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    Friday, July 23, 2021

    Gears of War | Cog Enlistment

    Gears of War | Cog Enlistment

    Cog Enlistment

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Post up your gamertags to make some new friends this week! Please use the following format:

    • Game: (Which gears game you want to play.)
    • Gamertag: (Your gamertag.)
    • Type: (Pro? Casual? Scrim? Horde? Campaign?)
    • Region: (Your timezone or general geographic area.)
    • Time: (When you are free to play.)
    • Platform: (PC/Xbox One/360)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    One of my favorite lines from Clayton

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Whenever I die in Gears

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    Gotta love physics

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    I'm going insane as a Mechanic.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:16 AM PDT


    I'm not talking about lockers. I've been trying for the past hours to beat the daily but I keep getting people playing Medics and infiltration building turrets every fucking where. I try to make a nice setup of shock turrets and MG, but no. It has to be riddled Lv1 turrets they place. They don't even refill or repair them. Ive had them upgrade my fortifications which end up losing my buffs. Like what the hell is this?? Are they Stat padding? Do they even understand what's going on? Some of them are even maxed. It's just a battlefield maze of damaged and empty turrets. Other players even get mad at me thinking I'm the one making the mess due to them seeing me trying to move everything out of the way.

    submitted by /u/GhostofJoeKelly
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    it's brutal out here

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Anyone else miss arcade?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Anybody else miss arcade? Used to be my favourite mode to just goof around and have fun and actually made me look forwards to new characters and maps. They said they were bringing it back but they haven't said anything in a while :(

    submitted by /u/Initial_Employer_193
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    JD vs Kait

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Is it just me or is JD's internal conflict better then kait's in Gears 5? I really wanted to explore his redemption and character development more then kait's as its more relatable.

    submitted by /u/ValVaDid
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    They should add titles that you can earn and put under your name since they got rid of ranked

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 04:21 PM PDT

    So basically if you get x amount of kills with the longshot or whatever in a operation you can earn the title Longsthot master or expert. Bit like rocket leagues ones lol

    submitted by /u/Smudgey13
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    "Azure" skin looks exactly like the "Collectors" skin (Onyx Gaurd Version)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    It seems the Fire and Ice tribes have joined in Sera

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    I think Marcus is the most badass character for horror/action style games ever. Who do you think is more badass from a different story of a similar genre?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    I mean my dude has survived tragedy after tragedy, especially in the end of the locust war. I really can't think of another character that goes through that much shit from a when he was a kid to now; he has seen it all. I'm talking "grounded" stories like gears where it's not all space travel and crazy sci-fi shit. Just war with far fetched weapons. I don't like the comparison to MC of halo because I feel they're separate genres. If you can name some I'll happily play those games lol

    submitted by /u/LandownAE
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    embar collat double hs

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    Did they ever explain how the Swarm and Locust are different because they say that there not the same but they say that they are in some conversations they have in game

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Oops. Hey, I was just trying to kill rats or roaches on that shelf.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Card ideas for each class

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    Some card ideas I had


    The claw: All damage dealt with the claw counts as melee damage, you do +50% melee damage while holding the claw, this melee bonus does not apply to the claw.

    Wallbouncing: You have +50% damage resistance while and 2 seconds after entering cover.


    Recycle and refuse: Explosive or bleed kills give you ballistic ammo, ballistic kills give you explosive ammo.

    Inspired: You and teammates get a different bonus when near 5m depending on their class type. Assault: +50% damage for both, Tank: +40% damage resistance for both, Support: +50% ballistic ammo regen. This bonus does not stack.


    The slug: shotguns shoot precision slugs that have increased accuracy and longer range while aiming down sights. (Just like the relic gnasher).

    Executioner: You are inmune while executing, you get +30% movement speed after executing for 6 seconds.


    Wrong head, grub!: Non-crit shots have a 90% chance of doing crit damage. Raven's claw: Critical kills give you active reload ammo.


    Soul harvest: You get pilfer ammo whenever killing an enemy under fear.

