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    Thursday, July 8, 2021

    Gears of War | I forgot how good Gears of War 3 was

    Gears of War | I forgot how good Gears of War 3 was

    I forgot how good Gears of War 3 was

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    The cherry on top. Always wanted one since I was a kid, I finally got one for myself

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Did you see it ?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    Nice little game of Duck Hunt

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Anyone down for some gears 1 versus? Please add me ---> GmeApe

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Gears 5 Gnasher 1v1

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed this new mode on gears 5. Is there a chance it will be permanent? Maybe they could add Gnasher 1v1 to ranked matches

    submitted by /u/Green-Entertainer485
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    Not the best but I am proud of that flashbang.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Planting Grenades by throwing is one of my favorite features in this game! (Gears 6, please!)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    What was the reaction to Gears of War 5's story and the rest of the game.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Seems like it went largely ignored by the larger community. The Act Man and Angry Joe both ignored it. So I've never really gotten a feeling of how the gears fanbase reacted to it. First time on this subreddit if you can't tell. Personally I enjoyed the story aside from the unexplained attitude change.

    submitted by /u/Responsible_Pop7076
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    Who’s signature is this?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    The grind to top 100

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Not gonna lie the grind to top 100 not to mention playing solo on control is absolutely hell, if I didn't want the skorge skin I'd probably call it at the weapon skins😅

    submitted by /u/ixsophosxi
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    Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh, Domposters?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    GoW5 Cole tackle ability

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    When Cole was released, I could hold A to run, then let go but quickly press B to do his passive running-tackle thing. Some time ago, that stopped working so I stopped playing him. TIL his passive works if I manage to press A, then press B without letting off A. That's kinda hard to do! Does everyone have to do this?

    Also, which card makes him leave a fire trail as he runs?

    submitted by /u/Jdea7hdealer
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    Was the season shortened to 10 weeks, from 13? In the menu, the given time for the OP has changed.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:08 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/cmchaunce
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    Can't connect at all

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    Just got the game via gamepass on PC and I cannot connect to any game modes. The pre-set playlists (quick play, versus, etc.) give me error 0x00000c1d and the custom playlist gives me error 0x00000c34.

    Strange thing is, I've played this game before in the past on this PC right at launch, so I have no idea why I'd be getting connection issues now.

    submitted by /u/breakslow
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    Coalition F'k Yeah

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    If you aren’t prepared to lose don’t 1v1 on Mercy

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    Just my two cents. If you aren't prepared to take a 0-7 loss and turn it into practice please stop quitting 3-4 rounds in.

    submitted by /u/mortalcelestial
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    Overall thing to fix for gears 5

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    A list of things to fix in the game, what other points do you want to add?

    PvE: -There needs to be another way to get perks beside energy pick ups, as most players are forced to deposit once they join a lobby. This hurts heavily classes that rely on them, such ass the gunner, the tactician, the slugger, etc.

    -There needs to be more bonuses for playing agresively in horde, there are various mechanics that try to to that such as energy pick ups, energy taps, etc, but they fail as the higher the difficulty the harder it is to do so, as the mode design by itself forces you to stay cornered and defend instead of attack and play more aggressive, as doing so will result in your team failing to survive.

    -Damage resistance in horde is almost useless thanks to the high damage quantities that enemies deal to you, an example is the elite drone, it takes 3 shots to down you, having a 30% damage reduction will only make you resist a single shot more, now consider that enemies outnumber you and there are multiple of them attacking you at the same time, damage reduction needs to be changed to be more efficient.

    -Most classes have useless cards that don't work at all with the class playstyle or that don't synergize with any other card, this is a problem as you have a limited number of equipable cards and you are better equipped by just using some cards and completely ignoring some.

    -5 equipable cards is low compared to how many cards a class have, this is a bigger problems with the pilot thanks to it needing more cards to make their ultimate work.

    -Fighting leeches is infuriating as they mostly only destroy the fabricator and energy taps by obsessing with one of them, and their damage doesn't count neither as splash or melee, so it doesn't count for any of those damage resistance cards.

    -Some game mechanics feels outdated with the games nature, such as:

    -energy pick up instead of just getting energy (like it was in gears 3), as there are only two classes that actually benefit from this mechanic, and they are more focused on dealing damage rather than picking energy.

    -having to rely on energy to perk up (as there is a constant conflict between players and engineers in whether to use the energy to build a base or to perk up, as it is impossible to do both, wich often result in players getting kicked from lobbies).

    -Energy taps spawning randomly, it makes you rely on RNG to get a good base, as some places are harder to defend than others, and most players just prefer to ignore them as the bonus you get isn't that obvious or simply isn't worth compared by how much you expose the team to losing. 

    -having a max squad size of 5, as there are actually no other modes you can play rather than versus when playing with a group bigger than 5, having the ability to have a bigger horde squad or just have expectators would be great, as they could actually help the team or just host a game while the team plays. This is also problematic as when playing in Lan with two consoles, as you get a total number of players of 6, forcing one player to not to play.

    -There is no way to test with mutators (this includes mutators from the daily pool) and cards freely, as there is no mode where you can actually test them as you want, making bootcamp a sandbox to test this things would be great, as it would help players to test things and help developers to find glitches and bugs faster. 

