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    Monday, July 12, 2021

    Gears of War | Michael Barrick

    Gears of War | Michael Barrick

    Michael Barrick

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    Is it just me or did Gears 5 get better once Rod and Ryan left?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:04 PM PDT

    Don't get me wrong I think Rod and Ryan are amazing and great for the community but to me it seems like Gears 5 has improved tremendously since they left. This is more a shout out to the people currently still working on it and not to hate on him and Ryan. I'm enjoying Gears 5 now more than ever. Good work The Coalition.

    submitted by /u/Altruistic-Ear-1898
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    If you don't know what im talking about go play horde with veteran get a Longshot press y for console. you're welcome

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    Operation 8 score board update!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    Escape could be a good foundation for the Swarm version of Overrun

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    In Gears 6 I doubt that Escape will return, given the modes abandonment, and abandoned map creator. However, it could serve as a good foundation for an Overrun style mode. The COG team is trying to desperately push through to the exit gate, well the Swarm does everything they can to slow them down until the Venom catches up to them and kills them.

    Great chance for them to build off escape rather than completely throwing it away, and a way to have an Overrun mode that fits the swarm. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/tburke360
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    Team Syndrome Lancer available to claim NOW

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    Team Syndrome Lancer available to claim NOW

    📢 Team Syndrome Lancer available to claim NOW 🔔 at 🖥️ https://live.gearsofwar.com 👀 during the Split 3 Mid-Split Playoffs get it before it closes! 🔐

    PLEASE NOTE this item will NOT be automatically granted. It will be manually added to your account within the next 72 hours

    Team Syndrome Lancer

    See my links on my Reddit profile.

    submitted by /u/AceSMcCloud
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    FFA is infuriating to play, but nothing feels better than getting sandwiched and coming out on top. (cant turn off the music it was playing when I recorded, Bound For the Floor by Local H)

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Fixing the engineers

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    These are the problems when playing as an engineer and why they need to be fixed, or to have in account for future in gears games.

    -Having more than one engineer in the team becomes a problem as players constantly fight each other for resources, and engineers don't have tools to work side by side with each other. Making players instantly leave lobbies when they finding another engineer. -High level fortifications are not worth it, as they take to long to repair and are too expensive to maintain, making players always opt for filling the map with level 1 and 2 fortifications, this is worse with barriers as level 3 and 4 barriers deactivate when you step near them, killing completely their purpose. -Enginers are not well equipped to manage a base by their own; from them not being able to build a base with their own energy, to them not being able to move all fortifications fast enough; this is a problem since it is not worth having more than a single engineer on your team because they can't deal enough damage or defend to play another role and they don't give any other bonus to the team beside repairing because the building can only be done by a single engineer to be efficient. -There are fortifications that no one uses as there are not worth it for what it costs to build them and maintain them, and example is the forge, as it is to expensive for the energy bonus that you get and how hard it is to actually melt the necessary amount of weapons to get a profit out of it. Another example are decoys, as having a healthy decoy becomes hard to repair as only the robotics Expert is able to do it fastly enough. Making people always rather using only barriers, weapon lockers and sentries, but is hard to use sentries as they actually hurt teammates mobility and field of view. -Engineers are the classes that are hurt the most in Scape, as they lack cards that benefit the team in that mode, as weapon lockers are only available in some hives making their passive useless and the bonus that you get for them isn't fast enough, as venom will reach you before you are able to reload a single magazine in the weapons locker. Both mechanics and architect have only 5 cards that are usable in Scape and you can't unlock them all until you are level 16 and 19 respectively, making the classes awful for Scape. -Build bonuses only applying to you, make the game harder to play with teammates, as anyone trying to help you build or repair is not efficient as you will be actually losing energy, making some players be kicked out of lobbies for trying to do so and making fights between the team for resources more frequent. -Survivor mutator forces players to always play safe, as it is the only mutator that is always present in horde, it's nature forces players to always play safe and not trying anything that may cause the team to fail, this includes using low tier classes, playing agressively, playing without building a base, playing without an engineer, playing prioritising energy use for base building rather than buying perks. Anything that could lead to failure is feared by players when the survivor mutator is activated, as it can ruin a two hour-49-waves-completed horde run, also considering that daily challenges can only be rewarding if you play start to finish, this affects the most the game, as it nulls every other mechanic to make the game more dinamic.

    All of this points makes to a single meta with engineers: a mechanic or a robotics Expert, fill the map with level 2 barriers parallel to every hallway, and build some weapons locker for the demolitions. No wepon taps, no forge no sentries, no more than a single engineer at a time, no Architect, no decoys, no damage dealing, no support fire, just focus in building and repairing or you will get kicked out of the lobby because doing it otherwise will not be efficient enough and the team will probably fail.

