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    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (November 18, 2019)

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (November 18, 2019)

    Meme Mondays (November 18, 2019)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Anybody else think RAAM from the original Gears of War would make an interesting boss in horde?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    Anyone else use this bad boy during campaign? I love it.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    Boost = hidden subscription service.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:19 AM PST

    So gears 4 had the season pass which wasn't great but in the end we got some perks atleast... I guess. After this weekend's boost garbage it's clear the TC I using the boost as a subscription service hidden behind this XP booster disguise. They think they are so clever but this is just getting out of hand.

    You may not need to pay for the tour of duty but hey buy a boost and you can get through it faster. Like escape well we got double character xp for you if you got boost. Just waiting on the new versus ganemode booster arcade where you can only play if you have boost for 4x XP.

    They were going to do double XP for escape weeks ago then blamed it on bugs but truth is they noticed everyone from gamepass still had some boost left so they waited for everyone to run out so they can entice those who still play to cough up for this subscription I mean boost. It's just pathetic.

    submitted by /u/PiCkL3PaNtZ
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    Almost Done!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:05 PM PST

    So I got one of those posters that has a list of video games on it and the idea is to scratch off the gunk when you finish the game to reveal an image. This is the image for gears of war 4. Uh?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:35 PM PST

    I hope everyone is enjoying this weekends event

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

    It's not even "my face when....." this is my face all the time after this weekend after finding out I needed a boost to get double xp.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:25 AM PST

    I think am about done with gears 5

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    I did it... pride and accomplishment

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Were we supposed to get bored this soon?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:42 PM PST

    A lack of maps, a lack of unlockables and a lack of content in general have really stifled this game, we are two and a half months into this game and it's still buggy and still lacking content, we're still playing versus on the same maps with nothing concrete announced for the near future! Gears 3 released on the 20th of September and had its first DLC out on November 1st, now granted it was on a season pass but GOD would I pay for a season pass if it meant that I get more maps and skins sooner for the game because at the state the game's at the minute I'd rather play something else.

    submitted by /u/Cooshtie
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    This is a fucking joke

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PST

    Quit playing the game

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:44 AM PST

    If you genuinely enjoy this game then keep playing it, but if you're heavily disappointed by either the game or TC's practices/incompetence or both then quit playing.

    Don't get me wrong. Keep vocal about it if you don't want the Gears franchise to die. But nothing is going to change until people actually stop playing.

    I haven't played in a month now and it's obvious from what I've been reading that nothing has changed. But the devs need a reason to change because being vocal alone continues to fall on deaf ears.

    There's better games to play right now anyway.

    submitted by /u/IDJPunkI
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    Decent sniper 5k i got today

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:27 PM PST

    I'm the guy that told everyone to hold their complaining until after they've played the game...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:33 PM PST

    You may remember. I was a huge proponent of not judging a game by its advertising.

    Now I'll speak my truth.

    I played Gears 4 every day. I grinded thousands of rounds of horde. Then i moved on to MP, and spent at least 2 hours daily playing PvP. I played 4 religiously until 5 released.

    This week i played three hours. Total. On a Saturday. Just to get double stars. I got bored and stopped playing before i hit all of my ToD goals.

    The campaign was fun, but PvP isn't as addictive. It gets boring. May be the lack of maps, but... Idk.

    The repeated and stupid failures of TC (whom i gave every benefit of the doubt) have destroyed the player base and tarnished this game IMO.

    So, reserved judgment no longer reserved: I'm not into this game. I try and try, but it's just not fun.

    submitted by /u/IndieCuts
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    Unpopular opinion: class exclusivity is good for horde

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    Just finished 10 final waves on insane where there were 3 JDs. It was awful and boring. Nothing but fireworks and the occasional revive rush when some mob sneaked in a salvo rocket. Waves were like 30 seconds. When JD is so OP, it can only be one of them. On the other hand, this does not apply to other classes. 2 kaits are fun, 2 engies can make a sweet base and so on. The main problem with the design is that there isn't a fifth class to be on par with JD/del/Kait/jack.

    submitted by /u/dominikson
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    Who exactly makes decisions about prices in the store and escape double xp requiring boost?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    It's not about witchhunting but genuine question. Lately a lot of people are asking hard questions. Normally they go to Dana, TC Octus or Ryan. Ryan is gameplay director. He works on mechanics and makes decisions about balancing gameplay. TC Octus and Dana are community managers and works as middle man between TC and community.

