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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Gears of War | My old Gears 3 setup from way back..

    Gears of War | My old Gears 3 setup from way back..

    My old Gears 3 setup from way back..

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:28 PM PST

    When you lose the gnasher battle but it was bullshit cause you clearly shot them first

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Between fights cog gears relax, I really like cog armor and try to draw a pair of gears

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Breaking Ankles 3: With a Vengeance (Gears of War 1 grenade montage)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:18 AM PST

    New Senier Game Dev coming in let’s give her a nice warm welcome gang

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    I see the Hivebusters Marketing is going well

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:11 PM PST

    Sharing is caring. ❤

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Please tell me that was a toilet

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Been having a ton of fun getting back into Gears again - my play style is best described as bot-walker, makes for some fun gnasher fights

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:30 PM PST

    gears 2 had the best in the entire franchise change my mind

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Escape Players

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Thank you, escape randoms, for staying back and guarding the venom; for running into the enemy head first with no ammo, for closing doors unnecessarily, for hoarding dropped weapons like the 10 shots you get are more important than me getting a gun, for starting spawns and evacuations before the team is there, and for always splitting just far enough away to get downed in an unsafe place. Thank you for spicing up my daily star grind. Thank you for queuing into Advanced or Inconceivable, when in fact you never should have left "Boot Camp". Thank you so much for shooting your hammer burst from across the room at the popper near me to down me. Thank you for teaching me patience, persistence, and the durability of an Xbox One Elite remote.


    For real though: I'm glad to teach any newbies but don't split up for the love of Gears

    submitted by /u/fulladvi
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    I'm sorry but where the fuck is 25 days of gearsmas?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:42 AM PST

    Are we really that tight with content?

    submitted by /u/Beersandcarmine
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    Alright my curiosity is sparked

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:09 AM PST

    Why do y'all like blood drive?

    submitted by /u/ProNasty47
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    Carmine drinking on the job��

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST

    R.I.P my Ironman Run. The Swarmak at the very end stepped on the Minotaur and surfed it to the checkpoint. I shot it with boom shots for over 10 minutes and did almost no damage.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Beta Tuning

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:56 AM PST

    What do you guys think of the beta tuning? I think that they absolutely succeeded in making the feel game more weighty and readable. From my time playing I find the back a to be a little harder to perform than previous patches. I'm happy with the changes I just think the back a should come out a lil faster.

    submitted by /u/Babybluebass98
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    Just finished the campaign of GOW5 for the first time today, spoilers, discussion of the gameplay in 5 and overall series lore impact

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST

    I just recently got GOW5 when it was on sale and just finished the campaign today. I've previously played 1 - 3 but didn't play 4, I know a little bit of the story from 4 though. I haven't played any of the games in the series in quite a while with no other way to play a GOW game. I played on Intermediate because there were surely going to be new enemies that I didn't know how to fight and I wanted a more casual playthrough. I'm going to discuss most of the campaign here and try to ask about some of the lore because I don't think I got it all from this one. So obviously, massive spoilers for all of GOW5 and possibly other games in the main series.

    I want to introduce my partner to the series properly but I don't have a way to play the other games in the series anymore, just GOW5 / GOW Ultimate (which has terrible performance compared to this game and no official controller support). I think playing out of order would spoil it too much though.

    Sorry this is very long.


    This took me a lot longer than I wanted. I was a bit upset that the chainsaw wasn't on the B button anymore but I thought I could get used to it. I accidentally reloaded a lot instead of using the chainsaw and did this the entire game. Is this skipable? Do you need to do it every time you launch the game for the first time? Is remapping controller functionality actually possible? Not just mapping buttons to other buttons though, I'd still like reload to be LB but I couldn't work out how to do it.

    On the menu, the theme was great to hear again. I really miss the "locust sound" brass and violin parts of the theme from GOW2 though.

