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    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Gears of War | Help your fellow Deebee soldiers get added into Horde & Escape Citizen! Vote for the cause today!!!

    Gears of War | Help your fellow Deebee soldiers get added into Horde & Escape Citizen! Vote for the cause today!!!

    Help your fellow Deebee soldiers get added into Horde & Escape Citizen! Vote for the cause today!!!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    TC took a dump on the long-term fanbase to appeal to people who were going to jump ship ANYWAYS

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:25 AM PDT


    Just like clockwork, the casuals have already fled. As of last night, before the Xbox Live activity chart was updated to include Modern Warfare, Gears 5 was already out of the Top 20 most played...behind Ghost Recon Breakpoint...the worst selling high-profile Ubisoft game this generation.

    It's literally only a few spots ahead of Black Ops III...which is literally four Call of Duty's ago. For a first party MS game and Xbox/PC ecosystem exclusive, that is beyond pathetic. The game's been out for less than 2 months and it's already in the same bracket as a 4 year old game in an annualized franchise. Pathetic. Even Gears 4 was still in the Top 5 at this point in its life cycle. Gears 3 was in the Top 20 for over 2 years after its release date.

    The game's long-term appeal came from it being one of the few skill-based shooters on console. Nobody watches Gears competitive and nobody likes to play the franchise "the way it's meant to be played"...because it's boring as hell. Huddling behind cover and lasering people with the lancer is about as entertaining as watching paint dry. There are literally no recoil mechanics to master. Any idiot with two thumbs who beat the campaign on Hardcore can play competitively like that, day one.

    We stuck with this franchise because it took time and effort to actually become decent. We stuck with this franchise because skills from other games don't carry over - everyone starts at 0. It literally took me months to learn how to wall bounce. Then it took me extra time to learn how to wall bounce while shooting. And then several more months to learn how to wall bounce while shooting and actually hit something. We stuck with this franchise because wall bouncing and the classic trio (longshot, torque, gnasher) took years to master. You can literally tell who a player is just by how they wall bounce.

    Even though I had a gaming PC, I still kept my Xbox because there was literally nothing else like Gears anywhere else. The movement was like if Unreal Tournament's wall dodging and Tribes' skiing had a baby.

    So instead of learning from the disaster of Gears 2's launch, the pushback to retros and sawed off in Gears 3 that led to several nerfings, instead of learning that we hated two tunings in Gears 4...here's what they did: they gave the Gnasher heat seeking pellets and tuned the lancer so that it is now like an M16 from CoD4 with stopping power.

    Shotgun battles are now gone. Whoever fires two shots first...wins. Wall bouncing battles aren't a thing because you can gib someone from the moon and you don't actually need to have someone in your reticule to actually hit them anymore. Seriously. If you approach someone behind a wall at its edge at a 45 degree angle, you can still hit them. Yup. Even if they're fully obscured.

    Clutches are now harder than ever because of this new omen. If more than 1 competent person is shooting at you...it's game over, and that's not even taking into account the ridiculously OP primaries. Now the omen is so fucking awful that if a fly sneezes on you, it's like having your eyes being gouged by a fucking spear. I tried playing on my monitor after switching from a 40+ inch TV and I literally can't see shit after I get hit.

    I'm not even going to touch skins or microtransactions.

    The sad part is they did all of this to appeal to casuals and kids...who were going to dump the game anyways. TC and Epic's vision as "originally intended" just isn't fucking compelling enough for anyone to stick around with. Huddling behind cover and lancering takes 0 skill, it's more of a test of patience. Literally nobody watches Gears comp because it's a lancer snoozefest.

    I still remember a time when Gears montages were some of the most viewed gaming videos on YouTube. Seriously.


    So let's talk about the maps now. On a superficial level, the game shipped with less maps on launch than every previous Gears game, and to add insult to injury, they are actually worse than the ones in every past game.

    Why are the maps so bad?

    They maps are generally extremely open so you can't lead people on elaborate chases and pick them off one by one when you're outnumbered. It's almost impossible to clutch now because someone will just lancer you down from across the map. And that's not even taking into account that in general it's just harder to clutch because all the primaries are so OP.

    Think back to maps like Old Town, Ruins, Security, or even Mansion. There were high walls and very clear zones where you could isolate the enemy team, force them to split up if they were too greedy for that last kill, or funnel them.

