• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Gears of War | I've been playing this guy for 2 hours and he's super toxic and kept saying I was trash. Let's just say he wasn't happy after that

    Gears of War | I've been playing this guy for 2 hours and he's super toxic and kept saying I was trash. Let's just say he wasn't happy after that

    I've been playing this guy for 2 hours and he's super toxic and kept saying I was trash. Let's just say he wasn't happy after that

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    We know who we are

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:12 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    This should be illegal

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Sorry, can you repeat that?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    what kinda bullshit is this? how is he allowed to pull me out of the Silverback?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Playable Swarm side in Coop vs AI every other match

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    C'mon TC, there is literally zero reason for this NOT to be a thing, it can only encourage Swarm skin sales for some of the more casual players.

    submitted by /u/LordTurtlus
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    Marcus Fenix Cosplay by MultipleJacks

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Don’t think I’ve ever had this work out so well

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    When the community murders you for wanting the series to be more like Gears 1 again

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I didn't know a ribbon for a 9 man existed

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    In-depth FORGE guide (smelting weapons for energy, not the map)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    since I couldn't find an actual source of data and I got quite a bit left-over time in my Horde matches once our base is setup, I experimented a bit with the Forge fortification and put my thoughts on it. In this thread I will lay out my results and share my opinion on how the Forge should be used most efficiently!

    Note: I only play Master difficulty and so everything written here has Master difficulty in mind.When talking about build costs, I will use this format "normal cost / cost for an engineer / cost for del with maxed discount card".


    • Only buy a Forge in regular Horde, never buy a Forge in Horde Frenzy.
    • Only buy a Forge if you have a Jack with an equipped optimizer card in your team. Without that, your team will get way more value out of that 60k when you invest those into weapon lockers and barriers.
    • Buy the Forge as early as possible and upgrade it as soon as possible.
    • If your squad goes for a Forge, don't waste early energy into buying fortifications, weapons, perking up or ammo-refilling suicides (without the possibility to store your weapon in a locker pre-death). Buy the Forge ASAP and upgrade it ASAP to get the maximum value out of it!
    • You will start making bonus energy somewhat between waves 6 and 8. Once the Forge is on level 4, every energy you receive from it is YOURS (still as a team, please deposit for barriers and lockers ^^)
    • You do not need a Del to make the Forge a worthy buy. He just saves about 5.000 energy for the initial buy (which is like 2 early waves only), but after the initial buy, the cost is nearly the same, even if you do not have an engineer at all. Baird and even Kat are perfectly fine for a Jack'n'Forge Horde run.Hell, a no Engineer run (with a Jack though) makes a Forge even more interesting for your team, since you need more power to repair stuff and more lockers since you lack the overclocked locker from your Engineer. It's just 4.000 to 7.200 energy difference to reach the point of making bonus energy. I even think, in a Jack-is-the-Engineer run, a Forge nets the most theoretical value! With an engineer, you have the discounts and boosted fortifications that make up for the lack of bonus energy income through the Forge...
    • Please help Jack marking weapons or even carrying them over to the Forge early on instead of staying inside the base and doing nothing. You will be rewarded with lots of energy, revives, "Stimming", XP and cards ;-)

    About me: I'm in love with the Gears universe since Gears 2, and an Engineer(ing student) in real life. I love to use my brain (theorycrafting) and optimize things, even the smallest everyday-habits (e. g. writing my grocery shopping list in order of how the things appear at that certain market). I started Gears 5 in Operation 4, but I have very much Gears and especially Horde experience since Gears 2, and mastered all Maps in regular Horde and Horde-Frenzy (without abusing barrier exploits). Maybe you have seen my Fahz guide here on this subreddit a few weegs ago or played a game of Horde with me since I was quite active lately ^^Alright, let's go!

    The Forge is a new fortification of Gears 5 Horde. It allowes everyone on the team to smelt any weapon (except pistols and grenades) in exchange for some energy (that everyone on the team receives). With an initial build cost of 15.000 / 14.000(Eng) / 10.800(Del) it is quite an invesment you have to do when building and upgrading it for a total amount of 60.000 / 56.000(Eng) / 50.700(Del).

