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    Monday, July 20, 2020

    Gears of War | If you quit during a ranked game you're a little bitch

    Gears of War | If you quit during a ranked game you're a little bitch

    If you quit during a ranked game you're a little bitch

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

    submitted by /u/disapparate276
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    Gears 5 E3 2018 cutscene but everyone except Kait is Swarm

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Just scrollin by and thought this was a happy coincidence.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    The most forgotten gears map of all time. I forgot about it too until just now.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Marcus Fenix

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    i would be so happy to have this hybrid as a grenadier skin!!!!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Anyone know where I can get a high quality version of this?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Gears 5 Escape Tier List for Operation 4

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Gears 5 Escape Tier List for Operation 4

    Hey folks, updating the list again, and double checked to not forget Lizzie this time. The list is assuming the map is random or equally favorable to all characters and on at least Insane Difficulty. If you have any questions on where and why I placed characters not directly mentioned please ask!

    Rank Explanations

    • S-Tier: Borderline must picks and good on most hives. Lahni is now joining the original Hivebuster Squad here after her passive being changed to heal her on melee kills. The one downside of melee is that it's not safe, this makes it a lot safer since you're going to be healing for 50% every kill. Keegan however has lost a ton of bleed damage on explosives. This hurts him a lot and I thought about dropping him to A Tier but I still think the ammo regeneration is too valuable. COG Gear got straight buffs and I think he's way too good to stay in A Tier now. His new passive giving +50% healing speed to nearby teammates is great.
    • A-Tier: Characters who are generally good on most hives and are overall solid picks. Clayton's new passive healing him for heavy weapon damage and Mulcher card combo plus the Torque Bow bleed damage might make him a little more map dependent since he can't be an ult charger now. But still a great character. Marcus' ultimate no longer needing you to reload is actually insane and skyrockets him from C Tier all the way to A. Kait's ultimate being able to clear out lots of trash mobs and bleed damage on shotguns is gonna land her in A Tier. Shotguns are generally plentiful and outside of that her ult is a solid escape and engage tool. Paduk joins them in A Tier. His ultimate scares away most non boss enemies, Pouncers and Scions included, and makes them take more damage. He gets bleed damage when he has Stim, great choice to pair with the COG Gear, ironic that those two would be the best of friends.
    • B-Tier: Fringe uses, not useless, but more situational. Baird got an extra 5% bleed with precision weapons but his bonus damage with Deebee weapons was nerfed. He's still suffering from the "Engineer in Escape" problem but he's still not bad if you're on a hive with tons of Markzas, EMBARs or Enforcers. JD is here in B because you won't have constant access to the Lancer GL or other explosive weapons. Fahz is also B. You aren't going to constantly have access to the Longshot or EMBAR. On hives where those show up he'd be scary.
    • C-Tier: Characters I would avoid entirely on any higher difficulty. Sarah is here alone, her buddy Marcus got better while she didn't. She's better than D Tier, not by much, but if I'd have to see anyone of the bottom 4 characters it'd be her. She just doesn't bring enough to the table to be worth it.
    • D-Tier: Pure Garbage, we have a newcomer this Operation, everyone welcome Del! His only cards worth anything outside of Horde are Reduced Recoil on Deebee weapons and extra damage on Deebee weapons. The rest is literally for Horde Fortifications. Him and Kat are the best example of the "Engineers in Escape" problem. They're near useless.


    submitted by /u/Vizier_Thoth
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    I bet you haven't seen bs like this in Gears 5

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    We need to convince TC to bring this design back. Probably his best design IMO.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Ultra Instinct

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Finished in five days. Now, I can sleep.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    You either hated ruins or you loved ruins.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Got first quint thanks to 8-shot gnasher

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Xp Rates

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    One thing I've noticed is that once you get past Re Up 10, the XP you need to level up sky rockets, now I'm currently on my 13th re up, it's not too bad, but definitley starting to seem noticeable that the XP required to level up is increasing by 600xp per Re Up, I can only imagine how long it will take in the re up 20s!

    What I personally would like to see, is some improvements on gaining xp, yes we have the fears allies system, but not everyone can party up with a full squad of friends, maybe some rotating challenges for XP? Reward XP for completing tour objectives? Increased gains for meeting certain requirements, kills, captures, etc in Versus?

    Just anything really that doesn't make me feel like I'm gonna have to shell out to buy boost to rank up at a somewhat normal rate :)

    submitted by /u/Asimplebroccoli2
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    Horde Character Perks (Operation 4)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Horde Character Perks (Operation 4)

    Well, I've made a list of the perks cause they've changed a lot in the current operation (4) and I think it may be helpful for the community as right now I think there is no way to see the perks until you are in a match. I've added as a bonus the role, weapons, ulti and passive descriptions.

    Marked with a - sign the perks removed in Op 4

    Red items are new/updates in Op IV (Perks only)

    Gears 5 Op 4 Perks List

    submitted by /u/molinahuerta
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    Ukkon Art ����

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    The New Ranking System

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I'd like to use this post as a place for civil feedback about this new ranking system. After playing a bit this ranked preseason, I see some positives with this new system, but also a few negatives.

    I'd like to preface this by thanking TC for putting in the time and effort to listen to the community and make a new ranking system. It's a huge risk, and I hope it winds up in the right spot. Hopefully this post can help them land in the right spot.

    Let's start off with the positives.

    It's a very transparent system; you know exactly why are you moving up, down, and where you fall in your progress. It's nice to see.

