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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (December 02, 2019)

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (December 02, 2019)

    Meme Mondays (December 02, 2019)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If we are going to suggest bringing back maps. I'd like to see one that hasn't been remade into oblivion like Blood Drive. My personal favorite from Gears of War 3, TRENCHES

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:12 AM PST

    The best clutch i ever had

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:51 PM PST

    It’s amazing how much the Store has an effect on how this game is perceived by the community, Gears 5 has the best campaign since Gears 2 (imo obviously) but the way multiplayer was handled was such a kick in the balls it completely over shadowed it.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Full Court.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:05 PM PST

    Meme Monday! The ranked experience!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:27 AM PST

    Wish they make Gears of War 1 free

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    "And Stay Down!"

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST

    You get what you fucking deserve!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:28 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    My feed used to have a lot of gears post man it's crazy how lonely the game has become it was bound to happen sucks but we all seen it coming..

    submitted by /u/bizzy310
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    Swarm need better skins

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:59 PM PST

    Wish the base swarm characters had better designs more akin the locust in the armor department. I get Gears 4 was new and they looked more tribal but it's Gears 5 they should have armor now. Also it's pretty much fact to because I'm 4 everyone only uses locust. People would use swarm if they were better designed and stood out

    submitted by /u/BDA1995
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    Total War (new game mode idea)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:31 PM PST

    First off I'm a huge fan of the classic Gears MP experience and so far I'm loving Gears 5. But I recognize that the classic game modes have a relatively high luring curve and can potentially scare new players away completely. That could possibly even deter then from purchasing any future instalments. Horde was a successful addition but that's been in since Gears 2. I thought overrun could be the new big game mode with further iterations but that hasn't happened.

    So I present a new complimentary game mode "Total War"

    Total War would pit two teams of 6 v 6 (COG vs Swarm/Locust) In objective, story based missions. Think Battlefront.

    An example could be that Two Swarmaks are moving towards a Cog stronghold. As the locusts you're job is to escort the two Swarmaks to their destination so they can destroy the main gait. As the COG you are to defend the base by taking out the Swarmaks. If the COG are unsuccessful the main gait gets destroyed and the battle moves into the base which now switches to the secondary mission. The Locust must destroy two computer systems which deactivates surface to air turrets so Seeders can ink the sky.

    Canon fodder AI's would also assist you. Think of For Honour or Titanfall. They are implemented for multiple reason. One is they would make the battles look larger without having a really high player count. Two they would look different and be slightly smaller. This would make it easy for players to detect who's an AI and who isn't. It would also make it seem like the human players are COG/Swarm heroes among grunts. And finally players who aren't as good at the game can still help by completing objectives and taking out AI.

    The mode would also have a point system. Gears lore, creatures, weapons and technology seem to be a waist just being utilized in the Campaign. This would be a way to introduce some of those aspects to MP. As a Swarm character you earn points by killing players, killing AI and completing objectives. With these points you can do various things. You can summon tickets, call in a seeder air strike, turn into a Scion or Jermad, take control of the Swarmaks guns for a limited time and even turn into a locust Hero such as RAAM, Skorge, the Queen, or Karn. This game mode also lends itself well to DLC as they can continuously add perks, characters, heroes, maps and so on.

    submitted by /u/Prubar
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    When nobody comes to peel for you at snipe

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:03 PM PST

    All i wan't for christmas is... GINGERBREAD IMAGO!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:35 AM PST

    What's with the earn rate of points in ranked?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:13 AM PST

    Just how messed up is the system? I breezed through silver and gold, getting up to 3000 points per win since I get MVP 95% of the time, I already got masters before the reset and figured I could do it again since they "fixed" the ranked system.

