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    Friday, March 13, 2020

    Gears of War | Weekly What’s Up - 12 March 2020

    Gears of War | Weekly What’s Up - 12 March 2020

    Weekly What’s Up - 12 March 2020

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Daily Discussion (March 13, 2020)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It’s obvious why and I hope everyone in the community stays healthy and safe aswell

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Second time in a row this has happened, MVP both games. Fuck off with this embarrassing ass system

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Cannot wait for custom horde frenzy. I'm the dead guy btw.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Horde Frenzy is really testing my patience

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    Holy. Fuck. Where do I even begin? Is it the fact nobody wants to deposit power? Or do I start with how I've only played with 1 person that knew what they were doing at all.

    Wow, my expectations must be high to expect my Jack to smelt, and my team to deposit.

    submitted by /u/Mattene
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    MADNESS! Yes we were doing the cheese in the arcade, what else would you do with randoms on District? PLOT TWIST: We killed 1 Carrier and The Matriarch charged, entered the arcade and instantly murdered JD. Jack, incredibly secured JD's tags and per my suggestion, we left the arcade.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Max Roman Numeral Mark is 5/V. Max Re-UP is 50/Roman Number "L". Why not have marks that drop with each re-up to show off your re-up if you want to? Seems like it's not that difficult to code Roman Numeral Marks. I wonder if they stopped at 5 because there are 5 games, seems lazy.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    My first 150.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Thanks for bringing back Frenzy. Sadly, matchmaking is a complete shitfest.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    On Master, I'm seeing level 2 Dels, level 4 Sarah Connors, weird team comps like COG Gear/Marcus/Fahz/Mac, all less than level 10. I main Kait, and I've run into guys who play Baird that have no idea they need to give me the Overkill at the start. It's infuriating. This makes the mode effectively useless at higher difficulties unless I go in with a premade squad. Praying custom lobbies are implemented swiftly.

    submitted by /u/HardOakleyFoul
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    Does anyone else miss the Black Steel Characters?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Okay so this is really just for people playing Gears 5 only granted those with Black Steel skins playing Gears 4 are able to play. I wish they had brought them back for Gears 5 because I will admit some Chrome Steel skins are cool and all but some are just kind of dull and really don't make sense as a Chrome Steel skin like they could have done better work on the current Swarm characters with Chrome Steel skins minus Kantus which is probably the only good one.

    I never owned any Black Steel skins in Gears 4 because I didn't want to spend all my money trying to get one skin but I sure did wish I could have gotten a couple of them. I think my favorite ones were the JD, Kait, and Del ones which happened to also be the first ones. I remember watching TheRazoredEdge showcase them in videos and I was absolutely amazed at how cool they were.

    But yeah just wish they could bring back Black Steel skins and if they ever did to make the classic Kait, JD, and Del skins black steel not the Kait with pants or the Del with a bandana. Also please consider maybe making a Bald Chrome Steel Fahz.

    submitted by /u/DoughboyVasquez
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    State of gears 5

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    I think it just not going to get good any time soon. The servers are shit. I mean come on. And then they want you to buy characters I know it's optional but if you to get them for free you have to grind. The totem system is shit. Tc needs give gears to somebody that will appreciate it. And horde is so fucking bad

    submitted by /u/gearsfan64
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    Old Man Mac confirmed for OP3

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    To crossplay or not to crossplay

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Recently I've been versus against roughly four people (who happen to be on PC) that have really suspect aim, ability to somehow know where I am behind covers as well. I really don't want to jump the gun on this but what should I do? I also dealt with really suspect people when Gears 4 was early in it's life cycle and right before the Fears 5 beta was launched.

    submitted by /u/MyLateDroid101
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    Trying to get into it.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    I've been playing gears of war for the past four years I'm just a casual player family kids what not, but I've hit a skill plateau, I want to improve my skills so I can at least finally reach a diamond rank and be valuable to most players when I join a game but I feel like lack of experience with the competitive side is hindering my ability to play better than I ever have.

    Is there any websites or anything I could go on to try to find a team, try out, play scrims with people, things of that nature to help improve my team play ability and the more strategic side because that's what I seem to lack in the most Games I play online , strategy.

    For the record I watch hours of YouTube and twitch videos most of the day but it's not the same as actually applying these things without a team or consistent team to play with , My KD and most games hovers around a 2.0 but that seems to be as far as I can go.

    My biggest things that I would love to learn are callouts good positioning how to hold angles you know things of that nature and I seem to lack a lot of knowledge on it.

    I'm a console player btw. Any advice is appreciated Peace and love.

    submitted by /u/tmurda125
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    A COG P90, would someone draw it?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I would love to see a COG P90, I think that would be the coolest thing ever. However, I lack both the artistic skills and the imagination to draw one myself. Would someone please draw concept art of it? I will reward them with making an airsoft one IRL, I would think it would be sufficient to see a real functioning model of my work.

    submitted by /u/EggB0I92
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    How do I get winter kait?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    I've been looking online on how to get it and I just keep seeing it under "basic" but my reward for basic is a Baird outfit

    submitted by /u/Jakobwcrook65
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    Anyone think the Gansher has been a bit off again?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Has gears updated in the last 3 days ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    what title says but if it has what did they change ? Havent played in a week or so.

    submitted by /u/alwaysjayded
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