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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Gears of War | Got this the same day they gave out free boost. Thanks, Microsoft and TC!

    Gears of War | Got this the same day they gave out free boost. Thanks, Microsoft and TC!

    Got this the same day they gave out free boost. Thanks, Microsoft and TC!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    3D Printed Onyx Guard

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    lovely interaction really wholesome

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Although it's debatable if it's the best Gears game, Gears 5 is my favorite at an audio and visual level

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    It's just so aesthetically pleasing with the art direction they chose. The variety of environments in the campaign with the vibrant colors used is beautiful, from the cog civilization to the red deserts. Armor designs and colors are excellent, there's not a single "ugly" outfit the characters wear in the game to me. The smooth animations of the characters from rolling to running to reloading are top-tier.

    I also LOVE the meaty sounds of the guns and the heavy thuds of the character's armored feet against various terrain. The voice acting was great too.

    It's like Halo 4 for me. Yeah it's got a bit of issues, but Halo 4 and Gears 5 FEEL so damn great and satisfying that I replay them every now and again, because of such great sound design and animation. I also like both of their stories quite a bit but I don't want to start a war here.

    submitted by /u/Forhaver
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    The advertising on the mall wall makes the execution so so much better (player 1)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    I hadnt played gears 5 in about 6 months. Its actually fun now.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Im guessing its the updates that changed something but it feels better now. Idk how to explain it but there was just something off about it when it first came out. Glad i can play gears and actually enjoy it again.

    Hope they come out with a big team battle mode tho

    submitted by /u/everythangspeachie
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    Gears 6 Campaign: The hopeful return of 4 player Co-Op

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    It's always rubbed me wrong that ever since Gears 3 we haven't been able to play a Gears Campaign with 4 players. I also understand that 2 player co-op is critical in creating tension and more claustrophobic creepy parts of the game.

    So I have a solution!

    Make the game 4 player through-ought the whole game but with a twist. Now there will be certain sections where the squad has to split up into 2 groups. These sections will be short so that they don't become frustrating if one half of the players just can't make it through while the other team can. These short sections are similar to Gears 1 in that you can ALWAYS decide who goes where and with who. You don't always get to choose in a "Pull Left Trigger or Right Trigger" manner. Sometimes it's just the first 2 characters to stand on a bridge and make it suddenly collapse. But you always get the choice of who goes ahead to trigger these. This ensures that the sections are replayable even in single-player! I would also recommend a feature to order AI teammates around to certain spots so you can still get them to go ahead by yourself.

    Use these sections sparingly and design them to be some of the more impactful or surprising moments during the game. For the rest of the game it's 4 player hectic fun!

    submitted by /u/ktsmith91
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    TC, here’s a Gears of War 6 Playbook

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    This is a "playbook" on how I think Gears 6 could take steps to be the best in the series. What I wrote here is meant to be enjoyed by most Gears fans, not just me.


    Make it 4-player again through ought the whole game but with a twist. Now there will be certain sections where the squad has to split up into 2 groups. These sections will be short so that they don't become frustrating if one half of the players just can't make it through while the other team can. These short sections are similar to Gears 1 in that you can ALWAYS decide who goes where and now with who. There will be unique dialogue for all the different character team ups. You don't always get to choose in a "Pull Left Trigger or Right Trigger" manner. Sometimes it's just the first 2 characters to stand on a bridge and make it suddenly collapse. But you always get the choice of who goes ahead to trigger these. This ensures that the sections are replayable even in single-player!

    I would also recommend a feature to order AI teammates around to certain spots so you can still for sure get them to go ahead by yourself. Use these sections sparingly and design them to be some of the more impactful or surprising moments during the game. For the rest of the game it's 4-player hectic fun!


    Multiplayer portion of the game is free to play to boost up the population as much as possible. Returning game modes are Guardian, KOTH, TDM, Overrun revamped, Gridiron and Free-for-All. There will also be 2v2 but it will play on regular maps and with it's own unique weapon placements.

    For a new mode there's a bigger gametype similar to Ground War in Cod or BTB in Halo. Call it Onslaught. Wingman also makes its return as a variant for this large mode with bigger maps. The other new mode is inspired by the Stay Frosty playlist and it's called Crossfire. In this mode there will be no Gnasher at all and all rifles can get headshots like in Arcade.


    Horde is now a place where you can fight enemies from across all the Gears of War games. The exception is UIR soldiers, they will not be enemies. But the Locust and Lambent have returned. You can now customize which enemy factions will show up in your private games. You can have some show up, all of them or even just one faction. The default will be set to all. The Locust and Lambent will use a different version of the Hammerburst to help differentiate them from the Swarm. They will use the Gears 3 Hammerburst and yes - the Aim Down Sights zoom is back.

    The Engineer role has now been completely removed. To be clear, you can still build and repair things, there are just no bonuses with repair or discounts on items. Every single player has the exact same amount of viability when it comes to buying and repairing. Anyone should be able to take on the role of Engineer at any moment.

