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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (November 04, 2019)

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (November 04, 2019)

    Meme Mondays (November 04, 2019)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Halloween turned out pretty good this year, except the kids that kept shouting fortnite... -.-

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST


    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Beating terminator as DB

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Gears of War Art 2019

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:49 PM PST

    I miss these big boys

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:07 PM PST

    Rare DBi voice line ft. Baird

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:13 PM PST

    The breaker mace execution is just great.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:21 PM PST

    [OC] Haven't drawn Mago in awhile, with Blood Moon around the corner I made this gift for all of you

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:48 PM PST

    Clip of the Rare DeeBee Baird Quote

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST

    I'm not a Gears fan at all but I have to say this is the most optimized game I've played on PC for a very long time.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:15 PM PST

    Every single game I've played in the last 2 years or so have had visual bugs which required changes to ini files, downgrade/upgrade for drivers, mods and endless fiddling to settings menus, just so that the games runs smoothly with minimal pop-in etc. This is the first game where it runs at a constant 50-60 fps without any tinkering.

    It feels so good to not have to fiddle around with settings to make the game run smoothly and just allow the game to choose the optimal settings for you, AND it to look actually fkn great and run smoothly.

    Cheers for optimizing this game 'cause it's fkn class

    submitted by /u/linkstorageaccount
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    Nothing special but this little juke was kinda satisfying

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:23 PM PST

    I have a slight feeling the games dead

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PST

    I can't tell if this is sad anyone wanna earn this easy achievement just a couple matches

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:29 PM PST

    Two-piece'ing is back?!?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:20 AM PST

    Granted it's not the one from Gears 2, but I played a couple of matches of "Ranked" at the weekend for gits and shiggles and I noticed a fair amount of Gnasher-Melee strikes and while it doesn't auto-centre like it did in Gears 2 it did comes across as a bit cheap, and I've not seen any complaints here about it.

    submitted by /u/Shockwave_IIC
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    Anyone else having a hard time adjusting to Gears 5?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:50 PM PST

    I will start by saying that I was mainly a gnasher user in Gears 1, 3, and UE. Didn't really play 2 and 4. I do pretty well for myself in Gears 5, but I feel like I die way too much of this game. In previous titles I've played my strafe and wall bounce was enough and never really felt scared to approach people. This game is a whole new breed.

    I honestly feel like it's a flip of a coin who gets the kill. I miss those gnasher battles. It really is kill-or-be-killed. No in between.

    submitted by /u/FrugalHoosier
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    Take a little more care of the OFFline mode, please.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    Copy/Paste: https://forums.gearsofwar.com/t/take-a-little-more-care-of-the-offline-mode-please/35484

    Hello everyone, as the title says, I would like to take more care of the disconnected mode.

    I know that most people play online, as can be logical in a game of this type, but there are still people who are more than playing alone or with family / friends to split screen (offline).

    I would like you to have certain details, such as team dueling, king of the hill, etc. That the bots (AI) chose characters randomly, as was already the case in Gow3, that is, that these vary according to the character you choose. It is a bit annoying to want to choose for example Kait, and that the AI ​​also choose it. (Each slot chooses by default and sets one of the five main characters).

    I would also like that, after a game, the game automatically chooses another map randomly without having to return to the lobby (this is also Gow3 and it is very comfortable and not much time is lost between game and game). Other Detail, is to be able to enter the personalization menu without requiring connection, I do not understand why I need internet to be able to enter said menu (I know that I can vary a skin with the buttons `` LB-RB '', but it is not what same, for example, you can't change banners like this.)

    And of course, something that I will not get tired of asking for … PLEASE ask, enable the horde / escape mode OFFLINE. I love those modes (I tried them with 14 days of Gamepass Ultimate that came with my physical edition) and I wish I could play them in disconnected mode. I think I'm not asking for something impossible, even if I have to buy a subscription to play with people I will do it in the future, because despite being as I said, offline player, I really enjoyed playing with people from all over the world, but the Game feels empty without those offline modes. In horde for example you have done it with bots, so I see no problem in that you enable this mode in OFFLINE. And escape, I love it, even if I play Alone, I like the subject in this way, but being blocked because … it's a shame.

    I hope you please keep me in mind to be able to enjoy this game even more, in spite of the failures you may have, it is very fun. Thank you very much for reading me and forgive '' my English '', I use a translator since I don't speak the language hehe.

    Greetings and thanks to all.

    submitted by /u/BlackWolfK8
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    Roughed out the backpack, still need to add the finer details, but it's coming together

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:53 AM PST

    Using music from previous installments of the Gears franchise would make winning and losing so much more dramatic (even if Jinn can’t fill Hoffman and Prescott’s shoes lol)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Is there a way to check the online population of XBOX Gears players?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:30 AM PST

    Title. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Otherwiize
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    Master horde players, please don't be so tiltable...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:34 PM PST

    I was playing a master horde match last night as kait on training grounds with a del and jd who were both good players. del was doing an interesting strat with placing t1 barricades all over the map from the fabricator which was working. I liked it, innovative and not something I've seen before. Our jd was a solid jd as well.

    We had a jack and a marcus and marcus was doing things (mostly getting us up) from wave 1-20. Jack left at wave 28ish because del was yelling at him too much so he prob just left. Maybe it was fine though as tbh he wasn't that good and didn't understand the concept of res'ing as jack without dying and started to afk pretty hard and not picking up weapons after waves.

    We got a new jack and he was solid, I could tell. He was resing us and just playing safe, letting jd and I clear everything as they are the most broken characters for damage right now. The jack wasn't despositing his money (he had 14k) and del started going berserk on him on voice.