    Well, I have won at least 30 matches since I am diamond and now I ear 10 points tops. I need around 200 points to get masters and there are games where I get 0 points for winning, MVP and all. How in the fuck is this fair? Do I need to get every kill in the game without dying in TDM so I can go up? I like the game better now, but where is the fun in winning a ranked game without earning any points? I just want my damn lancer skin.

    submitted by /u/OnyXavier
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    Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole [Gears 5]

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:02 PM PST

    I achieved the rank of General in Tour of Duty I. Here are my suggestions. [Gears 5 discussion] [no spoilers]

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:48 AM PST

    Hello fellow Gear heads!

    Let me preface this by saying that these are not tips on how to achieve General in the next Tour of Duty in Operations II.

    Rather, this is what I think TC should tweak to keep us invested.

    TLDR -- just read the enumerated, bolded tips below.

    Edit: added the tldr up above. Also removed some tangential paragraphs.

    1. Offer categories of daily objectives.

    Strangely enough, to me, apparently people don't tackle every mode in each Gears game they play. So we shouldn't feel forced to play a mode just because one of the free daily objectives are asking for it.

    My suggestion here is to allow players to choose to tackle dailies in their favourite modes, but keep the limitations similar. For example, they can choose to do 1 to 3 objectives in any of Campaign, Versus, Horde or Escape -- but no more than those 1-3 total. They can use a free reset for any category, and spend iron for further objective resets as they see fit.

    Note 1: I understand that TC needs to generate post-launch regular revenue, so tbf to them I don't propose the removal of iron-paid objectives. More on that later.

    Edit#1: this tip needs clarification. I mean, offer objectives that are clearly specific to a mode. And of course, offer multiple of each modal category so that the free objectives are used up just focusing on whatever modes a player wants to focus on. The current system already attempts to do this to a lesser degree; it is not entirely successful at it.

    2. If tip 1 is not feasible, then make daily objectives completable in as many modes as possible.

    That is to say that there's no reason the campaign can't be used towards completing objectives.

    3. While we're on the subject, playing the campaign should offer XP as well.


    4. Do not increase the cost of iron for resetting daily objectives.

    Keep the cost at 10. For those that don't know: you are allowed one free "reset" of a single objective, per day, whether the objective you're resetting is completed or not.

    It isn't a reset, though; rather, the objective being wiped off the slate will be replaced by a random new one. I just couldn't remember what to call the action, since I'm typing from my phone here and don't have the game loaded in front of me atm.

    After the free reset, doing it again for another objective costs 10 iron. The cost increases by 10 iron with each reset, until the next day when your reset costs are essentially resetted, themselves.

    Devs, no. Iron is hard to come by; some of us aren't willing to part with our money so easily on frivolous pursuits, and any amount we do part with is begrudging. And always will be.

    5. Offer partial rewards for partially completing medal categories.

    To wit, kill 2500 juvies and that was the only thing left for me to do in the Enemies category? And after 12 weeks I was half done? In the weeks leading up to the end of this ToD, I had to look up ways to grind certain medals because my methods weren't working -- for example, playing versus AI by yourself counts for NOTHING, same with Escape maps by yourself (unless you host, which I didn't figure out until the end).

    No thanks. We shouldn't be punished with nada because we're only 95% done a category.

    At least give some achievements for the amounts of medals completed, and while we're on that subject...

    6. Make a Campaign medal category or two for the Tour of Duty.

    Gears is one of the few games I wouldn't balk at anyone for endlessly replaying the story missions, so, reward the players who give love to what is arguably the most polished part of Gears 5.

    7. Reaching the rank of General should be a big deal.

    My player emblem (the title card where my username would be, for example) should change. Maybe I receive a special effect when loading into a multiplayer map.

    Maybe there should be an activity feed that updates for every player that achieves this rank; for example, in the original 2005 game, Guild Wars, EVERY time a player's character (let alone that player's entire user account) achieved a notable or maximum ranked title in that game, everybody online in the game would know about it. And there would be rewards for everyone too: for example, IIRC, the portals to realms of the gods (special endgame maps) would renew.

    Make some bombast and spectacle to celebrate the players who go the distance; after all, you want as many pull factors as possible to keep potential newcomers invested, as well as already-engaged players. And those pull factors can ostensibly be other players.

