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    Gears of War | Daily Discussion (January 05, 2020)

    Gears of War | Daily Discussion (January 05, 2020)

    Daily Discussion (January 05, 2020)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:05 AM PST

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My Remake of Gridlock in Murder Miners

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Grub hole in Marietta, GA

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Reflecting on “THE CHOICE”

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Now that it's had some time to breathe, it seems like the community could reflect on the infamous choice from Gears 5: Saving JD or Del. The real question is the impact it will have on the games going forward.

    THE SCOPE OF THINGS: There is a concept of "scope" in game development - it is a measure of how much work something will take to implement based against how much dev time/resources are available and the value of that feature.

    Unless Gears 6 deviates from the formula significantly, it's highly unlikely that we'll see both Del and JD as "optional" characters in campaign based on the Gears 5 player choice. Simply put, the scope of having two main characters be "swappable" is too high. Putting JD/Del into a small role to allow for the "choice" to be scoped in WILL affect sales and reviews negatively, so it is unlikely we will see the characters backburned to pull this off. JD/Del are dissimilar enough that their personalities would influence and direct the story in different ways, meaning a full swap requires more than just different voice acting. They would need totally different cutscene animations, models, interactions with other characters, and possibly even levels. Given most players wouldn't see the other version of the campaign, there is little to no chance something of this magnitude would be scoped into the product. There is virtually no value to including them both - it's not going to make or break the sales of the game to do this. Reviewers aren't going to play it twice and give it a higher score just for this. Improving skiff gameplay and adding significant features are a better use of dev resources than having these characters be interchangeable.

    SO THEN WHAT'S THE DEL?: Why make this moment in Gears 5 a choice then? Basic game design and psychology studies teach that humans react more viscerally to things they have some control over. Making the death a choice centers it around the player, whereas a cutscene would center it around Kait. It puts the player in the moment in addition to the characters. The branching ending also fuels speculation and discussion of the product online, keeping it in the public consciousness. TC can also explore this alternate "What-if" scenario further in EU content like books, movies, or comics. The deceased character will likely appear in Gears 6 multiplayer or even a campaign flashback to satisfy fans.

    WHO MADE IT OUT?: While it's possible for the Coalition to swing either way, most signs writing-wise point to JD making it out alive.

    • Del was the player's companion for both Gears 4 and 5, making him the most impactful character to kill off at this point. He has likely had more screen time than either Kait or JD.

    • In terms of game writing psychology, players tend to bond with side-characters more than their own character. Players project themselves onto the player avatar, which means it's easier to give side characters they interact with more personality. Giving the main character too much personality can cause dysphoria and break immersion for players. Because of this, killing Kait or JD wouldn't have as much impact as Del.

    • Del's death affects JD, Kait, and Fahz's character arcs in a significant way, whereas JD's death primarily affects Marcus. I doubt TC wants to take away focus from the new cast by giving Marcus a grieving subplot. JD's death also removes any chance of a "happy" ending for Marcus, given his entire family is dead and his remaining close friends don't seem to bring him the same joy as Dom/Anya/JD.

    • We've seen Marcus grieve before. Sad Marcus isn't new plot territory. Marcus trying to cheer up and bond with his son is completely new ground not touched by Gears 4 or 5.

    • Del's death gives Kait something new to grapple with in Gears 6 and alters the dynamic between the two playable characters, preventing it from being to similar to Gears 5.

    • JD is mid-character arc, whereas Del doesn't seem to have one at all. Del is great and fun, but he won't make good storytelling in 6. His death gives JD a personal stake in the fight against the Swarm outside of "my dad killed your grandma".

    • JD was the star of Gears 4, and Kait was the star of Gears 5. It makes sense that they would finally "team up" and share the spotlight in 6. Reasonably, 6 could be "Del's game", but he doesn't have any personal stake in the fight like the other two characters.

    • As several people have suggested, there is a small chance JD could come back on the Swarm's side. Personally, I don't think this makes much sense or adds much value to the story arc. The swarm is a mutated hivemind, meaning that JD wouldn't look or think like himself.