    You can't hide: Enemies affected by fear are 30% slower.

    You can run but...: After executing any enemy, you can execute anthropomorphic enemies while they are under the effect of fear for 12 seconds (drones, shepards, deadeyes).


    Improvised shield: You and meat shields have +50% damage reduction and damage dealt whenever using a meat shield.


    Hype up!: Killing enemies on fire heals and gives stim to teammates.


    HIT ME!: Draw all enemy fire within 20m when your ultimate is active. (Enemies affected by fear will attack you rather than fleeing if entering your radius, this card won't have effect on enemies under the effect of the Architect's decoy or the pilots Initiator card)

    Not today!: You can self revive, execution rules apply to you. +100% revive speed.

    Improvised gunning: The claw now counts as a heavy wepon, you get +50% chaingun ammo regen while in the venom.


    Silverback one-shot: Equip a one-shot that pierces trough enemies and deals 100% more damage for every enemy pierced.

    Company profits: You deal 60% more damage with C.C.C. and D.B. weapons.


    Thirst for blood: You can execute any anthropomorphic enemy (drones, shepards, grenadiers, deadeye etc.) after an execution an receive 50% damage reduction during 12 seconds.

    Ammo scavenging: You get active reload ammo for all your ballistic weapons whenever executing an enemy.

    Rage: You get +10% damage for every second your last execution have lasted, this bonus lasts twice as long as that last execution.

    -Combat Medic

    Blood transfusion: Killing enemies with assault rifles heals teammates nearby during 6 seconds.

    Fire support: Kills with assault a rifles recharges your ultimate.

    Last hope: You get +10% movement speed and damage resistance for every fallen teammate (Either dead or downed teammates).

    No surrender!: Whenever you get down activate an extra team revive charge, this does not affect your ultimate charge neither consumes it, this ability has an independent 300 seconds cooldown and can not be affected by any other cooldown skill.

    No retreat!: Whenever you revive a teammate, he gets +100% damage dealt for 12 seconds, this bonus does not stack with itself.

    No defeat!: Revive all dead players when activating your ultimate, this skill has a 300 independent cooldown and can not be affected by any other cooldown skill. (In horde dead teammates will spawn near the fabricator, in Scape they will spawn in a pod, even when the survivor mutator is enabled).


    Tactical Barrier: You get a protective barrier when hijacking an enemy, and 20 seconds after your ultimate ends.

    Upgraded channeling: Your electric beam chains to another 6 enemies and takes 100% longer to overheat.

    Battery charge: Your ultimate charges 2.5 seconds for every consecutive second of using any of your tools. (Electric beam or healing beam).

    Ultimate forge: All the forges you build automatically melt all the weapons in the ground in a 20m radius, forges are 60% cheaper.


    Lancer turret: Change yout turret for a lancer turret that deals +60% freezing damage, it reloads instead of cooling down.

    Retro Lancer turret: Change your turret for a retro Lancer turret that deals electric damage and chains to 6 enemies, it reloads instead of cooling down.

    Boom-shot turret: Change your turret for a Boom-shot turret that deals explosive damage in a 100% bigger radius, it reloads instead of cooling down. You are inmune to explosive damage while manning the turret.

    Troika Turret: Change your turret for a Troika Turret that deals +60% incendiary damage. Charging up: Consecutive ballistic damage recharges your ultimate in multiples of 0.2 seconds

    -Robotics Expert

    Energised weapons: active bullets with DB or C.C.C weapons channels damage to other 6 enemies.

    Portable locker: Spawn a weapons locker when activating your ultimate, if you are in horde it will get destroyed when your ultimate ends and drop all weapons (Level 1: level 2 Weapons locker with +16% reload speed, Level 2: level 2 Weapons locker with +32% reload speed, Level 3: level 3 weapons locker with +48% reload speed, Level 4: level 3 weapons locker with +64% reload speed, Level 5: level 4 weapons locker with +80% reload speed and Level 6: level 4 weapons locker with +100% reload speed).

