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    Gears of War | Powerbomb on to a live grenade

    Gears of War | Powerbomb on to a live grenade

    Powerbomb on to a live grenade

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    OSOK Clip I hit the other day, enjoy. :)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    It was a losing battle. I knew what needed to be done.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Gears 5 is hands down my favourite Gears of War game.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Why??? Its campaign. Not only did its campaign, from a gameplay perspective, nail the balance between classic Gears and new stuff from Gears 4 it upped the new-ness in a near identical way to how Gears 2 did from Gears 1; tons of new enemies, weapons and gear all of which fantastic and fit the formula like a glove. I also loved the open world and light RPG elements and am intrigued in seeing where they take them in Gears 6.

    Despite all that, the number one reason why the campaign makes Gears 5 my Gears game is the story.

    I loved everything about Gears 4's story and the ending reveal blew me away so I was stoked for Gears 5. Gears 5 didn't just exceed my expectations, it fucking curb stomped them into oblivion. It proper delved into and explored the Expanded Lore, the callbacks to the previous games were amazing (THEY EVEN PLAY 'HOPE RUNS DEEP') and EVERYTHING around Kait was absolutely phenomenal for me in every way. The writing, dialogue, voice acting, direction etc were all perfection to me. And on top of that the final act, essentially 'E-Day 2', is my absolute favourite finale of the series. The books told us certain characters' experiences of E-Day, Judgement gave us a taster of E-Day first hand, Gears 5, with the full power of Unreal 4 on Xbox ONE, gave us the full ferocity, grittiness, hopelessness, spectacle and just sheer devastation of a second E-Day and it's glorious.

    I know a lot of that is pretty much just me raving like a fanboy but I replayed Gears 5 for like the fifth time this past week and wanted to just gush and share my love since it's my first playthrough since joining the reddit. I've always loved Gears but Gears 5 took that love to another level and as a fan of also Halo and seeing how much that franchise has gone seriously up and down since Halo 4 (my favourite Halo game by the way) it's amazing how Gears has gone from strength to strength without much issue at all.

    So yeah, ME WANT GEARS 6 NOW!!! 😂😂😂

    Edit; No gonna lie, I was hoping for more positivity in the comments.

    submitted by /u/TRITON-K175
    [link] [comments]

    Finally got him! Once again, $250 well spent tbh

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Check out this never before seen exclusive Karn Skin.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Hivebuster Comic!!!♉️⚙️Gears5

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    The ultimate Horde guide - an in-depth guide to our beloved co-op PvE experience in Gears 5

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Gearheads,

    since I received a lot of positive Feedback for my last guides and I have quite a bit time to spare while being in quarantine, I decided to write a general guide about our beloved Horde game mode, before focusing more on single characters. There is many vague, outdated and plain out wrong information out there, so let's clear a few things up!

    About me

    I'm in love with the Gears universe since Gears 2, and an Engineer(ing student) in real life. I love to use my brain (theorycrafting) and optimize things, even the smallest everyday-habits (e. g. writing my grocery shopping list in order of how the things appear at that certain market). I started Gears 5 in Operation 4, but I have very much Gears and especially Horde experience since Gears 2, and mastered all Maps in regular Horde and Horde-Frenzy without abusing barrier exploits.
    Alright, let's go!


    Horde is a cooperative PvE game mode in which you have to fight 50 waves of enemies trying to overrun and kill you. Every 10th wave is a Boss wave and every wave with a 5 as second digit (15, 25, 35, 45) is a Mini-Boss wave.You start the match with a Fabricator placed somewhere centered on the map, that you can move to a spot where you want to build your base and as soon as you drop it, the battle begins (in 30 seconds).


    Energy is the resource of Horde needed to buy fortifications, weapons and upgrade perks.Everybody starts with 1.000 energy at wave 1 and can either hold it on his own, or deposit it into the fabricator (where it becomes accessable for everyone on your team).Enemies that get killed drop a certain amount of energy (value depends on enemy), and if you pick it up during the first 30 seconds of that enemy being killed, it will net you 100% of its value which is visualized by having 2 energy-signs at the drop. After 30 seconds, the value will decrease by 50% and one of the energy-sign disappears so it will only have 1 sign. After the preparation time of the wave ends, the not picked-up energy will disappear completly and be lost forever.The amount of energy dropped depends on the enemy, and will be split up evenly to every single member of the team! If you play with less players, the amount is still the same, despite everyone receiving more energy per person (if you play alone, you will get 100% of the value for yourself).

