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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (February 24, 2020)

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (February 24, 2020)

    Meme Mondays (February 24, 2020)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:15 AM PST

    Carmine is jealous of Cole’s hat

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:09 PM PST


    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:48 AM PST

    This shouldn't be happening in rank yo. It's not fair to the ones who want to play

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Never celebrate too early

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Gears 5 has better movement mechanics than Gears 4

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Just went back to Gears 4 and it moves so slow and unresponsive compared to Gears 5. You get stuck on so many walls too. Movement is easily better in Gears 5 imo.

    What does everyone think? Not talking about hit detection, ping or Gnasher mechanics. Purely movement.

    submitted by /u/DaxiTriver
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    You know #Gears5 is in a bad state when one of thee biggest content creators is considering giving up on it.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Oh for fucks sake ��‍♂️

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:51 PM PST

    Back to basics

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 04:28 AM PST

    This isint exactly anything new that anyone hasn't said before.. Infact I think it's said on every single post about gears of War on Facebook or even when I mention the game Gears to a friend..the instant response is.. "they should have stopped at 3", "remake gears 2".. Etc While I agree with it, I do have to say I have enjoyed nearly all that came out after "the original 3" I think I like the ones after maybe just because.. story wise.. Which bring me to the multiplayer I miss the simplicity of Just execution or warzone, at a push, annex. The darkness, tones and grimness of gears 1 and 2... For me 3 got a bit brighter a lost a certain feel (see.. even I'm at it). Anyways. It's easy to just go back and play them, I know And the gears remake was excellent. I guess I just miss good old gears. I've played all them, they don't have the same feel and it's pretty terrible. I do enjoy them, but the gears 1-3 were perfect and the new ones are a one playthrough kind of game and the multiplayer is boring,.. I really have tried so hard to play it but.. Its not there. Anyways.. More of a rant than anything . Probably shouldn't have posted it but I did. I think I miss when games were good. And I haven't said that since before I went and night gears of war 1

    submitted by /u/DroughtVox
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    Look familiar?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Dear TC, let's face it Operation 3 is the make or break stretch for the remaining Gear heads (casuals and newbies to the franchise are back in Fortnite). Please, I beg you, this game desperately needs maps. Give me Checkout, Gridlock, Relic, Impact, Drydock at least. Please dont let this game die.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    The game feels ok with the recent patches. But we need the content at this point. Just fix your ranked to where high ranking solo queues dont get asked to carry lower ranks (actually pair us with similar ranks), fix the Donut you get for playing against a quitter, make flashbang blind you but not stun you, put more skins to purchase with Scrap (not everything should be paid with Iron) and I'll be on my way to happily enjoy Gears 5.

    submitted by /u/StormBreaker956
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    My GoW 5 complaints. I know you have them too.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:41 PM PST

    I've been a die hard Gears fan from the beginning. I may sound a bit elitist here, but I really feel that The Coalition has ruined the franchise so many of us loved, as well as the potential it had.

    Gears 5...where to start? Every class is character based, which wouldn't be as big of an issue if the new characters they're trying to shove down our throats didn't suck. Where are the classic characters we all love? Dom? Dizzy? Cole? Anya? Sam? Yet we're stuck with Mac and Lahni? Fahz? COG Gear? Sarah Conner, Batista, and HALO CHARACTERS? Seriously? No one cares about any of them. I get that they're trying to attract new players, but you're slapping the loyal fans, the real fans in the face. It's not about demographics. Cole and Dom are minorities and they're classic characters we all love. Put. Them. In. The. Damn. Game. Remember Thrashball Cole? Remember Commando Dom? Dizzy's funny dialogue? And it took them months just to release Baird. DAMON BAIRD. You can't even play as every character across every game mode. Flashbangs were a bad call. Stop trying to copy Call of Duty, that isn't what made Gears great in the first place. Gears has always been unique in it's play style and feel. The weapons are not balanced. The lancer is now an assault/sniper rifle. Remember the digger? Remember the sawed-off shotgun? Ahh the good ol' days. We miss you, Epic.

    They're forcing micro transactions to get people to cough up the dough. The character totems / challenges are ridiculous. You have to put in days and days of gameplay just to unlock characters that should have been there from the start (Baird, Kantus, etc). Still no Dom. Still no Cole. No Sam. No Anya. No Hoffman. No QUEEN MYRRAH. How is Myrrah still not in the game? You put in a lot of time just to re-up and what is your reward? Grats, here's a shitty desert camo skin for a gun you barely use! Thanks, Coalition! TC should be ashamed of this nightmare that they've turned Gears into. They should be ashamed for forcing people to pay for content that should come as a bare minimum in this franchise.