    Who is THE MAN that makes decisions about prices and in and out workings of boost / double xp events? Is it Rod Fergusson? Some unknown accountant in TC? Phil Spencer? I am just trying to find and show right person to others to give proper feedback.

    submitted by /u/djgromo
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    Gears 5 Personal Review and Feedback

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:06 PM PST

    Long-time Gearshead here, been enjoying the series since Gears 1 back in 2006 (wow its been 13 years). Point of this post is to provide my opinion on what I liked about Gears 5 along with feedback/things I would change moving forward considering future support of the game.

    I have completed the Gears 5 campaign, sunk a considerable amount of time into the various game modes, and completed the TOD. I will point out that I purchased the Collector's Edition for $80 and I haven't spent a dime of my own money on Iron (and never will). I thoroughly enjoy Gears 5 and I believe I have gotten my money's worth already; this doesn't mean I don't have a fair bit of criticism to leverage in hopes that enough voices will lend future change. With that here we go:

    Campaign: 9/10

    Played offline shortly after launch - solo.

    I thought Gears 5 had the best campaign in the series since Gears of War 2. The character development was a vast improvement over Gears of War 4 (which I also enjoyed) and the world-building was second to none considering the story, collectibles, etc. TC gave us a ton of insight and callbacks into the Gears universe - I thought these were a real treat.

    The open-world skiff gameplay was an interesting function - I was pretty neutral on it but could see how it gets boring for co-op gameplay (what are the other players doing while P1 is driving around)? The TWIST in Act IV followed the theme of "player choice" in the game and I appreciated TC trying something new - not sure how this will carry over to the inevitable Gears 6.

    Multiplayer 8/10

    Despite some formula changes, this still feels very much like Gears of War. I enjoy all the new maps (save Icebound) and the added verticality to give the Lancer more versatility (although the nerf was needed). Arcade was an interesting twist and I feel its purpose was to add a more "beginner-friendly" game mode; I won't spend any more time there with my focus being various competitive modes.

    Proposed changes:

    • Simplify the ranking calculation - you tried to get too cute and it doesn't work well (even after the update). If you win or if you score above the median for every player's score in the match - you gain positive points. Otherwise negative points. If there was a quitter on your team, you hold neutral (unless you win, positive points).
    • Bring back the gnasher active reload damage boost. This would bring more balance to the more lancer-friendly (or ranged weapons in general) build of Gears 5. Heck, I still see a lot of veterans in-game hit the active gnash even when they don't need it out of habit.

    Horde and Escape 7/10

    Lumped these two together under the "PvE" umbrella. Horde is more fun than ever before and I like the new formula introduced by Escape. The weekly TC hives are all enjoyable and have enough nuance in the gameplay design to not feel repetitive. The variety added to each Horde wave set keeps each play-through fresh.

    Proposed changes:

    • Get rid of the 1-character per match lock - I can't believe this is a requirement. If I am going to commit 15+ minutes per Escape (or god forbid, ~1.5 hours per Horde) I want to do it as my preferred character. So many matches have quitting players because they didn't get the character they wanted.
    • You can keep the class to character lock (IMO - I think this may be met with resistance from others) with the caveat that you can swap levels and cards between two characters of the same class. I.E. I have a lvl 15 Del, when you release the inevitable engineer Baird let me swap my level 15 from Del to Baird (not make them both 15). You can either share cards or give me a random card set equivalent to my swapped level.
    • Get rid of the Horde score screen after every round. The update was an improvement, but we really only need to see it every 5 waves.
    • More variety with the Escape environment tiles - hoping this comes with Operation 2. Every Escape map has a "30 degree temperatured mine/factory" vibe.