    Energy Taps

    Energy Taps are a new thing in Gears 5. They appear after every successfully beaten Boss-wave (so starting at wave 10) up to 4 in total (after wave 40).

    Energy Taps do 2 things:

    1. When they are alive at the end of the round (the moment you kill the last enemy), they let you collect energy from them (and upgrading them at the same time)
    2. As long as they are alive they increase the hitpoints of every member of your team by a certain amount, depending on the level the energy tap currently has

    Energy Taps Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
    Energy 300 600 900 1500
    HP-Bonus +15% HP +20% HP +25% HP +30% HP

    What can we conclude from these numbers?

    • Compared to smelting weapons with a maxed out Jack in a Forge, a level 1 tap is comparable to 1 weapon smelted, a level 2 tap 2, a level 3 tap 3, and a level 4 tap 5 of the least energy giving weapons (ballistic weapons)
    • When you have a tap alive, make sure to "milk it" every round (to get the energy and upgrade it for bigger bonuses!)
    • Energy-wise it might be more efficient to focus on keeping 1 or a few taps alive than trying to have all 4 (good for earlier phases of the game)
    • In the late game the energy is not the crucial part about having taps. It's about the bonus HP that really helps squishier characters (usually DPS) do their job without getting insta-downed every time they lure out of cover. Getting all 4 taps during the end part of each wave (for the next wave) still nets 50% of the maximum bonus HP value, so it might be worth the time to get them, even if they get destroyed every wave. Since you have 5 characters in the game, and standing in a tap with more than 1 player does not increase the speed of re-activating it, spread out and send 1 member to each tap while player 5 repairs the base / keeps an eye on the last enemy.Shooting at the tap with a repair tool or jacks repair gun also won't charge it faster...

    Classes / Characters

    There are several classes for the PvE characters in Gears 5, currently still tied to a character that you have to play to get a certain Ultimate ability, set of cards and starting loadout. In Operation these classes will be seperated from characters, but most likely you will pick an ultimate ability and still have the same set of cards available as the current characters have. Instead of listing every character with it's given class and abilites from Gears 5, I will use my own system to distinguish characters.

    - DPS (damage per second) / Carry characters
    These characters' job is to deal damage and their loadout and cards and perks and abilities help them to increase the damage to gigantic numbers. Numbers that make a Master run way easier and faster! Probably the most stereotypical DPS characters right now are JD (AoE (Area of Effect) Explosive Damage), Fahz (Single Target Sniper) and Kait (CQB (Close Quarter Battle) Shotgun Damage)).

    - Engineers
    Engineers also start out with weapons and it's not like they won't deal damage at all, but compared to DPS characters they start out the game with a Repair Tool (which is buyable by everyone at the Fabricator for just 5.000 (sadly imo), but in the early phases of the game that's quite a lot). What seperates them from other characters is that they have cards available that increase the strength of fortifications (most noteable: overclocked lockers) and repairing (Repair efficiency, speed or the precision repair card by Baird (which is the strongest card in the whole game in my opinion)). They also have a discount of currently 10% from the base value of the fortification (no discount for weapons though) which may be increased to 15% soon, and carry fortifications a bit faster than any other character (and even as Engineer, moving stuff takes sooooo long). But besides that they start the game with 2 weapons and there is no reason not to use them, especially in the early game ;-)

    - Supportive characters
    Unlike DPS characters they have cards and abilities, that create benefits for their teammates instead of just increasing their raw damage output. I think a well played support can carry a clumsy Horde run harder, than a perfectly played DPS can do it. Examples for those abilites are giving Stim to surrounding teammates, having some kind of damage reduction aura, refilling ammo, applying CC (crowd-control) aka Freeze or Fear to enemies, access to a team revive...That does not mean, that these characters won't and shouldn't be used to deal damage at all! A Keegan can absolutely replace a JD damage wise for example, but when you already have 3 strong DPS characters in the game, a support can really enable those DPS characters to get their job done easier and better. You could say Horde is about killing enemies - I would say, Horde is more about not dying. Supports really help achieving that :-)