    • JD is a white male and the son of the IP's iconic lead. Despite what the devs may push for, many executives still quiver in their boots at the idea of featuring women/minorities in leading roles. Executives would almost certainly stop JD's death from happening. It is unfortunate, but brutally true. Racism can be subtle and many execs justify it as a business decision forced on them by the audience. EDIT: This is a nuanced issue, and one that TC probably doesn't have given their forward thinking handling of Kait and Del. I shouldn't have speculated here without going into detail. At the end of the day, it's more likely execs will worry about killing the son of the IP's mascot than any particular racial issue between characters.

    BUT KAIT WOULDN'T PICK HIM!: This is a fallacy that assumes Kait is as removed from the situation as the player. While players may have had time slow down to facilitate the decision, it certainly didn't slow for Kait - she threw a knife on instinct with less than a second to choose. The idea that Kait had time to weigh the pros and cons of which friend to save is pretty ridiculous. Kait is right handed, and JD is on her right side. That alone makes him more likely to save than Del from a character perspective.

    IN DEFENSE OF DEL: Despite all of this, it's unfair to just dismiss Del as definitely dead. There is a certain amount of shock value to killing JD. Del could come into his own as a character in Gears 6. There are ways to make the story work with Del, but they aren't as interesting or as obvious as the current content with JD. I'm sure other Del fans out there can probably see more opportunities for him that I I might be missing. Del is a fun, likable character and it's an outright shame to see him go.

    What would you all like to see happen in Gears 6?

    submitted by /u/TheNicestOne
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    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:25 AM PST

    Since WW3 is starting soon, which iteration of the COG gear will you be rocking? And who do you know who is gonna receive the Carmine treatment? I'll personally be rocking Anthony Carmine's gear

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    Please learn what type of match you're playing.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:10 PM PST

    If you're playing KOTH, I don't mind if you want to get 300 kills in one match, but at least put some goddamn effort in trying to, I dunno, CAPTURE THE HILL?

    I'm sick of being the only one that tries to break into the enemies hill or capture one. I don't care if you want to get the most kills, but please, understand that you being MVP with 100 kills isn't gonna help anyone but you.

    There's tons of other game modes you can try if glory hunting or increasing your K/D ratio is your thing like Team Deathmatch or Free For All. KOTH and Escalation are for capturing the goddamn hill.

    Thanks for your attention.

    submitted by /u/Cooluli23
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    Just realised Drone totem progress hasn't been tracking for at least a week despite it being selected

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Well, this sucks

    submitted by /u/TunaCanScarcity
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    Finally got the Storm Collectibles Gears Figures, sorry for potato quality on my phone, also featuring Mcfarlane JD from Gears 4.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Gears Pop: Queen Myrrah OP?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Everytime I fight someone with the Myrrah, Locust. E-Hole set up I am bound to lose. I see people have high level wretches (lvl. 7 or higher) and level 3 E-holes. Once Myrrah is out Each of those little buggers does like 50 hp per swing. Multiply that by 5 or more and they are chewing through everything. No matter what I play It's almost an immediate loss. Any tips on what the heck to do?

    submitted by /u/bigmikesgaming
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    The Gears 5 1TB Xbox One X. Every Gears game included. Great deal.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Social should be Map Voting, but Ranked should be "Play what Map you get served"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Reason 1: It allows more maps to be played in a competitive nature and manner, in order to test which really are the best and should be in E-Sports/general competition (only removing maps when they have exploits/severe balance issues etc.)