    You only match with players in the tier above or below. This is good. It ensures you're only matching with people around your skill level, and that you never feel burdened having to carry much lower ranked players. IMO, if the old system was transparent and had the aforementioned tier matchmaking restrictions, it would've been a very good system. So, it is very nice to see the weaknesses of the old system immediately addressed.

    Now some negatives.

    The GP cap needs to be increased. I'll be referencing KOTH often, as it is the only playlist I really play.

    I find it ridiculous that a person with 10 caps, 2 breaks, and 40 kills in KOTH gets the same amount of points as someone with 12 caps, 2 breaks, and 90 kills. It also does not feel good at all to drop a scoreline like 10 caps, 3 breaks, 80 elims , only to get beat out on "MVP" by someone with an 11 cap, 3 break, 40 elim scoreline. One person clearly performed better than the other, but the scoreboard (and thus the final GP result) do not reflect this.

    The buy ins are also too high. I'll use KOTH as an example again. Say a person in Gold drops a 12 cap, 5 break, 80+ elim scoreline, absolutely dumpstering everyone in the lobby. In the old system (which TC said was accurate, just not transparent), they would probably rank up, but not as much as they would've on a win.

    Now, they will lose GP because the GP cap prevented them from progressing further. My hope is that a player should be able to net 0 points on a loss if they perform exceptionally. This will primarily help solo-duo queue players.

    Apex Legends has a very similar ranking system to this new Gears 5 system. I'll copy/paste the part I wish to highlight from Apex Legends' ranking system description:

    Each Ranked match will cost RP to play based on your tier:

    Bronze matches are free

    Silver matches cost 1RP

    Gold matches cost 2RP

    Platinum matches cost 3RP

    Diamond matches cost 4RP

    Apex Predator matches cost 5RP

    During the match you earn RP based on performance. Kills are worth 1RP up to a maximum of 5RP per match. Placing Top 10 is worth 2RP, Top 5 is 4RP, Top 3 earns 7RP, and a win will bank 12RP. Each placement score is exclusive, so if you finish in the Top 5, you won't earn 6RP for a Top 10 and Top 5 finish combined. That means the maximum score you can earn per match is 17RP, before the match entry fee.

    This should be immediately recognizable, as it's the same thing as Gears 5's GP system, just with some different numbers and names. In the Apex system, it's possible to equalize, or even rank up, on personal performance alone. It's even possible to equalize your buy-in in the highest tier on just kills alone.

    So, my hope for Gears 5 KOTH is that players can equalize their buy in through a combination of elims, breaks, and caps, even in the highest tier. For all Gears 5 playlists, people should be able to equalize their buy-in based on personal performance, in any tier. The higher the tier, the better you must perform to equalize.

    So, the GP capped should be raised (or the buy-in lowered) to allow for performance to equalize the buy-in.

    I do believe wins matter. I also believe that personal performance matters, as ranks should represent how an individual will perform.

    You should always gain points on a win. You should always gain more points on a win + good performance than you would if you lost and performed well.

    All in all, I appreciate the effort put toward the new system. I just wanted to lay out my concerns, even if the data proves them wrong eventually. I also hope everyone gives a lot of feedback about the system. Even though the preseason is barely a week old, I believe it's best to get concerns out in a public forum so that they can be addressed before it is too late.

    I appreciate those who took the time to read this post, and I would like to know what the community's thoughts are on this new ranking system.

    submitted by /u/TheDadBodGod
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    Tears Of War

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    FYI about Legend Rank Stars

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    It's 12 starts every rank for 750 coins. Very generous for real.

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    I don’t understand the big issue with the JD twist

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Im referring to him giving the order to open fire on the protesters. Correct me id im wrong but he says the protesters started attacking with fire bombs right? Its been a while since i played the story but if thats the case wouldn't the riot need to be stopped. Essentially the worst thing he did was lie about it.

    submitted by /u/Hurtlegurtle
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    How is this even a thing? 2 quitters before the match even starts going up against a 4 stack

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Creative ways to deal with quitter/afk problem

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Starting a thread to gather some creative ways to deal with quitter problem

    I think "punishment" for quitters is only half the problem (I'll get to my thoughts on that in a second). The other half (more important part in my mind) is how to actually make games with quitters not a lost cause. One solution would be an opt-in setting whereby players that opt in may be used to replace a quit player mid-match (instead of always starting a fresh match). The bonus for them would be no entrance fee (in GP), so guaranteed to increase ranking points. The bonus for the other players would be that a quitting player does not necessarily ruin the current match.

    Secondly, I think quitting/disconnection needs more severe impact in terms of ability to play ranked (beating a dead horse). I actually don't want to call it a punishment because unfortunately we have to lump quitters in with true disconnections (once you remove quit from ranked options mid game). Rather than trying to distinguish, the message should be that ranked requires consistency to work and if your connection can not be maintained consistently (for whatever reason) then you need to opt for social. Something along the lines of you get 1 disconnect a day, and 5 for a month. If you disconnect twice in a day you are done for the day on ranked. If you disconnect more than 5 times in a 30 day period you are done for the next 30 days on ranked (tweak the variables).

    Curious to hear others' thoughts, particularly on how to make matches with a quitter (or afk) not a lost cause for the remaining 8/9 players.

    submitted by /u/webster__
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    What’s the best way to farm skill cards and gain class xp?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Really liking drain tank Clayton Carmine so far and I want to quickly level him up with better cards.

    Any advice on how to get horde cards and class xp quickly?

    submitted by /u/atlasv9999
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    Servers down?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/112DB
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