    - Jack
    Many people would put Jack under the Support class, and he definitely is a great support. But he also takes the role of a DPS very well (though limited by his ultimate cooldown) and he is also a great Engineer since he starts out with a repair tool aswell, that can be used on players and fortifications all along! And he has access to a very valueable perk, that no other, real, Engineer has: movement speed. Since TC removed the exclusivity of (at least upgrading) fortifications from Engineers (and kinda killed their identity imo :-( ), a run without an Engineer is more than viable. However, having one helps alot, and Jack is the best replacement for any Engineer out there!He is clearly a Jack of all trades and if you plan to run without an Engineer, but still want to build a nice base and have stuff repaired, Jack fills this role excellently. The 10% discount is basically the only thing (along with overclocked lockers) that separates Engineers from other characters, so it is absolutely not neccessary anymore, to run a classical Engineer 100% in any Horde / Master run. I even go that far and say Del has completly lost his identity and any reason to be picked, since Baird is stronger in every regard! (except saving a few hundred energy for the level 1 barriers and lockers, and that is a negligible disadvantage compared to all the benefits). But this is about Jack, and I gave him his own Tier, because he is an absolute beast in Horde, and definitly not boring to play!


    There are 6 different fortifications in the game that can be bought from the fabricator by everyone, and I think they all have their reason to exist and uses even though some fortifications are definitely stronger than other ones.

    • Barriers

    Barriers slow down enemy movement (level 1 and 2 whilst level 3 and 4 barriers stop movement completly until they get destroyed), make them flinch a bit, so they stop shooting, and deal a tiny bit of damage (increasing with the barrier level).Early on you usually buy a few level 1 barriers to have at least some defence versus the incoming enemies, and later on you want to have a bunch of level 2 barriers layed down on common enemy paths to create choke points for the enemies that want to get through you and make your DPS' life way easier. Whilst having not many barriers available putting them in a way they cover the whole width of a way is the way to go (like this -), but later on you want to have multiple level 2 barriers next to each other, covering more waylength (like this | | | |).Many people absolutely despise level 3 and 4 barriers, but they are a great investment for the lategame to cover your inner base, since they completly stop Juvies (and Poppers!), Trackers or Sires from coming into your base. Yes, it's hard to maintain them, since they have alot of HP to repair, but in the mid to late game you should "swim" in energy, so creating a safe zone very close to your base where you are safe from those enemies might be the difference between winning a wave or dying to a Juvie coming inside your base during a boss wave. And it's not like they have to be maintained to be at full health all the time - as long as they are there, they do their job. See them as a kind of last resort insurance ;-)

    • Decoys

    Probably the least used fortification, and for a good reason. Barriers and Weapon Lockers are the mandantory ones on every run, and decoys neither provide ammo and way less distraction/time than barriers do and they are more expensive. However, in later phases of the game, having a few decoys close to your base, to distract enemies that might get past you barriers in a tough situation can help surviving those waves, that would otherwise be pretty close. They're a luxuary fortification though and should probably be built last, when your base is set up and you have some energy to spare.

    • MG Sentries

    There are 2 uses I see for those sentries. On the one hand, you can use them to cover flanking routes to your base, that your team would have a hard time defending manually, e. g. if you have to expose yourself to other angles too much. On the other hand, you can use them to protect a tap that is close to your base, but also hard to defend manually. Just make sure, to position it in a way enemies can't kill it easily from range, and have a few barriers in front of it, so enemies can't simply reach it or get behind it, since they are easily destroyed.In the later phases of the game, when you have your base set up and lots of spare energy to spend, buying a few and putting them inside your base so they shoot Juvies/Sires that get through or Guardians/Sentinels flying inside your base is no bad idea either. Another last resort insurance.

