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    Gears of War | This Week In Gears - 11 January 2021

    Gears of War | This Week In Gears - 11 January 2021

    This Week In Gears - 11 January 2021

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    Ranked Koth After the Enemy Caps the First Hill

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:23 PM PST

    You guys don't understand how long I've been holding this

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:34 AM PST

    Custom Gears of War Judgement, Garon Paduk edition Xbox 360

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:24 PM PST

    ROTS: Revenge of the Skorge

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    you can actually pinpoint the second dom's heart rips in half

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Confirmed by Dana Sissions, Gabe fixes in next TU!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Pet hates in horde?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:21 PM PST

    Heres a few of mine

    Hosts/Eng who demand 100% of starting frenzy energy from everyone regardless of class. Some classes are perk dependant (mulcher gunner for example), and your team will benefit more from letting them use their starting energy than they will from a few extra forts.

    People who don't drop the fab before placing it properly. Especially on maps with identical sides like blood drive. Being able to better defend/maintain the taps pays off more in the long run than a bit more build time in the first round.

    People who treat locker guns as shared. Unless it's an emergency scenario, don't touch my gun. Even if we're using the same gun type. I have an appropriate amount of guns for myself, not to share and your skins probably ugly to boot. Get your own.

    Engs who don't learn the other classes locker requirements. It should go without saying that Demo needs a lvl 4 locker asap, but I still found myself asking on dailies. Barriers/Sentries aren't more useful than players having ammo.

    Engs who don't learn the map before jumping into higher difficulties. I don't expect perfection from everyone, trial and error is part of the fun of the game after all. But at least have some idea which spots are viable before you decide to play such crucial role.

    Players who constantly do nothing between rounds. The amount of times I've collected and rebuilt every single tap alone is ridiculous.

    Obviously low level classes trying to play high level hordes. Show some consideration and do a few surge runs, so you at least at have some skills to benefit the team.

    People who don't read the daily modifiers. Today I saw hosts playing demo taking it in with the non headshot damage being reduced modifier. Your kneecapping your own character.

    People who shoot out the ice on icebound as a strategy. Were over a year into the game, it should be obvious by now you're better off just shooting the enemies.

    People who place the fab before trying to open the arcade on district.

    People who play their classes in nonsensical ways. This has become more common with the heroic skin grind making people play classes they don't enjoy. We get it, you just want the skins. But when you're playing marksman on blood drive with a scorcher for the whole round, you're just handicapping the team. If you're shit at sniping it's time to learn.

    I'm sure I could think of more, but I'll leave my list there for now.

    submitted by /u/witchfuck
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    Give Jack some expressions!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:38 PM PST

    For my first post here, I thought I'd mention something that I kept thinking about since I started playing the fifth game. I play alot of Jack in horde, and I feel like he deserves some emotes/expressions as well! I understand the animated expressions wouldn't really work with my boi's lack of limbs, but I think at least audio emotes would be cool to have. Of course he'd still be beeping, but maybe the subtitles could show what he means when beeping. The number of times I've wanted to thank a teammate for reving me, or just say hi, or good job, but I couldn't!

    This may be a very specific idea, but I feel it would improve communication, especially as Jack is a support, and communication with healers is key! Also it just feels a bit sad when everyone can say stuff but you simply can't...

    Also a Dave skin for him would be neat lmao

    submitted by /u/Electron9513
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    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Love it when they accidentally roll towards me

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Wait what...?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:46 PM PST

    Suspended from official Gears forums

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:06 PM PST

    I was suspended from the gears of war forums for having a picture of Mr. Popo from dragonball 😂

    And I've been using those forums with the same picture for years and all of a sudden it's a problem. I have never found Mr. Popo as an offensive character and I've been watching dragonball on toonami since I was a kid.

    Mind you I've also had two of my post flagged for no reason. This is what I posted.


    This is an automated message from Gears Forums to let you know that your post was removed.

    Your post was flagged as inappropriate: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, or a violation of our community guidelines.

    This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.

    Click to expand removed post

    1 " I'm on pc just like you. Could be because of my moderate nat type that I could never figure out how to make open ever since switching to att."

    2 " I don't think gears 5 displays your nat type but when I play call of duty, it does. I assume if my nat type is moderate there, its going be like that for every other multiplayer game that I play. It doesn't matter though I probably be uninstalling this game soon anyways. I got back packed today and it brought back some horrible gears 1 memories. I never thought I'd see that happening ever again but it did. lol They must have done some major tuning while I was gone. I guess the pros were complaining again."

