when the event first started but just completed a game and got some cards.

    Just wanted to let all the horde fans know about it if it wasn't announced yet.

    submitted by /u/SmooveBoi
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