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    Gears of War | This Week In Gears - 26 October 2020

    Gears of War | This Week In Gears - 26 October 2020

    This Week In Gears - 26 October 2020

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Starting November 10, you play as your favorite character and weapon skins in campaign

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Playing through all the campaigns in order for the first time, finally got to Gears 4, and...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    ...I really don't get the hate? All I read about this game beforehand was that it was a blatant retread, that its story was terrible and boring and that the writing was obnoxious and horrible. But I've been greatly enjoying the campaign, way more than 3 and Judgement and probably as much as 2 (Ultimate Edition is still my fav campaign)

    I think most of the hate for the writing stems purely from the players being a whole new cast of characters. Even in Judgement, your main crew still had Cole and Baird, and they knew how the dynamic in a COG group should be. What I really like about the Gears 4 gang is that they don't feel like the COG, specifically because they're more lighthearted and friendly. Delta Squad bicker and squabble from time to time with the tone of "yeah yeah, but just focus on the task at hand", which is iconic and fun to listen to, but in my eyes it makes perfect sense for the new cast of Outsiders to have a completely different dynamic. They're friends first and foremost, and teammates second. Kait is arguably a bit one-note (and part of me thinks that was on purpose to make her growth in Gears 5 more substantial) but JD and Del are fun to listen to, JD especially is a fun new kind of energy for the series.

    I also can't overstate just how much I love the gameplay, its Gears perfected in my eyes. Gears 3 made the controls buttery smooth but suffered by desiging enemies and combat encounters around 4 players, which made single player more tedious and annoying than it needed to be. Here in 4, everything is back to being razor-tightly focused, while keeping the amazing Gears 3 controls. Yanking people from out of cover is genuinely one of the most satisfying things to do in any game, and almost all the new weapons are winners. The EMBAR especially finally made me want to use snipers, after being turned off of the Longshot prior in the series.

    I think the story itself is pretty neat, just like all the games before it manages to have its own unique feel. Gears 1 was all about the slight survival horror touch, Gears 2 was a constant stream of variety and never knowing whats next, Gears 3 was the grand, (arguably too long) journey, and Judgement had its whole redone structure going for it. 4 feels kind of like a mixture of 1, 2 and 3, with the amazing spectacle moments from 2 (The escape from the Locust burial site was just <3<3<3), the feeling of an interconnected journey of 3, and the slight feeling of dreading the unknown from 1. In terms of locations it feels crazy varied yet never veers off into feeling scattershot like 2 sometimes did, and the amount of subtle lore nods and tidbits scattered about got my geek senses tingling. With Judgement making me a huge fan of Paduk and interested in the UIR in general, Fort Reval Museum was a highlight of the game for me.

    So yeah, I'm in the middle of Act 4 right now, and I'm super excited to get to the end of the game. Its revived my love for the series after both 3 and Judgement felt like they dragged a little, and I'm over the moon excited to play 5's campaign after this.

    I'm interested in hearing some thoughts from you all about 4's campaign specifically. I know the multiplayer of both it and 5 are controversial but I really couldn't care less about that, just discuss the characters, visuals, environments, story etc! Would love to discuss.

    submitted by /u/FSMellon
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    Raven Down Shenanigans

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Why yes I would like the Fenix Collection, how could you tell?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Ranked FFA - "The Ocho"

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Keep them zombie skins coming i love them

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    My two favourite things

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    So Yeah... spooky

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I know what modifier I’m turning on...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Post of appreciation for GoW, the dark horse Xbox series that Halo overshadowed but which I’ve always loved and appreciated.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    With all the bullshit going on right now with the new micro transactions and potential battle royale mode coming to Halo Infinite, it reminded me of how much I enjoy Gears of War, a game that always offered unique and competitive multiplayer as well as robust and ambitious single player experiences—consistently. A series that always manages to feel true to its roots while introducing new features each entry, including the incredible horde modes, and fantastic co-op multiplayer campaigns.

    Gears of War manages to do what most games can't—remain good for years without pumping out a cash grab sequel every 12 months. IMO Gears of War is as deserving of celebration as Halo ever was.

    submitted by /u/Liightman
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    #FenixCollection *cough* *cough*

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    TC are all about Face Value ;)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    With all this talk about the Fenix Collection I think Splash Damage should be the studio behind it (Worked on Gears Ue,Tactics, 4&5) while Tc works on on the next main line game

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    You know what really grinds my Gears... (October 27, 2020)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:05 AM PDT



    Relevant Image

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Is Gears 5 cross play on Xbox and pc

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Specifically Xbox and Steam

    submitted by /u/yoopdeyoop
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    When your shotgun has a sniper attachment.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Do I completed these challenges two days ago and still don’t have the smoke skin, anyone know how to fix this

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    This was a long time ago on UE. I don’t know why I was using a shotty from here, but this made me laugh.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Gears of War Fenix Collection Trailer - ONCE MORE INTO THE WAR

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    What is wrong with the Gears 5 servers?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Balance seems alright here :D

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Anime Batista Anime Batista

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Make a play list that forces 5Stacks to play other 5Stacks only

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    5 Stacks should not be allowed to play Ranked with people who are not also in a 5 team.

    Public Ranked lobbies should only have duos from Onyx and up, Trios from Bronze to Gold. Anything higher and the game recognizes you have an unfair advantage and forces you to play against other teams.

    This is how it should be. You dont prove you're good against a bunch of randoms who don't have mics or speak the same language. You prove you're good against other teams.

    submitted by /u/thefoxygrandma
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    Boost Glitch?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Quick question, I just spent 100 scrap on a 1 day boost but the boost won't work/hasn't come into effect. Is this a glitch or not cause before I bought the boost matchmaking said 2xp, but after buying the boost it still says 2xp. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway2461973
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