    To come straight to the point: Without a Jack, building a Forge is a huge waste of energy and it would take everybody on the team so much time and effort to even break even with the cost of the Forge, and further generating bonus energy with it.**Don't build a Forge when you don't have a Jack on your team, and if you do, just build a Forge when he has the optimizer card equipped!**Also, on Horde-Frenzy, never build a Forge. A Forge is there to generate (much) bonus energy at the cost of a slower start of the game. In Frenzy you don't really start at the start, but already have quite an amount of energy and taps there, and it is supposed to be a faster variant of Horde. You would need to start smelting weapons within wave 1 and during the whole wave to make it efficient (and everybody depositing all the money into the Forge building). But that kinda destroys the whole point of Frenzy. Just don't do it, it's not worth it. Don't ever build a Forge in Horde-Frenzy!

    To underlay my following explanations with scientific data, here are some raw numbers I measured myself in a private Horde game.

    Weapons are separated in 3 different tiers, and every weapon of each tier gives the exact same amount of energy when smelted.

    1. "Standard" weapons [20 energy]: Lancer, Retro-Lancer, GL-Lancer, Hammerburst, Enforcer, Claw, Gnasher, Overkill, Markza, Embar, Longshot
    2. "Heavy" weapons [30 energy]: Mulcher, Buzzkill, Tri-Shot, Breaker Mace, Cryo Cannon
    3. "Explosive" weapons [40 energy]: Boomshot, Dropshot, Torque Bow, RL-4 Salvo

    The Level of the Forge adds a multiplicator to that base number. It does not scale linear, meaning every Forge leven adds the same amount of bonus energy, but really encourages to level up the Forge as soon as possible, as the bonus energy from smelting weapons increases drastically!

    1. Level 1 Forge: 1
    2. Level 2 Forge: 2
    3. Level 3 Forge: 4
    4. Level 4 Forge: 6

    To calculate the amount of energy you receive per Forge level, the following formula is used:

    Energy = Forge-Level-multiplicator * base-energy depending on weapon tier. That leads to the following table:

    no Jack Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
    Standard 20 40 80 120
    Heavy 30 60 120 180
    Explosive 40 80 160 240

    I already stated, that without using a Jack, a Forge is a waste of energy.Let's just asumme, a Del with maxed discount bought and upgraded a Forge to level 4 for total cost of 50.700 energy. To break even with that number, you as a team would have to forge 50.700/(120*5) = 84,5 standard weapons. Let's say you find a few heavy and explosive weapons, the number would still be around 70 weapons on a level 4 Forge. Remember that you also have to upgrade it first for way less bonus energy you receive. And you want a bit of a base, some barriers and weapon lockers, too, right? And without 2 weapon locker slots each person you cannot even realistically smelt weapons, how would you want to carry them without losing your main weapons?

    Now, let's add a Jack to that calculation, with a maxed out Optimizer card (which is realistic, since it is a green gard and easy to get/cheap to upgrade) with 170% bonus energy for smelting weapons. Note, the word bonus, so the 170% are additive, meaning Jack will produce 270% the amount of energy compared to a non-Jack player smelting a weapon. And that's how we receive the final numbers we see in-game with a Level 4 Forge and a maxed Jack:

    Jack Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
    Standard 54 108 216 324
    Heavy 81 162 324 486
    Explosive 108 216 432 648

    So, to get the most out of the Forge, you want to level it up as soon as possible (every weapon counts). Once you reached level 4, every piece of energy you and your teammates receive are free to use (for fortifications, repairing stuff, buying weapons, perking). Let's calculate roughly, how many weapons you need to smelt (assuming everybody deposits 100% as a team effort to upgrade the Forge asap):

    • Before the Forge

    Before you have a Forge, you will kill enemies and collect energy until you can buy it. Depending on if or which Engineer you use, you will be able to buy the Forge at wave 2/3 (Del), or 3/4 (Eng or no Eng). Note, that you can optimize the first few levels by picking up every piece of power 30 seconds within dropping or you lose 50% of the energy (Jack is great for that, since he can fly around the map stealthed), or using the Kait passive (+25% power drop on nearby enemy deaths) to maximize the early energy collection and Forge building time.