    Act 1

    At the start of this act, I was a bit sad that we didn't get to play as Marcus but that's ok, it's a new game. Jack can scan for enemies which is ok I guess, I thought it might be useful but I hoped that it wouldn't be required. Everything is so bright, it makes a big difference compared to other games in the series. Though, I still had trouble getting the brightness to be correct in this game like I've had with every other game. I made this one too dark and the AI Jack wasn't very helpful with the torch.

    I know some people don't like the colour and brightness, and I'm not sure. A lot of the game takes place inside buildings and I had the brightness way too low until the middle of Act 3 anyway. The new game plus option of changing the colour palette to the GOW1/2/3 one is a nice touch though. I tried it with the GOW2 one and it looked very washed out, I'm not sure I prefer that over the non-filtered version. The graphics are what I expected from current games, I don't like everything being super resolution, that doesn't look nice IMO. I played this on a terrible i5-3475S with a constant 60-ish fps with low settings, I didn't notice anything wrong except some of the text in cards was unreadable when I tried multiplayer.

    At the first fight in this chapter, it was a relief to see that the locust (or I suppose "swarm" now) appear in this game. I know GOW4 has "deebees" as enemies for a lot of it. I avoided playing it though because I heard it was a bad campaign and just looks like lots of micro-transactions? Is it worth playing, especially after playing this one? Will I actually understand some of the tension from the beginning of this one? I don't believe Baird would really name a robot after himself though.

    The music in this fight isn't what I expected given the music from other games in the series, there are no dramatic horns or violins when something happens. When something does happen that requires your attention, the button to look is X instead of Y as in other games. I don't think anything uses Y in this game which is a shame.

    Wow "juvies" make scary noises and I really liked the first encounter with them, especially because I didn't play GOW4.

    In chapter 2, it's certainly new that you can walk around like that. The swamark boss is really annoying, is there a better stratagy for getting around the back of it without it moving to face you so you can shoot the bits on the side of its legs? What actually happened in chapter 4? The HOD can't be fired properly so they kill some civilians and a COG soldier that I don't even remember the name of? Why is this such massive tension between JD and Baird? Do we know this person from another game (GOW4)?

    Act 2

    While moving through the settlement, it's obvious that a fight will take place. Everyone hates the COG and a child shouts at them that they're fascists but it's really not explored very much. Sure the COG do terrible things but the wiki says their govt reformed from a military alliance into a "Unitary authoritarian autocracy" so is this a renewed hatred? I really liked the segment where you control the swarm soldiers but I don't know why the other swarm soldiers attack you when you're controlling one of them. I wish this got more use during the game, I was excited that it would be after this part.

    In chapter 2, we get to use the skiff. I really enjoyed this section and discovering things around the map, especially the callbacks to GOW2. It's a shame there are no enemies in the open like in GOW2 though.

    Chapter 3: wow, I love being back in new hope. It felt so creepy and I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not sure how the COG didn't notice that the robot guards they posted there all disappeared though. The facility itself is great, it's just like the original in GOW2 but there are no turrets which is a shame. I don't believe that Marcus actually doesn't remember blowing the door up, it's quite a long portion of that mission and he certainly remembers Niles. Niles resuming the line he was saying at the end of GOW2 was a nice touch. Falling through the floor to prison section of the facility was absolutely terrifying. The story was quite nightmarish around it in GOW2 but it's so much worse with what was shown here and reading some of the collectibles and looking in the cells. I thought we'd fight the sires again here and I was relieved that we didn't. It was good getting a look into the section where we fought the sires in GOW2 and that the tanks they were in looked like the right places for where they came from in that fight too. I would have liked to have seen more automated defenses in this section like in GOW2. Fighting the robots isn't super fun. In these bits, are you supposed to use stealth against the "deebees"? Is it actually possible to get them all like this?

    In chapter 5 it was great getting to go to the Kadar lab. I really loved seeing the frozen COG soldiers fighting the locust, it's great world building. But, why were the COG even there in the first place? Collectibles show that Niles was ordered to the house of sovereigns along with the other scientists for trial but the wiki says that Chairman Monroe just covered up new hope and left them to go to Mt. Kadar. In GOW2, Niles says they're moving them to Mt. Kadar also. They just continued there in secret? The way you turn off the defenses and the cryo in this chapter isn't as fun as the way you need to think about what you're going to do in the new hope chapter of GOW2. I was hoping there would be more clever placement of turrets to cover a room like the kitchen.