    Now, some ideas to fix this and make engineers more versatile and fun to play as, changing the meta:

    -Make all building bonuses from engineers global: this to make easier the task of an engineer, as now everyone will be able to help build the base and there will be no energy loss from teammates helping, if a player now wants to build a weapons locker and he has energy to do it so, he can do it without hurting the team resource management. This would also help to the "having more than a single engineer" problem, since every different engineer will give different bonuses to the team building.

    -Give engineers more starting energy and more tools to build more efficiently: Giving more starting energy so engineers won't need the team to deposit to be able to start building a base, give a higher discount when building to engineers so they don't need so many energy to build, give engineers more speed while carrying fortifications so they don't need teammates to carry them, give engineers more repair speed so they can repair everything by their own to not needing teammates to buy repair pistols and start repairing too.

    -Change the behaviour of some fortifications, make the level 3 and 4 barriers still active when a player stand near them so players actually use them, make forges automatically melt weapons in the ground in a certain radius so players don't need a jack player to use the forge, make decoys actually draw fire from all enemies in a certain radius so it has an active effect.

    -Change the repair and building mechanic, increase fortification movement speed so now players can build faster a base without needing their teammates, make the repair mechanic repair for percentage of a fortification's health instead of healt points per second so high health fortifications don't become that hard to repair, make fortifications give kills and pointa to all players so they don't fight for who builds what first.

    -Give other classes tools to manage their own ammo, this to prevent engineers being essential in all lobbies, so now players can choose any class that they like most without the fear of loosing.

    -Make all support classes into engineers in horde and resupliers in Scape: this to focus support classes roles into engineering in horde and making all supports useful in Scape, making all classes focus on a different fortification type and build playstyle and extend engineer build options, this way all support would have at minimum three different playstyles (Engineer build, support build and a more agressive build), making each class focus on a fortification type: -Architect: Decoys -Combat medic: Barriers -Jack: Forges -Mechanic: Sentries -Robotics expert: Shock sentries -Tactician: Weapon lockers For this you only need to give all current engineers a new passive that also helps with its playstyle and help the class for Scape, and a secondary passive for all support classes in horde, an unique horde passive for engineering: -Architect's new passive: Kills from behind or the side drop pilfer ammo. -Mechanic's new passive: Kills with ballistic sentries, turrets or the silverback drop pilfer ammo. -Robotics expert's new passive: Headshot or bleed kills drop pilfer ammo. -Support's extra horde passive: You can move normally and roadie run while moving fortifications and you get an universal 25% discount in the fabricator, this bonus does not stack.

    For making all other support classes into engineers too, you only need to give them the extra horde passive, and give some copies of already existent cards to them: (And change how forges work, so those can be useful)

     -Architect: (Decoy expert) -Give a copy of Reinforced Fabrication, so decoys have more health -Give a copy of Efficient fabrication, so they can build more decoys. -Give a copy or armored platting, so decoys can stay alive for longer. -Change the behaviour in Decoys, so now every enemy in its radius is forced to attack it, the radius grows with the level of the decoy. 

    -Combat medic: (Barrier expert) -Give a copy of Efficient fabrication, so they can also build more barriers. -Give a copy of Overload, so barriers can deal more damage. -Give a copy of Reinforced Fabrication, so barriers can last longer. -they may not need repairing cards, as it already has team repair, but giving a copy of ingenuity would be great.

    -Jack (forge expert) -Give a copy of Efficient fabrication, so, so they can build more forges. -Change the behaviour of the forge, now it will automatically forge all weapons on the ground in a radius, the radius grows as the level of the forge progress, so no you can have multiple forges at a time, you can still manually melt weapons, the weapons will be melted by the nearest highest level forge if it is in the radius of more than a single forge. Now the jack forge bonus will apply for all forges, and the highest one will stay if more than a Jack is in the group. So now Jack can focus on building forges and stack the team with energy to perk up. -Give a copy Reinforced Fabrication, so forges resist more on the field, since they will be more often in the frontline. -Reduce the price of the forges, so players can build multiple of them now

    -Mechanic: (Ballistic Sentry expert) -Give a copy of global sentry update, to Change their focus to building sentries and be more agressive. -Give a copy of combat engineer, so they can repair healthy fortifications. -Give a copy of good kill, so they can support in Scape. -Change the behaviour of ingenuity so it also reduces the ammo filling cost and time to fill. -Changed the behaviour of Efficient Sentry, so now it upgrades all sentries maximum ammo capacity and turret's duration & ammo, so it can have an use in both horde and Scape.

    -Robotics Expert: (Shock sentry expert) -Give a copy Efficient Fabrication, so now they can build more shock sentries. -Change the behaviour of bloody support, now it will give bleeding damage to all damage dealt with marksman weapons and shock sentries, so now it synergizes with the Robotics Expert's new passive. And remove the need of DR-1 to be ready so it synergizes with Bloody DR-1. -Change the behaviour of explosive killshot, so now it triggers whenever killing an enemy with bleeding or headshots, and the explotion deals bleeding damage. -Change the behaviour of experimental weapons, so now DB weapons deal more damage against heavily wounded and all robotic enemies, it is weird that the class doesn't have any card that deals more damage to robotic enemies yet.