    Kate is the worst lead role I've ever seen in a video game, and I was rooting for her prior to game launch. I couldn't care less if the main is male or female, but Kate is whiney and boring. The story is not exciting. The storyline sucks so bad now... The whole "brothers to the end" thing is wiped out. The themes of horror and dread are gone. It's a money scheming cartoon now. They clearly have no regard for what the players want. Remember Beast mode, guys? Remember when you could be a ticker or a corpser? Remember the awesome thrashball arena map? Remember having 17 rounds of boomshot ammo as a heavy in horde mode, as any character you choose? Remember when horde mode was actually fun? You could be any class with any character, instead of being forced into this awkward and frustrating character-based class system with characters no one likes. Wanna be a sniper? Well, looks like you're the hatable Fahz, or this dude from Halo who, again, literally no one who is truly into the Gears franchise cares about. Halo characters, Sara Conner, but still no Dom...no Cole...no Hoffman...no Dizzy. And you can bet that when they do release those characters over the next 2 years (slowly and painfully) that you will have to spend money to unlock them. Don't want to spend money on them? Then have fun grinding for weeks (maybe even months if you have a life) just to unlock them via ridiculous totem challenges.

    I have the Gears edition Xbox, controller, all of that. It's been the only gaming franchise I've cared about from the beginning, and now that's over. I know it's just a game and life goes on, but it could have been truly great. I hope they listen to the complaints and stop ignoring them, but I doubt it. Lastly...remember when the enemies were fun to kill? The lambent? Bosses you actually had fun defeating? Remember traversing through the worm? Myrrah's flying bug? Remember fun and interesting dialogue? Baird's witty sarcasm? Cole's enthusiasm? Dom's level-headedness? Dizzy's eccentric personality? And Marcus's stoicism and disgust? I know we have Marcus, but Marcus with his old team is a different Marcus than the new one we have. That was a fun team to watch. Kait, Del, and JD are boring. None of them hold a candle to any of the classic characters. Even Dizzy, a side character, is more interesting than any of the main three, even if you leave out his comical accent and humor. And don't even get me started on the whole deebee and reject garbage...

    submitted by /u/bstarbucko
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    Bad Ping?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Since this past update, has anybody else been dealing with 200+ ping on every match and game mode imaginable? I've been trying to play Gears 5 for the past few days, and my ping has been awful despite it being 20-40 on every other game I've tried, and being just fine on other devices.

    submitted by /u/thanks_obunga
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    Campaign spoilers: Months later how do you think THAT situation will be handled in the future?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST


    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:07 PM PST

    I apologize if this was in a old thread and I missed it I searched but didn't see, Did TC say the totems could overlap or any info about it,

    I feel like it would it would open another avenue of earning characters if we could make progress to multiple totems at once. Does anyone think this is a good idea? or does it mess with the play/grind aspect?

    submitted by /u/Davidj74
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    Is it ever explained how the Swarm actually came to be?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    I hadn't played a Gears game since 3 until about a week ago, when I played through 4 and 5. Yet I'm still confused about how this new threat came about.

    Where do Snatchers and Pouncers come from? Were they also some lab experiment created like the Locust were? Or are they some sort of natural creature that laid dormant on the planet until recently? And what exactly is their connection to the Locust? Why would they want to create an army of Swarm drones? Why would these Swarm creatures be accepting of and share the same neural link as the Locust Scions? You would think that they would wage a war against them in the same way that the Lambent fought against the Locusts, even though they were practically the same species, only infected with Imulsion.

    Was this all explained in the games and I'm just dumb?

    submitted by /u/MyName_NotImportant
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    What do you think is the best most action packed chapter or Gears 5?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Escape and Horde

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:04 AM PST

    Looking for some master escape and horde players to teach me everything they know about their respective modes. Would love to do the hive every week as I'm trying to get into PVE more because sometimes versus gets dull. THANKS in advance 🤗 ign is zX_ambience

    submitted by /u/zX_ambience
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    Anyone want to play Gears of War 2 campaign co-op with me?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:18 AM PST

    Can get achievements, shoot the shit, or just game. Anybody is welcome :)

    submitted by /u/DarkSideOfTheBeug
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    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Is there a seran religion

    submitted by /u/Bepismaker9000
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    looking for players to grind horde with

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:30 PM PST

    trying to get Lizzie without spending my money, and it looks like completing a Horde completely gives quite a bit of xp.

    looking for anyone trying to grind with me and my friend,


    edit: no comms if possible

    submitted by /u/gustavethegr8
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    Finally made it!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:16 AM PST

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