    • Shock Sentries

    They deal less damage than MG Sentries, but shoot an electric impulse at enemies that stuns them briefly (and also deal way better with smaller enemies like Trackers or Leeches). They also have a way higher range than MG Sentries at the cost of a smaller angle they cover, so you can use them to cover the main paths the enemies are walking through to your base to support your team dealing with enemies getting closer. The stun on a Elite Grenadier that is about to throw a flash grenade into your base that would let your DPS drop their heavy weapons while e.g. a Guardian is coming to your base might be the difference between a clear and a wipe! But as the MG Sentries you should not buy those until your base is quite set up and you got a good set of barriers and enough weapon lockers for your teammates built.

    • Weapon Lockers

    By far the strongest fortification in Horde. Imagine, you had infinite ammo with any character you play Horde with starting at wave 1. Yeah, the mode would be hella easy. Weapon lockers do exactly this! At some point in the game everybody should have his own locker, with the Engineer or a Support character holding 1 or 2 Cryo-Cannons to help dealing with bosses.However, since the locker level does not only increase the available slot on each locker, but also the recharge rate significantly you should always max out lockers before building another one. In the early game, teammates should share locker slots, and later on, when you got the energy for it, everyone can have it's own and move it freely to their spot and fill it with their weapons of choice. Switching weapons is also easier on a locker with more slots, since you can temporarely pick up a weapon of your teammate to put your gun on the locker, and pick up your earlier placed, recharged weapon, by exchanging that weapon of your teammate you are currently holding with your fully charged weapon. This only takes a few seconds, and that way 4 people can share 1 locker with 1 slot per person (always having 1 weapon in your hand, and 1 recharching on the locker).

    • Forge

    The Forge is a fortification, that, in combination with a Jack, can be used to have a constant (high) income of energy, on any map, independant of energy taps. Only buy it in normal Horde though and only buy it if you have a Jack with his Optimizer card equipped (+ up to 170% bonus energy from smelting weapons). It's great though and you will get your value out of it on every map, if you have a Jack willing to smelt ;-)The most optimal way of using a Forge is to rush it's buy and/or at least upgrade it as soon as possible, basically as soon as you buy the forge, commit to level it to level 4.I have an in-depth guide about using the Forge here.

    Before the Game (Lobby)

    Plan out your teamcomp here. If you don't care about anything and want to start as soon as player 5 joins the lobby - fine, go for it! But maybe name your lobby in a way, that people know that. Some people usually want to have a decent teamcomp.

    Some characters work very well together with other characters. Some work quite a bit against each other. Some characters can be played in any teamcomp, others might play a different role when certain characters are playing together (e.g. JD's ammo drop card put him in a more support-ish place, Fahz's Icy Precision card makes him a great boss killer, but weaker vs all other kind of enemies).Basically, agree as a team on what you want to play and try to be positive, since it's a team game and you are going to be playing the next 60 to 120 minutes together!

    One question is really important though: Do you have a Jack, and if so, do you want to use a Forge? Because without a Jack, a Forge is just a huge waste of money.

    Basically, running a Forge setup is never a bad idea. It gives you so much bonus energy and gives you much more fortifications, build freedom, and earlier perking power. On some maps, I would totally advice a Forge though, namely those, where you will have a hard time capping and holding Power Taps.Let's for example take Pahanu, which is one of the harder Horde maps out there. Why is that so?

    • The map is very open, leaving you vulnerable to gunned enemies from many angles and especially some bosses.
    • The power tap locations are spread across the map very far and you don't have lines of sight usually. Meaning it's borderline impossible to cap and hold these every round.
    • Because the map is so big and open, you will need more barriers than let's say on an easy and narrowed map like Overload, or Blood Drive. Meaning you need much energy which you will not be able to get through taps.
    • The two strongest characters on this map are (the currently broken) Marcus, JD and Fahz in my opinion. All of these need perks (Fahz more than the other two) and/or weapon locker slots, so also quite a big amount of energy. To enable your DPS carries here, you need some energy or you will starve in either ammo or damage and get overrun eventually.