    Reason 2: Increased map knowledge and skills required to do well as a whole. We all know you're really moto at District and Training Ground, but just playing those two (or Foundation....or Blood Drive/Canals when it inevitably returns) should not be the entirety of the Ranked experience. You should be able to prove proficiency and knowledge of a broad range of maps for Ranked, not just a select few.

    submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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    [OPINION]Gears of War 6/ The franchise heading forward

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:28 PM PST

    I'm a HUGE Gears of War fan like most of you, but let's face it. The game needs a huge overhaul in the gameplay department if Microsoft/The Coalition truly want to turn this back into a "massive" franchise. Both Gears 4 and Gears 5's multiplayer died off very quickly after launch. Gears 5 had a hell of a campaign, and yet interest in the game plummeted within a week or two. People who love Gears' core gameplay are already playing it and enjoying it. I can't see some "magical" spike in popularity if Gears 6 has the same core gameplay, with just minor changes here and there. Given the franchises popularity at the moment, it really needs an overhaul, and not silly changes that appease a few thousand people.

    submitted by /u/GOINGY
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    When TC wants to give you an easy day :)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Share your operation stats

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:56 AM PST

    Share your operation stats

    How has everyone fared in their operation objectives (mainly the medals).... here's mine..

    Operation 1 stats

    Operation 2 stats (as of now)

    For operation 2, only the Escape Master 2 (at 2/6), Versus Event Victories (at 2/5) and the 4 "coming soon" medals are pending.

    submitted by /u/acowsik
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    Bans are in effect

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:03 PM PST

    Just got a day and a half ban for quitting once, because the game was bugged. Tried to rejoin after restarting and wouldn't let me either. Can't play any versus either which is BS. Haven't quit a ranked game since before OP2 began either.

    submitted by /u/carbonbasedgamer
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    What does "get 15 drone eliminations" mean?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:40 AM PST

    Does it mean I have to kill 15 drones? Do imagos count?

    submitted by /u/YNComrade
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    IDEA - Free For All Escape

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Since TC scrapped the idea of doing a Battle Royale mode in Gears 5 (which I think was a good move), I think an awesome alternative that would keep it unique would be to add a Free For All version of Escape.

    The logistics of which I'm not too sure about, but if planned well it could easily be very fun and would once again revive Gears 5 if players stopped playing again.

    Escape has been a bit lacking in my opinion, but it does have quite a bit of potential. But with this Escape FFA, it could be brought up to its full potential.

    Maybe the goal is to escape to the other side of the map without getting killed and if you die you are out. Would take quite a bit of thinking to get the idea off the ground but I think it could work.

    Happy Gears, THRElN

    submitted by /u/narutons12
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    Is gnasher fixed yet?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Also my Remake of 2v2 Mid Boxes in Murder Miners

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Pretty major bug on the Matriarch boss fight on Xbox 1. The boss spawns in the wrong place even though it still appears like it’s in the water. I don’t know if this only applies to split screen.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:51 AM PST

    What's with Multiplayer?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:49 AM PST

    I jumped on Gears 5 a week ago after getting bored of Modern Warfare and tried the new "Free For All" and this game mode was on the first page right beside the (Rank mode). Finding a game was quick and i was getting put into full lobbies and getting the average 50-55 ping with half the lobby the same, and remind you i'm on the Xbox One X playing and winning almost every match. After they put back the "FFA" mode with quick play i started getting destroyed like theirs no rank matchmaking in the lobby so i'm going up against "SaSxSH4DOWZ" and he has 145+ ping and ends up lagging so bad in front of me and kills me and than he says in his twitch stream that the game runs smooth, but explain to me why this game has a serious ping problem in multiplayer?. Ever since the game got updated on Dec 23rd i started to get screwed over by 75% of my opponents and now my ping is in the 85-100 ping mark and also when i'm one kill away from getting 30 the game aim assist seems to get wacky and make me shoot like i'm 2 years old getting screwed over and not getting first.

    Please tell me your experiencing this too? Also if you got answers that i don't know please enlighten me.

    submitted by /u/JesseSelinger26
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    First montage of my best plays from 2019

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:48 PM PST

    Todays Tour Objectives are great today for me (sarcasm)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:29 PM PST

    25 eliminations as Baird or Locust Drone (don't have them unlocked), Win 5 Arcade Matches (Multiplayer is dead here in New Zealand), Complete a Free for All match (see previous), uses free New Objective and get Win a Versus Match on Vasgar. Fucking awesome

    submitted by /u/DeadmanDT
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