    I was just responding to a guy a possible reason why it takes me like 20 minutes to connect to a game.

    And somebody somewhere found those two responses inappropriate??!!

    submitted by /u/Smashbashcheeks
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    New tuning

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:46 PM PST

    I've played it for a while and I must say

    Roadie run is slow. 4v4 KOTH is gonna be a pain to rush into the hill during those final tense Moments.

    You will see a lot more bit walking and people standing waiting for players to come out of cover since it's the most advantageous thing to do. No delay after a wall cancel and a delay when aim shooting of cover (this one is just unnecessary, like dude, I'm aiming whilst pulling off cover and shooting. I'm not being a spastic wall bouncer who just misses shots and gets away with it to much due to movement.)

    I dunno man. This new tuning really needs more thought.

    It's also a lot more campy and I loved the fast paced gears experience. I got bored of every other game nowadays becoming a campfest.

    The lack of a speed boost and faster cover slide speed makes it Harder to escape a bunch of dudes shooting you. Not that fun.

    Other than that I don't really care but it's annoying in some place.

    submitted by /u/MsgtWoods
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    Expression bug exploit spotted.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:16 PM PST

    Where's the love for minh

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:14 PM PST

    So I play as kim all the time and I feel like tc doesn't show him much love. What other skins does minh have except eday? Lol

    submitted by /u/Lildongwoo
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    Gears impression

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:59 AM PST

    I dont have much friends-gamers to discuss this impression with, so i decided to make a small post here.

    Bought myself XBox Series S few weeks ago and finally decided to try Gears of War series. Actually i played first one already in late 2006 on PC, but dropped completely after realising that there will be no other games on PC.

    Installed first one(remastered ultimate edition) maybe a week ago and then... Damn i cant remember anything past this moment. I can only remember how i finished all of them and right now i am in Act 3 of Gears 5. Oh my god how cool it was! I play video games since '95, i've seen all kinds of games, good and bad ones(mainly PC or multiplatforms) and with every year i disappoint more and more, because games evolve, they become more open world, more RPGish, some become less gameplay-oriented. Yeah time goes and everything changes and i am trying to move forward, never wanted to be grumpy oldfag, who whines about old times and how old games were better than new ones. But damn i was so hungry for old-school linear games, where every second something happens, constant non-stop action. Here you shoot horde on the dark streets, then you drive armored machine, then you shoot flying bastards, then boom and you ride a tank, brumak, robot, you shoot different weapons, from magnum pistols to flamethrowers and cryo-canons, even goddamn orbital laser! Different enemies and their combinations on battlefield. Every damn second is like roller coaster! I am feeling like Cole Train screaming Wohooo! And gears 5 is just something phenomenal, so gorgeous, so damn perfect(yeah i know its subjective).

    I thought Doom Eternal was my number one. Well maybe. But Gears just made my year! I am glad that i experienced it from very first game. Glad that i am part of this big community. See ya all on multiplayer after i finish G5. You're all breathtaking! (C) You know who :)

    submitted by /u/Sheomato
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    A quick retreat

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:45 PM PST

    Guys I finished my roblox character, and I wanted to know what you guys think. Please dont spam my chat with words of hatred for roblox I like that game.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 04:22 PM PST

    unpopular opinion: the gears 5 scorcher is better than 2 and 3's scorcher

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:08 PM PST

    it feels a lot better and satisfying.... and don't even get me started on the execution

    submitted by /u/theron_elite_drone
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    But why

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Anybody know if this is real?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Does the new update affect shooting while simultaneously doing an Up A?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Because that's honestly my only issue with movement. Dudes roadie run then slide into cover and one hit you with a 0.01 second window to one hit them first. Their gun isnt even aiming at you and their body goes from behind cover to around the corner and shooting at terminal velocity. It feels like all you can do to outplay it is avoid corners. I never even realized cover actions gave a speed boost, so I'm wondering if the changes slow down what I just described?

    submitted by /u/TheQueefer
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    Huh, when did the Lambent skins get put into the OP 5 section?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:40 AM PST

    Thought these were bundle exclusive. Nice

    submitted by /u/Deathknightjeffery
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    Will workout fahz be available afeter this week?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:28 AM PST

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