• Breaking News

    Monday, January 18, 2021

    Gears of War | Frosty jd

    Gears of War | Frosty jd

    Frosty jd

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:31 PM PST

    Gears wallet ��

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:58 PM PST

    Gears Of War: Desolation a fan story set in Gears Tactics (isn’t canon and it isn’t a official Gears Of War story) a passion project by me which will be free to read late January to early February.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    It's plays like this why I love this series over any other shooter

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Buzz buzz buzz

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:20 PM PST

    My best Torque Bow by a long shot

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:29 AM PST

    Slow and steady, baby...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    Got lucky but it's still cool i guess

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:13 AM PST

    A little 1v4 clutch last night. They were kinda bad but this felt good. Haven’t done something like this in a while.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:49 PM PST

    Nice Hat-Trick to end the game (w/ superman)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST

    Actual video footage of me at the TC meeting where they decided to map reload and chainsaw to the same button

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:10 AM PST

    Just make Gears 6 and Marcus Fenix Collection the same game

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:44 PM PST

    The free base game is Gears 6 Versus and Horde

    • This makes it so all Gears players are playing with the same pool of players and not split up by individual games

    • Greater population size from the game being free to play, which means more modes to choose from and lower search times

    • Download size kept to a minimum for players who just want Multiplayer and nothing else

    • Receive all Multiplayer updates for free

    End of Free Content

    Now what's there to buy are Campaigns which can all be purchased separately and downloaded individually. So every Gears game with it's PVE modes included as well. Each Campaign is basically paid DLC for the free base game and future Campaigns are just big expansions for Gears 6.

    submitted by /u/ktsmith91
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    Wakaatu Bug

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:49 PM PST

    So I was doing the daily horde, and when we reached wave 20 we got a Wakaatu. Problem is that at some point it hid and never came back out, so we had to quit the game and restart.

    Needless to say, this was really fucking annoying, and I'm wondering whether someone else has encountered this specific glitch.

    Unfortunately, this is not the only bug I have encountered with the Wakaatu. There's also another where the bird doesn't come out until the wave is done (I don't really mind about this one because it actually eases things out, still a bug though), and another in which if it's frozen when it reaches 0 health, it regenerates abit of health, making it unkillable while frozen.

    I like the new boss, however it's very annoying how poorly implemented it seems to be.

    submitted by /u/Sankaraisbae
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    New here

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:23 PM PST

    Hey guys I'm new here I've played gears all my life but sadly I strayed away from it for a while I just got back into playing gears 5 for about 3 days I playKOTH im in onyx 3 , at which point do the lobbies get sweaty and why do I not see a lot of competitive games like tourneys Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Balohall12
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    Mid-Operation 5 update

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:03 AM PST

    Have they announced anything about a mid-operation update? I understand at this point it's beyond the middle of the operation, but I'd like to see some new (maps/mode/characters/classes/features/anything) content revealed in a lump before Op 6.

    submitted by /u/xlordrelayx
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    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:53 PM PST

    is it possible to master a map on horde frenzy or is it only done on 50 wave horde?

    submitted by /u/chinasorrows2705
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    Quick Sniper Quad

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:33 AM PST

    I still feel solos should only play against other solos in Ranked

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    If I play solo, wouldn't it be unfair to pair me up with a team who either doesn't use mics or doesn't speak the same language, and pin me against a full team of 4 or 5? Like I'm over here trying to have some good ranked matches and I get stomped because I can't have a full team myself?

    Its just a simple matchmaking patch. Solos only against other solos, and full teams Duke it out. How can a team claim they're good if they go up against people who are alone? I'm not an MLG player. I'm above average.

    submitted by /u/thefoxygrandma
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    Has anyone else had this happen?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:03 PM PST

    I just got disconnected from a ranked match for no reason(my connection is fine) so I thought I would just join back but it says I've been banned and have to play 2quickplay matches first, without even giving me an option to rejoin lol

    submitted by /u/Lukebwwfc
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    Gears 5 or GoW: Ultimate Edition?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    I don't have enough space on my PC harddrive for both, what is the better game for online play? Do people still play both?

    submitted by /u/TruthBeToldLol
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    Easy to use all purpose escape class?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Currently I use Pilot, but most of the cards apply to the silverback which is fun, but that means I only get benefits if I'm using it where other classes have more versatile cards. I just wanna be able to use one class for any hive, at least for now, I'm not try inconceivable anytime soon. I dont wanna hope that I'll find a certain weapon that a class might revolve around

    submitted by /u/PineappleFlavoredGum
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