    These thoughs make a Forge strategy on this map very, very attractive.When picking a map and plan your run, ask yourself if you are fine even without being able to hold taps, or if you want the run to be a bit easier and smoother and therefore going for a Forge.

    Early Game (~ Waves 1 to 10)

    I decided to seperate the 50 waves of Horde into three parts.During the early game, you will be limited on energy, limited on ammo, and will not have many or any fortifications at all. I personally think this is the hardest part of a Master Horde run and if your group (of randoms) struggles here already, you might have a hard time getting through all 50 waves.

    Every character has a power curve, at which parts of the game he is strong or weak. Some characters are really strong in the early game, but borderline useless in the late game (e.g. Lahni comes to my mind when I think about this), and others really start to shine in the late game which is where I would put JD - if this guy has 1 or 2 lockers full of weapons and his assault rifle perk and ultimate cdr (cooldown reduction) maxed out, he will deal devastating amounts of damage across the whole map and melt smaller enemies as well as bosses. However, he will not do that in the first 10 waves since he is heavily limited (and balanced) around being ammo gated. He is still a good character for the early game, since he has a Lancer and is great and chainsawing smaller enemies like Juvies or annoying enemies like Rejects without wasting a single bullet (remember my introduction to this part - limited on ammo).

    So basically to survive the first waves (as smooth as possible), you should play as Team! How that looks like depends of course on your character picks, but here are some general tips:

    • Do not use all of your 5 ultimates during 1 wave, but rather use them one after another. Something like a Marcus ultimate, Fahz ultimate, Lizzie ultimate or Jack ultimate can basically clear the whole wave by themselfes. Support those characters while they use their ultimate, and use yours the next wave!
    • Conserve ammo as much as you can. Try to melee (which is super risky at Master though, so most of the time don't), chainsaw or retro execute as many enemies as you (safely!) can!
    • Dead enemies will drop their weapons. Even if you don't have a weapon locker yet to store them, use them (especially the two handed weapons that don't let you lose your loadout guns). If you get 2 kills per gun with a few people, that's basically half the wave!
    • Special tips for rejects: If you can get behind them, you can execute them by hitting your melee button. You can dodge the slow and very readable melee attack of the reject by yourself and walk behind him to do that, or work together with a teammate (1 draws aggro, the other walks behind it) or with a Jack who can stun the Reject for you!
    • Protect your damage dealers / wave clearer (especially when they use their ultimate) from Juvies. Marcus will kill everything down the middle, make sure he stays alive to do that and cover the flanks with your rifle, chainsaw or shotgun!
    • If you pick up an ammo crate during wave, as long as you see the stats screen after the wave died, it will instantly respawn at the beginning of the next wave (when the stats screen disappears). That way, your team can pick up up to 4 ammo crates within a few seconds. Abuse that!
    • Don't perk yet. Deposit your energy, so your engineer can build you either a Forge (if you run with a Jack) or some barriers and the first weapon locker.
    • Please don't buy weapons yet, it's absolutely not needed to spend at least 2.000 energy to beat this waves. Chances that you die (happens even the best of us, if some Juvies sneak into the base or an unlucky Boomshot hits you from across the map) are high, and you will essentially have wasted your teams ressources for nothing. I get that you have a "end-game fantasy" of what your character will do, but as much as they are dependant on getting the high enough character level and right cards for that, they require you to have a certain amount of energy available to buy your guns and essential perks.
    • If you want to abuse the mechanic of refilling your ammo by dying and respawning, you don't have to waste energy for grenades. Use your ultimate to kill you (alongside enemies), or the last shot of your Boomshot, or just yolo into a few enemies once the wave is nearly dead. Works as good and is cheaper ;-)
    • Weapon locker: Sharing. Is. Caring. You will get your own personal locker soon enough, but not only does the amount of slots increase per weapon locker level (from 1 to 4), but also the recharge rate of it drastically. The Engineer usually does not need a slot, so everyone can have one. Let your Fahz charge his Longshot, your Lizzie her dropshot etc. Remember, it's a team game and buying a level 4 locker is tremendously better than buying 2 level 2 lockers and costs (nearly with a Del) the same!