    Maps like Blood Drive had long sight lanes, but there were still distinct "zones" where you could funnel the enemy team or isolate people, like the hospital or spawn rooms. Ruins is a more extreme example because it was basically like a small maze. Then there's Jacinto, where many clutches were had at the top of the stairs near the nade spawns because there was only one way in.

    Now you can literally get Lancered from across the map regardless of where you are. There are no more walls that fully obscure people's lines of sights. They also took extra care to reduce the % of cover that's close enough to wall bounce on. And obviously, all these issues are compounded by the simple fact that the rifles are OP as hell.

    submitted by /u/MyDogLovesCorn
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    The results are in and I'm proud to announce that by popular demand people want the DeeBee playable in horde!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:13 AM PDT

    Playing this game is like a fucking chore. It is just not fun at all.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:47 AM PDT

    I hate the fucking Tour of Duty and the things you have to do in order to unlock heroes and villains: Complete 50 horde waves, complete 62839492 escape acts... Come on, I don't have time to do that. They just want you to spend money.

    Speaking of which... Every bloody time they add any new character, skin or emote it has to be payed with iron, which is basically real money. Fuck off.

    There is just no incentive to be playing this game. It feels like homework. You have to do X, Y and Z 7272910 times in order to unlock a shitty emote... Seems like I'm playing a F2P game. I'm truly starting to think that the loot box system from Gears 4 was WAY better than this, at least there was a possibility to unlock everything without having to pay.

    submitted by /u/AdrianWIFI
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    Skorge fight on Insane in a nutshell

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    Further proof that the Gears store is an absolute shit show

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    Call of Duty released yesterday and, with that, they also released their first micro transaction in their store. Its the endowment package, and for 10 dollars, you can get:

    • a gun blue print
    • weapon charm
    • a gun camo (that is usable on ALL guns)
    • 2 sprays
    • 2 emblems
    • in game watch (worn on the players wrist)
    • a calling card

    The best part is that 100% of the proceeds go towards a charity.

    Now, taking a look at the gears store, 10 dollars will get us... a blood spray that we cant see on an execution? ONE shitty gun camo??

    TC has fucked us. They dont want us to play the game. They want money and completely sacrificed all hope of a decent game for it. Its 1+ month off release and the game still doesnt even work properly. I don't even want to play this game anymore. Hopefully they pull it around like BF2, but at this point my expectations are beyond low.

    submitted by /u/huntsee
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    Community Manager replies to GZII youtube critique in FULL. Please watch the original video and Read his response

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj7tXfZD3wc

    Nodezeros Thread: https://twitter.com/96Strafes/status/1188197567164801024

    EDIT* NodeZero is the Multiplayer Design Director. My apologies for the mistake.

    submitted by /u/zomogo12
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    Just picked this up on sale at GameStop for $399

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    So This Happened To Me While Playing Escape...Floating Breather Anyone?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    Lol this was horde mode by the way

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Coalition stop writing Gears 5 on weapons!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    It makes the skins look so ugly, how can I enjoy the pumpkin set 😡

    submitted by /u/blueschile
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    the knifes just a little too op

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    I'm so tired of having to try so hard in this game

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:46 AM PDT

    I can't put my finger on it, but I feel the skill level definitely went up in this game. I mainly played gears 1, Gears 3, and UE. I used to play ranked and never really had much trouble. But this game man I have to be on my A-game at all times. Yes I can get MVP or highest on my team, but I feel like there's so many good players I'm playing against. It didn't used to be like that LOL

    I remember just coming home putting it on ranked and just smashing all night.

    Anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/FrugalHoosier
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    Hardest skin to unlock?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:53 AM PDT

    Which of the unlockable characters/skins do you think are the hardest to unlock and that few players have?

    submitted by /u/Proximazen
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    I don’t know if anyone has posted about it yet but the Frankstein’s Imago challenge has been fixed.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    It now counts all the games of Pumpkinball that you've played instead of only the times you won. Also, all the games you've played previously are counted.

    submitted by /u/Brad_Pitt_AMA
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    When you get mvp ����

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    Finally reached General and unlocked Winter Kait same day! It’s possible people!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    I Paid $80 and Preordered the game and have yet to receive what i paid for.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    *Rant Warning*
    I pre-purchased the Ultimate Edition of the game on Steam a day before it released, on Sept. 5. When i started the game and attempted to login, i found i was logged in to the wrong account. (for context this account was my skype account, and unknown to me it has an Xbox account attached to it because skype now uses microsoft accounts) Once i log in to the account that i use for everything I had found that all of the ultimate edition content had automatically been applied to the first account that i don't use.
    This is where the story begins:

    My first response is that it seems to be an issue with DLC attached to an Xbox account so I connect with Xbox support, and get a response assuring me that there is nothing Xbox can do because it was not billed through them. Therefore they have no authority (as a support tech) to change anything or offer refunds. I am then sent to steam with an email from a Department lead of Xbox support personally assuring me that steam would fix the issue. Off to steam I go then.