    Wave objectives from Gears 3 are back. An example is Get 10 Chainsaw kills. It's a team effort and if your team can complete the objective, you will all earn a bonus to repair efficiency and earn a discount for buying items. This effect will last for the next in-between waves time frame. The bonuses are lost when the wave starts and have to be earned again by completing the bonus objectives. Characters will even show their excitement when a bonus is completed. Cole Train can be heard roaring "The Cole Train is going shopping baby!". Baird gets excited about fixing things. Marcus just grunts and suggests that they eat shit.

    Power still exists but no longer has to be picked up. Instead, it's given to each player automatically after they get a kill. This is to keep all the benefits that come with the addition of Power while also not forcing you to expose yourself to play Pac-Man. Now you will always be focused on doing more important and more fun stuff!

    No more unlocking and upgrading cards. Everyone starts with all cards and they have no more levels to upgrade. All cards are available to all characters. More cards will be added as free DLC and the balance of all cards will be kept in check regularly. The unlockables in Horde are now character and weapon skins that are earnable only in Horde. Most of these skins will be variants of characters so it will be stuff like Explosives Expert Kait, Recon Marcus, Warfighter Baird, etc. Basically skins that represent all the roles in Horde and then applied to each character. If you want an Engineer themed Marcus, you can get him. These skins are all usable in multiplayer too, just not unlockable in it.

    New 12-Wave Horde variant called Territories. In this variant there will be 5 Power Taps that are permanently up for every single wave. The enemies will have one goal - Cap each hill and kill anyone who tries to stop them. If the last hill is lost, the game is over.

    submitted by /u/ktsmith91
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    Daily Discussion (August 09, 2020)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How did the cog know locust names?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    How did the cog know the Locust generals names? If I remember correctly in gears 2 Queen Myrrah calls skorge by name but other did that how do they know Raam and Karn by name?

    submitted by /u/HennyG99
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    i got you teammate... wait, what??

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    What would make a great Gears 3 gift?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    My boyfriends favorite video game franchise is Gears of War, particularly Gears 3. For his birthday I bought an art book called "Gears Tactics The art of the game", and as it turns out Gears Tactics is the one game in the series he hasn't played! Luckily I have plenty of time to change the present, but now I'm absolutely stuck on what to get him. He isn't a fan of the newest game so I'm worried I might pick something up relating to Gears 5 (I'm not familiar with the games except the Carmines die a lot). As GOW fans, what's a Gears 3 related gift you'd want to receive? I'm crafty enough to make a mini model of one of the weapons or an art piece of one of the characters, but anything store bought is fine too! Really any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Jasmine_Berries
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    [PSA] These skins will only cost coins soon, don't waste your money.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Unlocking characters in the roster

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Hello everyone belonging to different parts of the world, I am very new to playing Gears 5 and only recently started with Horde mode and I was surprised to see many characters like Baird, UIR soldier, Queen Myrrah and several others as locked

    So my question is will I unlock them as I progress through the Tour of Duty or is it Player level locked, I couldnt find any information regarding the same

    Cheers all 👍

    submitted by /u/theRealM895
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    So I have to do this entire bit ALL over again cos my stoopid ai teammate couldn't keep up

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    We had one of those games...

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Any less obvious horde character setups/playstyles

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Obviously every character has an obvious intended/best playstyle or two. But has anyone worked out anything a little less obvious yet still effective for any characters? Or are the classes all too straightforward/limited for such varations?

    submitted by /u/witchfuck
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    How do you feel about Gears 5 currently?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I'm curious about on how everyone currently feels about Gears 5 as a game now with all the new content we're getting so far.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/LilClarity
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    you have been returned to the title screen sign in status change occurred

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    That's the massage i get when i try to play Gears of war 4 and it seems my server connectivity is blocked on the xbox app the game ran great yesterday does anyone knows how to fix this? PS playing on PC

    submitted by /u/Darkring2
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    How Operations Should Have Been Done

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Anyone else do this ? Or is it just me ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    It’s a free play weekend. Normalize saying GG not EZ

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Free play weekend means a lot of new players or returning old ones that may not have the game anymore. See it mostly in Quick play. Low level players or guest accounts.

    Try and make it somewhat enjoyable for them or at least be nice lol. We need them to come back/stay.

    GG > EZ

    submitted by /u/CellarSaver
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    Best controller button layout to play on?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I've very recently got back into gears after not playing since 3. Always been a default player and I've noticed there's now quite a few different button layouts plus the option to remap buttons.

    I've watched a fair few videos regarding the different layouts and the differences between them (from what I understand its not as simple as 'the buttons are just different?')

    These videos are however mostly 10 + months old and I understand there's been alot of changes to gears over this time period.

    My question to you guys (if you have bothered to read through this speil) is what button layout do you play on, what controller/grip you use and why? I'm currently playing classic alt remapped to default (supposed to remove some input delay?). I also use a PS4 controller with the back button attachment on my laptop.

    Thanks for any responses, have a good day!

    submitted by /u/CallanHowle
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    Who else squealed when 'Hope Runs Deep' played in Gears 5???

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    I was already hyped revisiting New Hope, but when you enter the reception room and that glorious iconic 'chime' plays I screamed with glee. I know it's just a piece of music, but for a guy like me who adores musical continuity in franchises it was beautiful. 😍😍😍

    submitted by /u/TRITON-K175
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