    -Tactician: (Weapons locker expert) -Give a copy of Global overclock, so they can maintain the team well supplied. -Give a copy of Efficient Fabrication, so they can build more wepon lockers. -Give a copy of team repair (heal all fortifications when your ultimate starts), so they can repair the base, or create a card that repairs everything in the radius of your ultimate.

    With all this you can create a different Engineer Meta, being able to have more than a single engineer, making all fortifications useful, and making a wide variety of engineers, all with a different focus, but all sharing the key aspect of building the base and giving the team some ammo. The key is to keep the focus on: -Giving all supports a horde passive that focuses on building. -Giving new passives to existing engineers that fit their playstyle. -Give copies of already existent cards to other classes that would also benefit from them. -Make all support classes have a build option that focuses in engineering, all specialist in a different fortification: -Architect/Decoys. -Combat medic/Barriers. -Jack/Forges. -Mechanic/Ballistic sentries. -Robotics expert/Shock sentries. -Tactician/Wepon lockers.

    submitted by /u/Absaac
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    Team Syndrome Gnasher available to claim NOW

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Team Syndrome Gnasher available to claim NOW

    📢 Team Syndrome Gnasher available to claim NOW 🔔 at 🖥️ https://live.gearsofwar.com 👀 during the Split 3 Mid-Split Playoffs get it before it closes! 🔐

    PLEASE NOTE this item will NOT be automatically granted. It will be manually added to your account within the next 72 hours

    Team Syndrome Gnasher

    See my links on my Reddit profile.

    submitted by /u/AceSMcCloud
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    I'm new to playing horde, and I got a question about characters and classes.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    First of all what are characters for because aside from Aesthetics they don't do anything for me and hoard. Also, I've been playing as Demolition class and I just unlocked a Lancer GL Mastery skill card. What's it for and how do I use it? Because not once have I seen a Lancer GL get dropped by an enemy and apparently I can't change my weapon loadouts for any class whatsoever.

    submitted by /u/Fillycheescake
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    Game has been a lagging disaster ever since drop 2

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Not that it was great when op7 started, but it was at least playable. I'm matched against almost nothing but players from Mexico and South America and they literally teleport at times. I refuse to believe this game has no players in the United States.

    These players find themselves atop the leaderboard because point blank shots tickle them for 6% or whiff completely, they're never doing anything fancy just bot walking but they're still extremely difficult to hit. Safe to assume other people on my team are having the same issues I am because they wouldn't be topping the leaderboard otherwise.

    The ping tells you absolutely nothing, I sit with a 10-30 and these people seem like they're operating in a completely different game. Why is Gears the only game with these issues? Why does 4 work and 5 is, almost without exaggeration, unplayable? I have tried PC wired and Xbox on wifi and it makes no difference, the game doesn't function properly.

    At this rate, I guess I just have to cross my fingers and hope operation 8 breaks/fixes something because the frustration this game causes, while comical, is not worth it.

    submitted by /u/funkytiger14
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    Gnasher 1v1 is a great game mode!! Will they make it permanent?!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    They should make ganasher 1v1 permanent and add this mode to ranked and casual matches. That would be great!! Also they should bring back ranks!!

    What do you think?!

    submitted by /u/Green-Entertainer485
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    The Hunters Master Solo as Robotics Expert

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Current comp rank?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Is there any way to see your current rank in Comp?

    submitted by /u/TylorYSmith
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    Most annoying bugs in Gears 5?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    Personally one of my least favorite bugs is when the chat won't scroll and well as the mouse cursor being on screen on every start up if escape.

    submitted by /u/bad-raamance
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    What should the plot for Gears of War 6 be?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    I would like to see the next game without any of the OG cast. We had Marcus in 4 as a way of easing our doubts on the new crew (passing of the torch) but from what I have seen, him and Baird appear during 5.

    They don't need to kill him off, he could be retired or MIA.

    They could do an evil Kait storyline, they had a decent oppertunity in 5 but in 6 They could take it further and make her an active member of the Locusts.

    Other than that, I'm not sure where 6 can go, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/FuckitmateGOW
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    2 bugs I found in horde

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    The first bug is on training grounds. If a flock spawns and it goes into the cog spawn area when you enter a match it will clip through the Rocks and you will not be able to kill it unless it decides to come back. This can halt the progress of a horde wave for a couple of minutes or completely break the wave entirely.

    Bug number 2 is to do with the buzz saw. The buzz saw will sometimes do no damage to any enemies you shoot it at active or not ricochet or not it will do outright 0 damage.

    submitted by /u/Realistic-Dust-5891
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    Anybody having problems getting kicked out of the game and going to dashboard on Series X?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    Ever since I got the new series x, I'll be mid game and it'll kick me to the dashboard. Then I will have to reload the game, and rejoin. It happens a decent amount. Anybody else having this issue or know of a fix? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Tyy228
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