    What is powering the generators in this chapter? It would obviously have been immulsion because it was from that era and now that it's all gone, they should have failed and the locust should all be free again.

    The locust here come out of their tanks fully ready to fight with guns and everything. It isn't a massive problem but it would have been cool if they'd pick up random guns from frozen soldiers or ripped up railings like you see in the Matriarch boss fight around the cages. I get that you could use up all of the ammo in the room so they couldn't get a gun but you could have been stopped from interacting with the guns intended for them in that room idk. Fighting the Sires in this chapter was much easier than in GOW2, only being a problem if a big group of them gets you on the stairs coming around the corner. I'm glad they don't come back to life without chainsawing this time.

    The Matriarch fight was difficult. I died a lot of times before I had to search how to do it an easier way. For this fight I had the retro lancer and gnasher and I found it pretty hard to do damage to the Matriarch. But the grenade strategy was very easy, I didn't know you could actually stick grenades to big enemies like that. I found it hard to know that I'd actually stuck one and not just missed because just pressing B in the air and doing it next to something is basically the same animation. A sound like when you planted them on walls in GOW2 would have been useful.

    At the end of this act, I was looking forward to perhaps fighting inside of Mt Kadar, especially if they now had a queen. Maybe some of the tunnels didn't get completely destroyed, perhaps the swarm have built new structures or they're living in the ruins of nexus? But we never get to go there, despite being on the mountain.

    Act 3

    At the beginning of this act, I was happy to have something else to explore. The UIR wasn't discussed much in other games other than a brief mention of the pendulum wars so it was good to finally see it. Seeing their facilities was really cool. I wish there was more discussion about their current government though, if they have one.

    I wasn't thrilled about having to lug around JD and Fazh during this act. I didn't like either of them. Fazh really swears a lot, proper British ones too. I joked to my partner that he sounds like he's from Liverpool a bit. Is the entire point of Fazh in this area to complain about how bad it is and that he's glad he doesn't live in the UIR?

    There are a lot of boss fights in this act. I really, really loved the cosmonaut training facility mini fight around the centrifuge. It felt so desperate and it was the first time I had trouble with the "smarter" swarm and their use of grenades. I was thankful that we didn't need to fight another boss at the end of it though. The switch to get into the room was difficult to find though because I'd set the brightness too low, it's at this point where I had to fix it. Again, I'm not sure where this power is coming from for these facilities.

    Now that the swarm have a queen and have armour and a new main assault rifle, they should have somewhere they're manufacturing things. It should really be inside of Kadar IMO and it's again a shame we don't see where they've been building things.

    Act 4

    This act is very short. Is chapter 2 just a handful of fights? Why is Cole inside of the robot? His death is really pointless, as is everyone else holding off the Swarmak.

    How does the boss from Act 3, chapter 4 know where the main characters have gone to? lol

    Some overall points

    The game was good, I enjoyed it but it felt unfinished at the end. It's very short and feels like half of a game because of the ending. Why does Jack die? The beacons don't fire the HOD directly at themselves so surely Jack could have fired the HOD without being dead on himself.

    There are so many boss fights in this game. So many that some of them just come back as regular enemies??? Lots of them are easy to spot a mile off. It's not necessarily bad given that other games in the series have obvious fights coming up but there are just so many of them which are mini-boss fights in this one. I suppose it makes for a lot of options in horde for the bosses though, the variety is good.

    The game tries so hard to make you love JD and Fazh (pronounced Foz?) in Act 3, especially Fazh in chapter 3, but also sets them up as war criminals. I have no qualms over choosing to save Del at the end after spending all of Act 2 bonding with him.

    What is a Scion? Is it just a catchall term for "big enemy" now?