    -Max ammo capacity for guns being shortened creates a lot of problems, as in this mode you are constantly dealing with ammo management, only having a max of 3 boomshot rockets, 4 dropshot charges, 15 longshot bullets, 20 Overkill shells, 2 grenades, etc. feels to low compared to previous games, or even to PvP where those values are the same as previous games. This also affects any ability that gives you extra ammo capacity, as you don't see any difference until you get to +50% or +100% max ammo capacity, this is more obvious with explosives and grenades (ie. the increased overkill max ammo capacity card for the infiltrator, getting a +20% more max ammo only means getting four extra shells, or when using grenades, getting +50% max ammo capacity means only getting one more grenade).

    -Not having a way to manage lodaouts, as every day there are new mutator combinations in horde and sometimes the host changed too fast the hive, you have no time to get prepared your card lodaout, as there are no tools to save or manage different lodaouts. Also, having to select card by card in the card select menu is slow and not user friendly, compared to gears 4 where you could just unselected your cards and immediately select all your lodaout.

    -A lot of cards being especific for one weapon or being too especific, this hurts a lot Scape for a lot of classes, since you can't control which enemies and weapons will be on the hive, making a lot of classes have useless cards for a lot of hives, and making classes that have more general cards more usefull.

    -Not having tools to control your lobby when playing or hosting a lobby, for example, if you want a certain types of classes in your team, you can't choose what types of classes can be in the lobby, let's say I want to do an all Jack run, or an all all tanks run, or an all engineer room, you have no other tools other than kicking players that don't follow your rules, this makes a lot of players opt for that option and makes really hard to find a lobby, since you will get kicked a lot for not having an specific class or level, and you will get kicked before being able to change to a class that would fit the situation. 

    -Lancer GL rockets gives way too much wepon sway to teammates, this is infuriating as nothing makes your weapon sway more than friendly lancer GL rockets, even damage from enemies doesn't give you as much weapon sway, this makes hard to use a class that focuses on using precision weapons when playing with someone using a lancer GL.

    -Coins gained from daily challenges and destroyed cards is to low, compared by how many coins cost to get a new copy the relation is to low, having to get 10 copies of a card just to be able to get one from the same rarity is way to much, considering that you only get 4 cards for a horde frenzy run and only two or three for scaping a hive, this makes incredibly hard to level up all cards of a class, and much of a grind compared to gears 4 relation between cards that was 4 to 1, you only needed 4 scraped cards to get one new from the same rarity, it was hard to get all the cards to level 6 and at that time there were only 5 classes and there were no legendary cards. Going back to a similar ratio would be greats as there are more classes and cards now.

    -Extra XP becomes useless once you reach level 20, this is a problem since a lot of daily and monthly challenges give you XP as a reward, a good way to solve this would be being able to use that XP for other class or be able to turn extra XP into coins to level up your cards, since not all classes fit well all hives and horde challenges, and sometimes trying with those classes results in players getting kicked from lobbies from trying to use low level tier classes.

    -An overall problem with the community is players hosting lobbies and putting pretty high requirements to stay in their lobbies, this makes harder to find a match, since trying to use a low level tier class, not using an especific class, using a low level class or using a class that is repeated will result in you getting kicked. This is due to two main factors, daily challenges for hives being to hard and over the top (ie. The malfunction, the split, venom run, the end, etc.) and the survivor mutator in horde, as it makes players incredibly afraid of loosing and having to start all over again. This is also thanks to the fact that you can't get daily and monthly rewards if you don't play the hive or the horde from the beginning, joining an already started lobby will give you nothing and this makes finishing your goal harder, as if any player leave your game, the chances of another player joining your game are low, since they will prefer lobbies that haven't started the game yet, where they can still get the rewards. This is more obvious in ecape, as a lot of players quit during the second act if they see that the hive is too difficult.

    -Maps in the custom lobby search are not in Alphabetical order, this makes to find a certain map harder, as there is no clear order in which they are, this also happens with hives. (search by option feature)

    PvP: -Having always the same characters as bots gets repetetive and affects more arcade, as you are always fighting against the same classes.

    -Removing ranks (bronce, silver, gold, onix, diamond, master) have made a lot of players less interested in the mode as there is no longer a clear and achievable goal every season, also having less rewards had make a lot of players feel down for the mode.

    -Previous ranks and new leaderboard systems can be easily implemented both at the same time, just removing the need to have certain rank to play with other players would make it work, also as a personal goal, would make players more interested in keep playing. The only rework needed would be an interface update. (GP makes you rank up, and points make you go up in the leaderboards)

    -Removing the ability to save weapon skins configurations for each side (villains and heroes) feels odd and removes quality of life from the game, as it was actually possible in gears 4, a quick work in the UI would be to update the weapons customisation menu similar to how it is in the character select screen, on the left you have your configuration for heroes and on the right your configuration for villains, weapons preview would be in the center just as with the characters.

    -Banners feel not as useful as are only seein if you are the MVP, having it showing behind you when spawning in the first round would be a good place to show it, also it has nowhere to be seen in PvE.

    submitted by /u/Absaac
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    The Hunters Master Solo as Combat Medic

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Gears of War 3 Horde anyone?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    Looking to play Gears 3 Horde with anyone

    submitted by /u/DickSilencer
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    The Hunters Master Solo as Slugger

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:52 PM PDT

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