    8. The rewards for General should be better skins -- at least as good as the ones we might pay for in the store.

    This is highly subjective, ofc. But I thought it worth mentioning. I personally prefer the Team Metal skins to the Team Rock ones, myself.

    The argument might be that having the "free" rewards be "better" than the paid ones might piss off players who've already partaken of microtransactions, or deter those who haven't. But I argue that since a player has the option to pay to speed up the rate at which they complete a Tour of Duty (by paying for iron currency), then the Tour of Duty is also a paid-tier or premium avenue of rewards as well. It is both free and premium. So treat it as such.

    9. Fix the goddamn elapsed time indicators in the Tour of Duty. Fix it earlier, in case it happens again.

    A few weeks ago, one of the game's TU patches fixed the "Week X of Y" text in the tour of duty submenu. For me, at the time, X was maybe 8 or 9, and Y was 17.

    That means, for TWO MONTHS at least, I believed I had seventeen weeks to complete the Tour of Duty. I paced myself to withstand the grind for seventeen weeks, so I wouldn't burn out early.

    It was patched to read "Week 9 of 12", which means that I lost five weeks off my schedule. That's 35 days. That's longer than any Roman calendar month of the year. That's like a Chinese month or something. Idk. It's long, regardless.

    Yes, the marketing did indicate that Operations and their ToDs would last "three months" (only approximately equivalent to 12 weeks).

    But y'all don't know me: I'm precise with "calendar math", often pedantically and obsessively correcting people on their recounting of time (countdowns or count-ups included), and having been convinced of the 17-week, I went onto the Gears forums, YT, etc. and "corrected" the notion that the Tour of Duty's "three months" was actually closer to four, going by the week count.

    I don't mind being wrong, because then the marketing made sense. But I mind being lied to, intentionally or not. I could forgive that, however, since it was a bug. Losing time is not so easily forgotten. Double-whammies suck.

    10. Offer more daily objectives types (variation).

    I nearly forgot about this. Variety is the spice of life.

    Just don't make it so specific that it bites us in the butts. Nobody wants to use Claw weapons in ranked matches, BUT, if the devs make good on the suggestions above (particularly the first couple), the sting of a possible objective like "Kill 5 enemies using the Claw" wouldn't be so bad.

    Let's just say I was getting real sick of focusing on killing drones and scions.

    I focused a lot of tips on objectives, because for many scenarios knocking out objectives synergizes somewhat with at least some medals; and you'll potentially earn far more stars from doing 2-4 objectives per day, per week, than you would the several hundred total that are tied to the medals.

    Basically, objectives are easier to obtain, and I argue more fundamental. Think of them as the bricks of a pyramid or building, with medals being floors. Cities are built brick-by-brick.

    TLDR -- just read the bolded tips in number list.


    submitted by /u/Red_Regan
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    Reward for Winning 5v6

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:28 PM PST

    -496 points

    submitted by /u/fetta_chinne
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    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:50 AM PST

    So I'm a destiny/titanfall player and I wanted to try gears of war pvp.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST

    To go into detail: I'm not bad at shooting. My aim is good. But after being in the sub for about a month and a half there seems to be an art to the pvp of this game. Anyone got tips or suggestions for the unique combat?

    submitted by /u/Mr-Generio2
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    Is the campaign playable now?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST

    What is the current state of the campaign? Me and a friend of mine tried it on the release day but it was so god damn buggy that we stopped playing it.

    Tried it like 2 weeks later and still the same :( no audio sometimes, connection drops, progress not being saved, random people could join even when we put the setting on private, cutscenes that didn't work etc.

    submitted by /u/Korrtexx
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    The scariest part of battle is when you have to reload

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:34 AM PST

    Glad to finally have winter Kait unlocked after all that last minute rush grinding, but I still think it's ridiculous a character skin you spend 60% + of the campaign as will be gone by next week

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Got pissed after missing those first few shots I had to go back in for a second round

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

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