    • Level 1 to Level 2

    Already now the choice of the Engineer does not matter, since the upgrade cost is the same for all engineers with 14.000 energy. Even without an engineer its just 1.000 energy more. To get 14.000 energy with a level 1 Forge you need to smelt 14.000/(5*54) = 52 standard weapons. However, you will still be picking up power from the waves (and during early waves its really easy to not lose the 50% bonus), and reach that amound usually within 1 wave.

    • Level 2 to Level 3

    14.000/(5*108) = 26 standard weapons. Same logic with the standard energy generation outside of the Forge though. Is do-able in 1 to 2 waves.

    • Level 3 to Level 4

    14.000/(5*216) = 13 standard weapons. That is actually a realistic number of weapons that can be smelted during an early, setup wave (leaving one alive, collect all weapons...). So by wave 6 to 8 you will have the Forge upgraded to level 4 and start making disposable energy for everyone!

    "But, PizzaLegolas, I am JD and I need 2 level 4 lockers and Marcus needs 1 for himself aswell!"- You will get those in no time with that Level 4 Forge and Jack smelting weapons left and right for you. And you don't need those for the first 9 waves. There isn't even a mini-boss spawning on wave 5. I get that your "lategame-fantasy" is having 1 locker full of GL's, 1 locker full of Boomshots and 1 locker full of Salvos just for you. But you don't need it that early. Use the weapons you got. If they are empty, let Jack smelt them for energy! Use your chainsaw/Retro-Lancer early in the game. It costs you 0 ammo to use it, and kills Juvies and Rejects with easy. Melee executions might be a bit risky, since most enemies will DBNO you within 1 melee hit. Pick up weapons from dead enemies and use those! DR-1s with Tri-Shots or Salvos are more than enough to mow through the first waves of the Swarm. Use what the game or the environment gives you. And deposit, so we can upgrade the Forge and start makin' money. You will receive your lockers soon enough. It's a cooperative PvE shooter aka a teamgame. Play it that way and it will be way easier and way more fun :-)

    Thank you for reading and feel free to discuss!

    submitted by /u/PentakillOlaf
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    That's Ok I didn't want MVP anyways

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Got These from a GameStop Discount Shelf. I Am Very Pleased

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    They really do be like that

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Patience is a virtue

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Well look what this says

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Recent rank clip before work

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    What are you doing step Fahz

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Anyone else having Audio issues on Xbox?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    It seems to have only started today that the Audio will cut out at random times. Other games I play are fine it's just this game having issues

    submitted by /u/DeadmanDT
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    A few things to make horde better.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Individual leeches need to have a limit on how much damage they can do to a power tap before they leave it. Too many taps have died to a single leech that nobody could kill in time.

    You should be able to temporarily fight off any/all non-boss enemies when you're DBNO. With stronger enemies like scions being able to kill you faster.

    You should be able to save any squadmate from a death animation before they're actually killed. Just because a scion picks someone up, doesn't mean they should instantly die. If you can drop it fast enough, that should save whoever was about to be executed. (I know that would require a lot of work I'm just throwing it out there)

    Less. Rejects. Period. Or give them a different function than just "run in and explode".

    More enemy variety. Flame trackers, chainsaw thirsty drones, Boltok drones, flaming pouncers, scorcher enemies, Scions that use their boom shields with cleavers, blood mounts, literal locust? Idek. Just something to enhance the experience.

    New maps (obviously)

    Well that's all I got. Let me know what you think.

    Edit 1:

    Sires should be faster, and completely silent.

    The claw should function as it does in multiplayer and campaign; Slow to start, more accurate the longer it fires.

    submitted by /u/JoonBoi97
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    Well said, Benjamin

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Just got back on gears after a year, i’ve missed this

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Daily Discussion (September 02, 2020)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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