    Mid Game (~ Waves 11 to 30)

    Alright, you made it past the first waves, and if you have a Forge that should be on level 4 and net you quite a bit of energy yet. Time to build a base! Depending on the spawn of the energy tap it might be a good idea to actually move your Fabricator and yet built fortifications (symmetrical maps come to mind where both spawns are about equal, but the tap sadly appeared on the other spawn).Besides that, you should have a mix of barriers and weapon lockers going out, and perk dependant character should start working on their essential perks (e.g. Fahz Headshot and Precision Rifle damage, JD Lancer damage (if he runs a GL build), movement speed for Jack since this also works on fortifications and make placing barriers soooo much quicker and helps your DPS doing there work by creating choke points not directly in front of your base, but a bit further.Since the enemy damage is yet to be doubled, the only difficulty is to mow through the enemy HP before they reach your base and overrun you. Use this to maximize energy and power up for the final battle!

    Late Game ( ~ Waves 31 to 50)

    You have a solid base built by now. You got your weapon lockers filled up with your lategame weapons. Now the enemy damage gets doubled which makes taps super valuable for the bonus HP instead of the energy gain. You finally reached your characters "late-game-fantasy" (JD with 1 or 2 lockers full of explosive weapons, perked out Fahz, perked out Mulcher Clayton etc etc). Play your character and kill those grubs!The most dangerous enemies now are perhaps Elite Drones (with Claws), since they instadown you from a very long distance, and once they stack up it's really hard to come back from being permadowned. But you got this, you've made it this far! Just make sure not to overextend, don't die playing the hero (rezzing the overextended teammate which results in both you being downed), communicate priority targets with your team and take them out before they become a threat. The most difficult waves are probably the mini boss waves now, when they spawn Sentinels (many people struggle vs those) or the later waves of a set of 10 in which Guardians can spawn every wave. Tips on how to deal with them will be further below though, also tips on how to handle bosses.

    Mini-Boss strategies

    • Warden
      Can't be damaged from the front (with a slight angle it's possible, i know), if they hold their Breaker Maces in their defence stance, but easy targets for explosives, snipers (Fahz can oneshot them through their helmet even on later waves with his ultimate), or with a Jack stunning them. They shouldn't be a problem at all.
    • Stump
      With the added precision and damage at later waves, they will down you in a splitsecond, if you decide to expose yourself to them. So, don't do that, take them out from range and/or have an easy time hitting them with your explosives since they move very slowly (if at all). Shouldn't be a problem at all, too.
    • Sentinel (and Guardian, despite not being mini bosses)
      By far the enemy that was responsible for the most failed runs I've attended. They should be an absolute priority target, since it's really hard to come back from 1 or 2 Sentinels in your base downing or even killing everyone and everything with their shields up. But there is counter-play to them!- A (good) Fahz can oneshot them, even in later waves, right as they spawn (with his ultimate). And it is no problem to do that 3 or even 4 times in a row, since they don't move instantly when they spawn. Just make sure, to hit their heads and have an active reload in your longshot ready at the beginning of the waves x5, and have your damage perked up for mid- to lategame.- Freezing them with a Cryo-Cannon slows down their movement, maybe even their rate of fire (not sure about that one) which increases damage dealt to them, but most importantly, makes it way easier for your heavy users to hit them with their GL, Dropshot or Salvo. Lizzie's dropshot also is able to bypass the shield and she has a stun attached to that ;-)- Flash grenades. Some characters like Kait start with them, but you will find them on the field from dropped enemies eventually. Grab them and hold them for Sentinels and Guardians. Throw it underneath them, as it will stun them for quite a while, and focus them down as a team. A Kait can go underneath them, unload her Overload, and the bleed damage should kill it. You can also combine this with the tip above, use a Cryo-Cannon and freeze them.- Last but not least... I understand that shooting at their shield without dealing damage to them sounds stupid. But that's exactly what you are supposed to do! When they drop their shield, they are briefly stunned, but also take much damage now, e.g. a Fahz can still oneshot them now without his ultimate, but only if the shield is gone.You can help to bring down their shield even as non-damage character, while picking up a Tri-Shot or Mulcher from one of your lockers and keep firing on that shield. People hesitate to shoot Sentinels when the shield is up... and that is exactly why they are able to fly into your base unpunished and wipe you ^^