    At Steam, they are incredibly clear and helpful about the issue, what they can do to help, and the possible solutions they can offer. Basically I can try refunding the game and repurchasing it on steam, but there's nothing they can do to change anything on Xbox's Side. After a bit of prodding, It's made clear they've really got their hands tied because Xbox manages everything, and that makes sense, so i accept the refund and try repurchasing it.

    To make an extremely long story short, i then spend around 12 hours in total in about 8 support tickets trying to get even the most basic of answers out of Xbox as to how i would go about fixing the issue. All the while I'm consistently getting increasingly rude support reps that clearly don't know what they're doing or what's going on.

    After the grueling marathon that that was, i then came to the realization that Gears 5 manages its own storefront, and Xbox is basically just a license key vendor. If TC is running their own store, then that makes sense why both companies wouldn't be able to solve the issue. They should be able to help me get this sorted, perfect!
    It only gets worse from here.

    I got the confirmation that TC received my support ticket on Sept. 10th, and it has yet to be answered to this day.
    I got the confirmation on my second attempt at a support ticket on Sept. 30th, and finally got a reply, In the same day nonetheless! Their response was asking me to provide screenshots with my proof of purchase and gears account logged in, as well as proof of ownership of the skype account that the DLC had been applied to. I promptly complied and responded later that day. That was the last I've heard of them since, and it's been over a month since they requested the proof of purchase and ownership, and almost two months since my initial issue.

    I take full responsibility for applying the DLC to the wrong account. I'm not arguing that. I have already attempted to buy the DLC again, however at this point that isn't possible because of the limitations of steam. (they only generate 1 dlc key per account, if you repurchase it, you just get the same key again) My only options right now are to create another steam account for the sole purpose of purchasing the ultimate edition, buy the $80 game AGAIN and apply the DLC to the right account. Or i could do the same, but on the Microsoft store. Going Nuclear, i could just refund the game and wipe my hands clean, if steam support is willing to be nice enough to help me out again.

    I have tried contacting TC through twitter, direct support, phone (though the "support" number listed is a redirect number to Xbox support), and I am out of options if i want to be able to get what i paid for and play a game that, with all its faults, is still a fun game in my eyes. I get that they're tied up right now, but the fact that they started getting to me and then proceeded to ignore the issue entirely is extremely scummy in my book. The message I am getting from them in this exchange is that they want to provide a product but do not have ANY support for any of the minor things that could happen. It really reeks of the issues that Apple was recently having with their macbook repairs.

    TL:DR: Gears 5 Gave the wrong account my DLC, Xbox and Steam can't do anything, and TC won't respond in almost 2 months. I still play the game but have yet to get the Ultimate Edition that I paid for.

    submitted by /u/Bigglestherobot
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    Silver surfer showed up again today. Got a kill on him

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:22 PM PDT

    This is still the saddest scene in the franchise :(

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    Finished Carving My #Gears5 inspired Pumpkin :D

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Personally I love the Gears 5 Lancer.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:06 AM PDT

    Its refreshing to have the increase in lancer play. I have a lot of fun with that weapon, especially if I feel like playing some arcade. I hope the new update doesn't nerf it too much.

    submitted by /u/SSB_Filch
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    Friend spent scrap on totem, totem didn't create.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:02 AM PDT

    Friend made cog gears totem. Game ate his scrap, gave him nothing. For some reason he was able to complete all the totem challenges except getting xp and crafting the totem without actually having said totem. Dunno if it's related.

    Anyone have an idea on how to fix or just have him remake the totem when he gets enough scrap?

    submitted by /u/Anvillior
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    (Xbox) Looking for Fellow Achievement Hunters for All Gears Playthroughs

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:54 AM PDT

    I own both 360 versions, ultimate, and Gears 5. I'm looking for daytime players that are over the age of 25 (or at least somewhat mature-minded) to run through all the games with me that still allow online co-op for achievements.

    Due to my schedule, I don't play much at night. I'm mostly on from 4am PST/7am EST for several hours. This is why daytime players are preferred.

    PM me your GT and I'll add ya!

    submitted by /u/XboxCupcake
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