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    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Gears of War | The Prophet

    Gears of War | The Prophet

    The Prophet

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Yeah you guys may have your cool collectible Gears figurines, but do you have Cole Train’s Boom Sauce?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I don’t even know what to say about this

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Anthony come on! The tv doesn't even work!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    What ever happened to boomers

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    So in gears of war 1 and up to 3 we see boomers being used as the locust hordes heavy weapon specialists and we all know about The locust hordes defeat from the imolsion killing device at the end of 3. So after the locust crystalization and eventual reformation as the swarm we are told that. The drones and Theron's evolved into scions and grew to boomers size and became the swarms heavy weapons specialists. So that begs the question. What happened to boomers did they evolve too?. Why don't we see them?

    submitted by /u/Theonerule
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    Someone wants what Myrrah is cooking lol

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Finals 8/2 skins! GOAT Retro Lancer, Torque Bow, Longshot, Embar, Talon, Boltok, Lancer, Gnasher and Snub skins! Glory Torque Bow, Hammerburst, Retro Lancer, Longshot and Dropshot skins! And bonuses to be named later! You will not want to miss! Be there early! (10 AM CT – 8 PM CT)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    [Rant} I Cannot Find a Game Below 150 Ping

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    The entire time I have played Gears 5, I have only ever had 2 times where my ping is below 150. The first back around launch, I saw a friend playing and jumped into their game and I had 22~30 ms ping, which is my closest Data Center, Australia East, the other time is playing horde with some family hosted by them, 20 ms.

    Every other time, and I do mean EVERY OTHER TIME, I try to find a game, it's 150+ to 220. So it's putting me in West, South Central, North Central and even East US.They aren't even the second closest servers, East Asia is 128 ms, but I can't get a game there either.

    You might say, 'EvilTwin2146 there is an option in matchmaking, [matchmaking preferences] that lets you prioritize lower ping.' And to that i say I've tried it. Back during launch I have screenshots of waiting 43 and 38 Minutes without finding a game. As I am typing this the timer is going past 35 minutes looking for an arcade game.

    What pisses me off more is that I join games where my ping is 150+ with only one other person in it. Why does this prick get their own game, but I wait so long and have to deal with firing a second shot but watching kill cams where I barely hit the first. WHY CAN'T I GET MY OWN GAME.

    I love this game series and love the game, but playing online is shit when your always at a disadvantage.

    submitted by /u/EvilTwin2146
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    A little rant

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Attention quitters.... fuck all of y'all, why are you going to play a ranked game and then just up and leave and go to YouTube or other shit if u lose one round? We even have quitters before the first round even ends. Gears has got to the point where if 1 player quits on your team you lost the match already no matter what. #STOPquitting

    submitted by /u/yayyfun
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    PC Gears 5 suddenly breaks mid-game. I lose control of my character

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Gilded Clayton? Still possible to unlock and how?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    OP 4

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    I really can't stress enough how much of a good direction OP 4 took gears obviously work needs done still but taking out aim assist, adding a more universal currency(though I would like the medal and challenge system of gears 3), and the return of guardian in quick play rn I'm in complete love again and I rank it as the top 3rd gears of all time behind 2 and 3.

    submitted by /u/Protobaldy
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    I haven’t played gears since UE. I just bought an elite 2 controller and heading to Target to get Gears 5.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hey y'all I'm an old player who started back in 06. I have been lurking this subreddit for sometime. I haven't played my Xbox one since 2017. I got excited about some of the dev updates I read about coming to G5, so I'm going to give it a shot. I come from an execution and tdm background. I was a dedicated sniper hog, literally no game has given me more satisfaction than head shots in gears. Anyways would love to get some recs/tips. Would love to know what wireless headset I should get with consideration for compatibility the series X.

    For fun here are a few very old sniper montages I did with a capture card. Back when our biggest complaints were Host advantage, lag switches and crab walking.

    Gears 1 first sniper montage.

    Gears 1 multi-kill montage.

    I know gears has changed a lot over the past few years, but as long as I have a Gnasher and a long shot I'm solid.

    Greetings to all you gears heads that keep this series alive.

    submitted by /u/Jakeupload
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    Niner Niner Trishot for Hire (old clip)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Just played ranked koth and

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Holy fuck I feel like people on gears don't have thumbs, I played a game of koth and had 22 caps... 22 fucking caps and the next closest on my team was 4 caps, STOP PLAYING KOTH IF YOURE JUST GONNA KILL AND NOT CAP

    submitted by /u/BargainBinCaptainT
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    Goat gl is live! Live.gearsofwar.com!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Daily Discussion (August 02, 2020)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How does the explosive ammo regen for keegan works?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Today i've started using keegan, and i noticed a perk of "explosive ammo regeneration" and even if its at level 10 (max.) The ammo of boomshots and Salvos is not being reloaded. It just works during the ultimate? Or it isn't available for frenzy horde? (i've been playing frenzy horde today) I've seen some crazy keegans shooting boomshots and throwing grenades everywhere but for me it doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/xGREYSTONEx
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    Goat Mace is live! Live.gearsofwar.com!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Community Discussion Stream (Bchaps, JessLL, NeonVelocity, EmbryStarred) - LIVE NOW - Come Join Us!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    what are Clayton's best cards for escape?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    most of his cards are very situational imo so i usually dont know what to run

    submitted by /u/dannydubs7
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    Goat Boomshot is live! Live.gearsofwar.com

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Goat claw is live! Live.gearsofwar.com

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:52 AM PDT

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