    Progression 3/10

    This gets a failing grade. It has all the microtransactions of a FTP game when it was (and should be) sold as a full-price flagship Microsoft exclusive. Everything is set up to nickle and dime your players, and guess what - EVERYBODY NOTICED. I think TC thought a lot of the progression decisions looked good in an internal meeting or on the whiteboard; put it out in the community and it has been almost universally panned by the players.

    Proposed changes:

    • Remove the double-star/weekend event boost requirement. There is no special weekend event for players who don't spend cash - an egregious offense.
    • Remove the "filler" material from the TOD. No banners that correlate to a particular rank - go look in your database and see what percentage of players actually have these set as their active banner, it has to be a small fraction of the player base.
    • Rather than randomly generated daily TOD activities, allow the user to choose a pack of dailies from "versus multiplayer", "Horde", and "Escape"; each pack contains four randoms specific to the chosen pack. This allows players to progress on the game modes that they want to play. Also let players swap out one type of daily card for another of a different type for NO IRON CHARGE if the daily isn't yet completed. Ex. I am playing Escape but I see my buddies jump on and they want to play versus; let me swap my Escape dailies for versus multiplayer dailies.
    • Give Iron as a reward for re-ups. Right now the current rewards are borderline insulting - make the act of a re-up meaningful to the player. Also, make this a retroactive reward.
    • The concept of totems for new character unlocks works. Adding an artificial grind (that is the same for EVERY character) doesn't work. Put a single gameplay requirement on each character totem (ex. 30 locust executions for RAAM unlock) and remove the other requirements entirely.
    • On the topic of character unlocks, where are the core characters from the campaign or the franchise as a whole? There is no excuse for locking them behind future Operations (especially Cole and Baird).


    To conclude, I thoroughly enjoy Gears 5. I also want to see some wholesale changes to the game as it matures throughout its life cycle to keep me engaged in the game long term.

    I am hoping Operation 2 hits with a bang and adds a variety of new maps, characters, and content. Frankly, I would personally advise TC to stack some of the content planned for Operation 3+ into Operation 2 to really wow folks. I know the community is chomping at the bit for content - scoring big with the rollout of Operation 2 moving into the holidays would go a long way towards restoring the goodwill of the fanbase.

    EDIT: grammar

    submitted by /u/MajorMinor3000
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    Anyone wanna come join me and help I'm solo

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:03 AM PST


    submitted by /u/LopifGaming
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    So many leavers in ranked.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Over 70% of my matches have had a quitter. Whether it's before the match or during. I love this game but tc, and Microsoft are to blame for so many leaving the game. This game is wasting my time. I'm seriously so frustrated and sad about this. Welp, once halo releases for pc, I will be a die hard gears fan that will be leaving for good.

    submitted by /u/YoungBooger
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    ICYMI: The Horde wave completion scoreboard time was lowered by 6 seconds. This is extremely noticeable in game and a long requested positive change. But...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    It isn't working properly. I've played three games of horde today and the shortened scoreboard time was only working in one of those games. The other two games had the old super long scoreboard time. All of these games were horde custom lobbies so I'm not sure what happens with the scoreboard in a matchmade game of horde.

    u/OctusTC are the team aware of this?

    submitted by /u/TheToivi
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    What’s your honest opinion on Gears 5?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:50 PM PST

    Hey what's up everyone. I've heard from multiple sources that the Gears 5 isn't a very good game and I wanted to hear some honest opinions from some gears of war veterans before I buy.

    submitted by /u/whooptapus
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    I hate Gears 5.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:46 PM PST

    Ranked can be so FUCKING unfair. How is it possible that you can one match where you have one FUCKING player who isn't playing and makes other players quit and doesn't let ME leave the game, and TO TOP IT ALL OFF, I END UP GETTING SET BACK A TIER, FROM GOLD TO FUCKING SILVER IN ONE FUCKING GAME! COME THE FUCK ON! TC NEEDS TO DO BETTER WITH THIS GAME!

    submitted by /u/rambo8699
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    its getting better

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST

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