    Boss strategies

    Before listing all bosses, a general advice for bosses, that are able to kill your fortifications with long-range explosives or melee hits (once they get close enough) - you can move fortifications next or into walls, so they're glowing red. That way, they are not usable at the moment, but also can't be destroyed. Usually a good plan, if a Carrier, Snatcher, Kestrel or Swarmak gets too close to your base, at least for the weapon lockers. Unless you're swimming on energy and you can afford re-building everything :-P

    • Carrier
      Slow walking enemy, you should have some time (and ultimates) to clear the wave before he reaches you. Once you're (basically) alone with him, kite him around, wait till his chest opens and unleash your dmg into him. A Kait for example melts Carriers, and another advantage of being in shotgun range of it is that he drops more energy due to her passive.(A Fahz with Icy Precision can completly freeze him)
    • Snatcher
      A bit more difficult than the Carrier, but also one of the weaker bosses. Weak spot is the belly, and if he is close to a downed teammate, he will swallow it. To free your teammate, you must damage the carrier. Sometimes he can save the life of a teammate, for example if an explosive would hit your downed buddy or a Juvie is about to get him. Also a Boss where Kait really shines with her astronomically high shotgun damage.(A Fahz with Icy Precision can completly freeze him)
    • Kestrel
      One of the harder enemies on maps where your base does not have much vertical cover. However, actually quite weak, because when you hit his weak points for enough damage (the two engines), he will be stunned for quite a while, and you can chain those until the Kestrel's dead. Onces he is stationary in the air, hitting him with Artillery, GL, Boomshots or Salvos should not be too hard. He can fire rockets though and kill your base, so be careful for that (when you cannot burst him down quick enough). If you manage to clear the wave while ignoring the Kestrel first, spread out across the map and shoot him from different angles. He can only target one player at a time.
    • Swarmak
      This gigantic monster can overwhelm you, when it comes too close to your base (or spawns there). However, he is a gigantic, walking hitbox (meaning he takes damage outside of his weak spots aswell), so your friendly neighbourhood JD will have no problem hitting it with his huge AoE explosive damage (and stunning it occasionally by popping blisters).Hitting the blisters is also a strategy dealing with him, because everytime one pops, the Swarmak is stunned for a while (before usually firing rockets though, be careful!). Once you popped enough blisters, popping the last one will kill it, no matter how much HP it has left (you see a melee kill in the kill feed). Some are on his back, so you must somehow sneak behind him (or make him turn around) to achieve that.A Fahz with icy precision is the true Swarmak hunter though, because once you hit him often enough with active reloaded shots of your sniper rifle (use the Markza for that), you will technically freeze the Swarmark. This however pops all blisters at once, meaning you basically can kill that whole thing within around 4 shots of your Markza, across the whole map (you have to remember where a blister is though and shoot at it and use his ultimate if you can't safely create a line of sight).
    • Matriarch
      Probably the strongest boss out there, since she is invulnerable to damage on 90% of her body. However, she takes a while to reach your base (usually), and is very prone to being kited around the map. Like in the campaign, freeze is the absolute counterplay vs this monster, so have 1 or 2 teammates grab Cryo-Cannons, and freeze her in a way, that her back is exposed to your team. Unlead hell on that little red area and she should die pretty quick (Kait and JD are your best friend). A Icy Precision Fahz can also completly freeze her within about 4 to 5 shots, and with his ultimate even if she doesn't turn her back towards him (as long as you shoot through a wall).
    • Flock
      The only boss out there without a weak spot (rip Fahz :-()However, it's a gigantic flying hitbox, and very vulnerable to the Cryo-Cannon as well (it slows the Flock down significantly). As JD, try to pop your ultimate, when the Flock is not moving for a while, otherwise you could miss it. Explosives (especially Salvos) are your friend vs the Flock, since they kill outcoming Leeches before they reach the ground and hunt you down in your base.Despite not having a weak spot, Fahz is also great vs the Flock. He cannot freeze it, but get yourself a mulcher, move behind a wall and shoot at the Flock with your ultimate on - you will mow it down real quick.

