• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    Gears of War | I've been waiting all year to hit up multiplayer today

    Gears of War | I've been waiting all year to hit up multiplayer today

    I've been waiting all year to hit up multiplayer today

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Still my favorite controller to this day

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Looking Forward to giving this series a try

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:09 AM PST

    I made a fan character, this guy it is a scion lasher, the concept of a mini boss, he is head shot proof until you take down his helmet, this guy hit the beasts with his whip and buff the damage and speed, but at the cost of half of the healt of the monster. The whip can pass through cover.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:07 PM PST

    The gears community is one of its own biggest enemies

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:41 AM PST

    I'll preface this by saying I LOVE gears and it is one of my favorite series ever. But this community can be one of the most unwelcoming and toxic communities out there. Which is compounded with the fact that this game is not easy to pick up and be good at multiplayer like at ALL. This game has some of the saltiest least self aware people I've ever encountered in any community then you will see those same people complain about the population of the game. I understand that due to how the game released it's not the fanbases fault that the player base is low, but the attitude of the community doesn't offer much incentive for new players to want to stick around and get better. And yea I realize online lobbies used to be " a lot worst" back in the day but that doesn't change the point. Just had to rant.

    submitted by /u/shanoil
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    That's one way to start a boss wave

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 03:22 PM PST

    A post I made on FB 12 years ago. Gears 2 is still a great game and fun to play.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    Legendary Gorgon skin for the talon?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    How 2 loader

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Got this as one of my gifts... I didn't knew this shirt existed till now!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Various Gears art I've made throughout the years

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Made a fun little gameplay mash-up set to my favorite "Christmas carol" for all of the other Gears fans this Christmas. Fun fact: 14 years ago today I played Gears of War for the first time! Looking forward to the next 14.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:04 PM PST

    Christmas in other games and Christmas in Gears

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:54 AM PST

    Other games: Merry Christmas, thank you so much for staying with us, here is some free stuff.

    Gears: please buy our holiday themed character for $15 or how about a Christmas banner for $5? Maybe a mark for $2? Or hey, just spend the holidays playing a game mode we know you hate, with the worst gun in the history of the seriee. And sorry, we just could not create something new for you, we had to repeat what we did last year.

    Merry Christmas. TC still has a lot to learn. Maybe take a hint from studios like Playground how to treat your fans. But hey, at least the Gearsmas 2019 mark was now free.

    submitted by /u/NotFromMilkyWay
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    Wiped the enemy team twice

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    I loved this little moment in the Hivebusters DLC

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Fuck This Achievement and Achievements like it

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Most recent

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Should Onyx Guard Keegan have a helmeted version?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Giving away Blood spray and banner for Gears 5 (Xbox live)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Lore Question: How come Humans were crushed by the locust?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:34 PM PST

    By the end of the locust war and lambent pandemic, 99% of the human population was killed on Sara. How did the locust who were primitive in technology destroy humanity which was more technologically advanced? Humans in the gears of war universe is more technologically advanced than humanity in the real world.

    submitted by /u/That2mittenguy
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    Too much wall bouncing, he could of killed me

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST

    Sneak peek of my next Gears of War grenade montage

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:35 PM PST

    COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of December 25–January 01, 2021

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Post up your gamertags to make some new friends this week! Please use the following format:

    • Game: (Which gears game you want to play.)
    • Gamertag: (Your gamertag.)
    • Type: (Professional? Casual? Scrim? Horde?)
    • Region: (Your timezone or general geographic area.)
    • Time: (When you are free to play.)
    • Platform: (PC/Xbox One/360)

      You can also check out r/GearsLFG to find teammates any day of the week.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Quickplay Ruined

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:18 PM PST

    I've gotta say, I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I really HATE what the devs have done with quickplay. I used to play ranked exclusively but the toxicity just ruined it. I moved to quickplay and enjoyed my time SIGNIFICANTLY more. However, some of the changes the devs have made leave me scratching my head wondering if they're purposefully trying to tank the game. First off, what the hell were they thinking making KOTH 4v4. Yeah yeah I know it was originally 4v4 but that hasn't been the case for YEARS. The newer maps are all built with a 5v5 in mind and what about the 5 man teams that have formed up over the years? You're supposed to just kick one of your guys to the curb? If they want to make that change in ranked because it makes it "more competitive" then whatever, I guess. However, it still doesn't change that you're now in a 3v4 if someone leaves which is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult than a 4v5 and then once someone sees that, you're almost guaranteed to lose another guy who doesn't want to get steam rolled so you're stuck in a 2v4 the remainder of the game getting wasted as soon as spawn protection is up. Not to mention that to someone who doesn't know, looking at the leaderboard when it's 4v4 just makes it look like the game is on its last leg and there are so few people playing that they can't even get a full game going, but that's just an appearance issue. With Guardian, what the hell is with the not spawning near the leader anymore? Before, you were constantly moving around the map, trying to set up wherever you could and then having to move positions whenever it got too hot, now, I don't even know what's going on. Random spawn flips for no reason? It's now just a game of getting ready to run to the other side of the map, no strategy needed. God help you if you have a dumb random as the leader too, before you could try and protect the idiot, now the only thing you can do is hope you can rush over Rambo style and kill the enemy leader before yours does something stupid or the spawns flip and he becomes a hood ornament for the enemy team. I find myself spending more and more time playing other games because I'm having less and less fun playing Gears. Am I the only one here??? Please hold your hate if you can, this is just my genuine take on this.

    submitted by /u/d4213
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