    I'm not a toxic player at all, and I always assume the best out of my teammates and it's perhaps the case he forgot to. So I suggested that maybe he can't hear him? Del then starts saying things like "man... im just gonna leave honestly... im out..." and I have to calm him down.

    The jack then types he can't hear him as his volume is low and then I tell del that jack can't hear him and type to jack to despoite. Jack then despoites. Wow, communication guys! It's really hard! If someone isn't responding it's either because they are foreign (why are u joining my US game then) or can't hear us for whatever reason.

    Del then calm down and we continue. Del then starts complaining non stop about this marcus "afking" and how he's getting a free carry and how he's gonna leave as he already mastered this map. I said I didn't, and if you left you would ruin the game for me and the jack/JD. Don't do that to others just because of one person.

    I then proceeded to explain to him that he really can't do anything after wave 30+ due to how much damage he takes and he'll just die. He only did anything during his ult (blindfiring) and he wasn't level 16 so he had no ult card for stim. His ult card is also only good when you have it at rank 3-5.

    I told Del that I don't have an issue with what he's doing, as JD and I are killing everything with ease. He was getting us up when needed. He complained as sometimes he would "afk" (perhaps taking a drink) but he would start putting a lot more effort if he saw the situation was getting hairy.

    The irony is that I was downed quite a few times this match and I'd be right next to Del and he wouldn't get me up. I'd have to crawl up to his ass and wait 2 seconds lmao or go "I'm down right next to you". Yet when he gets downed he expects to get picked up within .1 of a second.

    Del then proceeds to complain about the marcus every single wave and saying he's going to quit and I'd have to calm him down. He'd legit afk for 15 seconds at times as you can tell he is having a mental break down. I kept talking really nice saying he's doing fine and i'ts fine, he's getting us up, that's all I ask from our 5th player, as there are only 4 core characters in horde right now that can actually do anything.

    JD then talks for the first time and says "cuz hes shit" when del says the marcus isn't doing anything. Marcus I think takes this a bit personal so when there were 2 pouncers left, he killed one of them. They start freaking out on him but I tell them as long as he doesn't kill the last one it's fine.

    He starts killing the last pouncer and gets it to 50% hp. They start cussing him saying "wow what a fucking idiot retard" and when the pouncer is 5% and they think it's about to die, they say "what a faggot/homo hope you get cancer you shit" and other foul things I cannot recall nor do I want to say.

    The thing is, I don't think marcus was going to finish it. He let it go back up to 50% hp and after his brain processed what they said he killed it. They then freak out. It's like guys... do you really think he's going to listen by saying these things to him? If he wanted to ruin the game, he could've moved all the barriers/turrets/lockers and griefed. He was playing, he wasn't being a leech as they saw him as.

    Del also kept saying "pause the game until he leaves". If he's a leech, he won't, and if he wants to play, he won't as he wants to play. Pausing the game and asking to leave only works if people just joined and you were saving the spot or someone dc'd and you ask nicely. These people are just personally attacking him the whole time and didn't understand me when I told them he is doing things. They kept asking me "are you sure he isn't your friend". No, he isn't but I don't degrade people and know if someone truly is a leech.

    Same thing with the new jack we got who was solid. Kept shit talking him for "afking" when that's how you play jack. He did a ton of clutch shit on wave 50, didn't get downed, and saved the game when all 4 of us were down with good movement. That same guy they were calling a leech. Oh but they didn't say anything about him doing anything good that wave or any other time of course. Focus on the "negatives".

    Like jesus guys. It's PvE, they are playing to win, not leech. Can we not take PvP toxicity and bring it to PvE? I want to have fun and talk to people and have a good time, not fucking shit talk other people all day.

    I could have easily shit talked the Del over wanting more money in the fabricator despite it having 36-80k+ and complaining that jack isn't putting it 9k money right away and threatrening to leave. Why was it such a big deal if you only used that money for wave 50 (bought a bunch of shock sentries). We were on wave 30-45ish and you are acting like wave 50 is coming right now.

    I could have easily shit talked him when he told jack to stop repairing when he was slow as fuck to repair things. There are less than 5 things left and he's still taking cover instead of just repairing things with his gold card + avoiding where the enemies are shown. Instead, he waits until the last 1-2 are DOWNED to do anything. I wonder why you complain so much that there is no time to repair and rage at marcus. Maybe you could do a better job at repairing faster and let Jack help you if you are so slow to repair your 50+ t1 barricades.

    But I didn't. Why? Because it doesn't do anything but make people upset and leave the game.

    And that's my story. Have a good day. Be kind to others and stop assuming the worst out of them.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    Suggestion : The ability to emote while down/getting executed/aiming

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:05 PM PST

    Would add a lot of flavor and fun. Getting bm executed? Play it off and make JD say "Alright!!!" or "No!". Would be hilarious.

    submitted by /u/ghfhfhhhfg9
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    (GOW3) fun fact about Raam's Shadow: You can kill the Berserker before you're actually supposed to (and end up killing her twice in total)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:18 AM PST

    Are we getting ranked rewards before the reset?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:13 PM PST

    Title says it all, I'm wondering if I should try to grind for the highest rank before they reset. Cause for some reason I'm climbing through the ranks pretty quickly even though I've been losing quite a few times. Did they fix it? Cause it feels much better ranking up than it did even a week or so ago.

    submitted by /u/Ironclad_Calves
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    Why does everyone build on the bottom of Asylum? A boomer just came in and destroyed everything. It’s way too cramped down here in the first place.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

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