    The hammerburst is easily one of my least favorite guns and probably least favorite assault rifle in this game. It's ok if you need to use it but the franchise should really make up it's mind what the gun is going to do. I really miss what it was like in GOW3 with the zoomed iron sights. I read that it was changed for multiplayer because you could spam the fire button but I mostly just held it down when I played GOW2/3 campaign anyway. If it really must burst fire, it should have toggleable modes for single shot IMO. Though, the role was filled really nicely by the Markza and I had a lot of fun using the relic one during Act 2, I wish it had more rounds per clip though, I'm not a good shot lol.

    There are so many collectibles. I'm not great at finding them all.


    Multiplayer is obviously a money maker for the developers in this one, lots of skins etc. I only really want to play the campaign but I really loved horde in GOW2. The focus in this version of horde seems to just be around placing barriers all over the map to slow bosses and I got shouted at in voice chat for upgrading one of them. In another match, before I'd gotten the settings and drivers right so I could play at a constant 60 fps, I was playing horde and someone said "whenever I stand next to Marcus my game goes mental" lol. My fps apparently affects other players really badly, I was kicked from that game. Is it worth playing horde with other people? I read that classic horde exists in this game, is it just like GOW2 horde? Are there locust to fight? Does everything need to be online? Can I actually play offline and by myself? I'm really happy that old maps for horde are in this one, especially Dam. I miss bloodmounts on blood drive but it's great that they don't get stuck in the corner anymore. But with other people, it doesn't feel quite as difficult as it was in GOW2. Do people actually use voice comms in this game? It used to be used a lot in GOW2 horde IIRC but I've only seen it used in this one when someone is angry at me :(

    It's a shame that this game is missing the mode from GOW3 where you control locust. The section where you control swam soldiers in this game was quite fun and I would love to be able to do that again or something like the equivalent of the RAMMs shadow campaign.

    More lore discussion

    I don't think I really got what was going on for some of the game honestly. The locust all died in GOW3 but they're back because they just decided to come back to life? The brumak is back too but the corpser isn't, did only the humanoid locust come back? Why do they need to kidnap humans? They can still breed new soldiers like they presumably have been doing? In fact, why did they bother kidnapping people in GOW2 anyway? Just to torture them? Is there a reason we don't get to see reavers etc? What happened to the creatures of the hollow? Are brumaks hollow creatures that the locust modified or are they actually mutated humans? Are leeches swarm?

    If in GOW3 the locust that are just not near the queen become savage, why don't the swarm act like the savage locust? They're surely not much different in behaviour if they're just somehow alive locust again?

    In act 1, chapter 2, Anya is mentioned and in chapter 4 at the hotel(?) there is a poster about the "ministry of fertility" that I think Anya was part of? What actually happened? The name is certainly something that I would expect

    What is actually the state of relations between the COG and UIR after GOW3? They just sort of showed up. The UIR in this game certainly felt very much like a Soviet standin, especially with the cosmonaut training facility and the written language in that chapter. I'm a little confused though about the state of the universe after seeing the UIR rocket stuff. Who actually invented the HOD? There is mention of the COG using it against the UIR? But the UIR can launching HOD rockets.

    Again, wow, the new hope section was amazing and easily the bit that got me invested in the rest of the game and Kait. What actually happens at the end of chapter 5 though? Kait is severed from the swarm but they have a queen back (somehow?). Why do we suddenly need the HOD again?

    What do the COG use for power now? Was it actually addressed?

    submitted by /u/VioletDarkKitty
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    although gears 5 campaign is controversial what did you like about it?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:41 AM PST

    i liked act 4's atmosphere and going through the labs

    submitted by /u/evgxmagma
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    Gears Cast at Galaxy Con

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Do we know the percentage of player base per each rank for Gears 5 like we did previously?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:36 PM PST

    Why didn’t Adam Fenix warn humanity about the Locust threat during the Pendulum Wars?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:22 PM PST

    6 vs 2. What you gonna do?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:02 AM PST

    You failed! Stalemate!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:51 PM PST

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