    Pyro DR-1: Change your DR-1 weapon for a scorcher that deals +60% incendiary damage. Overkill DR-1: Change your DR-1 weapon for an overkill with 100% reload speed, your DR-1 moves 60% faster.

    Destructor DR-1: Change your DR-1 weapon for a salvo, it will iniciate self destruct when running out of ammo, dealing explosive damage in a 15m radius.


    Renewable ammo: whenever you pick up ammo boxes, your ultimate recharges.

    Supply drop: When activating your ultimate, spawn three grenades and a random weapon from your teammates modified or mastery weapon cards.


    Shooting targets: Decoys (Both from your ultimate and from the fabricator) have 100% more health and enemy draw-firing radius.

    Bio-foam decoy: Whenever your decoy takes damage, heal for 100 hp or stim to all the team and fortifications.

    Stealth assasin: Killing an enemy for the back or the side recharges your ultimate for 30 seconds.

    Bullet recycler: Whenever your decoy takes damage, your team regens ammo.


    Bio-foam dropshield: Anyone inside the drop shield gets +200% health regen speed with no delay and regens 50 stim per second.

    Support shield: You drop a free dropshield when reviving a teammate, this ability has a 60 second cooldown between free dropshields.

    Talon knife: You deal +50% damage with the talon and talon bullets counts as melee damage. You deal extra +50% melee damage while holding the talon.


    I'll take that: You regen a grenade whenever killing an stunned enemy.

    Surprise gift: Grenades attached to enemies or meat shields deal +100% damage.

    No quarter: You deal +30% bleeding damage with grenades. Now smoke grenades deal extra damage over time to enemies and stun grenades deals explosive damage to enemies. (Smoke grenades will do damage over time to enemies, but it will not do damage to teammates, stun grenades will do 75% damage of a frag grenade as base damage).

    Full auto mod: Increase the fire rate and magazine size with shotguns by 100%. You can carry more shotgun ammo.

    Non-stoping: You regen ballistic ammo and bypass reload during your ultimate.


    Always prepared: Summon a breaker mace when activating your ultimate, you regen breaker mace ammo while your ultimate is active.

    Lightning reflexes: You get more damage reduction the faster you are moving. Up to 100% damage reduction while running at +50% movement speed. Start with +10% damage reduction while walking, this bonus is lost if you are not moving.

    Stimulant strength: You get +175% melee damage while Stimmed.

    Close combat expert: You can swing consecutively your knife while melee 6 extra times.

    submitted by /u/Absaac
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    Bug List - FAO of TC Shauny

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    I wanted to mention some long term bugs I've noticed while playing (I play most days) and hope these can be fixed whilst the game still has dev support. Please see below and feel free to add:

    • When repairing taps in Horde, characters will say "Tap taking damage!" whilst it's being repaired, this happens very often.

    • On River, Scions get stuck on the middle bridge, sometimes stopping and staring over the side.

    • Sires teleporting through Fabricator/Fortifications when they get too close.

    • Weapons disappearing in the characters hands in Horde, I have found this happens time-to-time when being downed and then revived.

    • If Wakaatu has it's health bar reduced to zero whilst on the ground, it will not die until it returns to the air, can an animation for it exploding while grounded be added?

    submitted by /u/ThatsMax_
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    At what point can I scream at my team?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    For the win baby!!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    I can’t use Firestarter Benjamin in Gears 5.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    My game keeps saying that I don't have full customization installed. The only thing I don't have installed is the full campaign. Do I need to install that also?

    Edit: I also cannot use weapon skins.

    submitted by /u/CommunismIsCringe
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    Do FFA Game mode titles mean anything?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Why am I spawning with snipers on 14 player gnashers only?

    submitted by /u/mike123456789101112
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    Gears 5

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Currently playing Gears 5 multiplayer. Is anyone else frustrated by the matchmaking? I'm a pretty mediocre player but when it's 5 actual people against me and 4 bots, I feel like there's so fun. Especially considering the AI gets wrecked consistently.

    submitted by /u/frysonburgers
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