    Other tips that come to my mind right now

    • Use the weapon trade feature, e.g. give your Kait your Overkill or Marcus your Retro-Lancer. However, this does not have to be done on wave 1, since Execution weapons are super strong in the early game and imo you should spread them out to your team as much as possible, as you will have an easier time killing especially Rejects and Sirens
    • Level 4 weapon lockers recharge ammo significantly faster than lower level weapon lockers. Instead of starting to build a locker for each team member in the early game, start using 1 and share it
    • Enemies will drop grenades here and then. Picking them up and planting them on choke points (especially close to your base) costs you nothing and can mean the difference between life and death
    • Flash grenades are super powerful vs Sentinels and Guardians. If you find some, pick them up and try to remember that you have those when they fly into your base
    • Picking up the energy is a team effort. Once the wave is over, please help and move around the map and collect it (at least in the early game). The Scout does not have a deposit bonus unlike in Gears 4
    • Have a look at your teammates ultimate abilities before using yours - there is no benefit from using 5 ultimates in wave 1 and then getting wiped in wave 2
    • A good Jack should have the resupply card equipped which increases the reload speed of ammo of weapons he carries (and lets him be stealthed while carrying weapons!!!). Use him as a mobile weapon locker, before you got stationary ones
    • When playing with a good Baird (meaning he has the Precision Repair card equipped) please leave DBNO (down but not out) enemies to him, or at least 1 to 2 once in a while. That way, he will keep all fortifications at full health all the time (without having to waste the time to go to them and spending energy to do it)
    • Don't forget to have fun! Many people out there get mad, when other people don't do what they expect them to... without telling them! Communication is the key, and you cannot expect people to know what's up in your head. Everybody has his own mind and might play 1 or 2 cards differently than you - and that's perfectly fine. You don't need the perfect level 18 all cards level 6 setup to beat Master Horde... What's more important than the "perfect" loadout, is understanding how the game mode works and how to work together as a team.

    Thanks for reading and feel free to discuss

    I hope you enjoyed reading all this, and if you have any questions (even about mechanics already not listed here), critics or want to discuss anything, please comment! There are no dumb questions, just dumb answers aswell ;-)
    I am also a human being, and while I tried to validate every information used here by testing it myself, there might be some error. Just point it out and I will have a look (and of course fix it)!


    submitted by /u/PentakillOlaf
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    Gnasher Skin, this is exactly my color that fits me exactly i will love it if i get it!!!��❤️����♉⚙️

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Are Gears of War 4 multiplayer clips still allowed on here? Here's a video of a great kill I got awhile back

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    I keep getting kicked from matchmaking in Gears 5?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    It's happened a handful of times already over the last few weeks. I am in queue for a Ranked match and once it finds one and the game starts to load, I am immediately thrown back to menus. I get a prompt saying that I have been removed from the game/been kicked from the game. Then I try to queue again and it says that I have been suspended from matchmaking... my rank goes down each time I am kicked. Usually there is a timer for when I can queue again (15 minutes usually). This time however I am triggered enough and driven to make this post since I do not see a timer anymore.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Have I been banned from matchmaking? I am on PC if that makes a difference. Sorry if this isn't the right sub for this kind of post.

    submitted by /u/Jutsu9001
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    What was that thing on Raam’s head and what purpose it had?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Gears of War nostalgia

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    My first online experience was Gears of War 2 when i owned an xb360. Just by looking at these pics brings happy tears to my face

    Gears of war 2 maps

    Great friends were made, endless fun and laughter and late nights with no toxicity

    Tell me about your gears of experience and what was your most memorable moment that leaves a smile on your face

    Excited to read your post to relive those moments

    submitted by /u/ZeekyZA
    [link] [comments]

    COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of September 04–September 11, 2020

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Post up your gamertags to make some new friends this week! Please use the following format:

    • Game: (Which gears game you want to play.)
    • Gamertag: (Your gamertag.)
    • Type: (Professional? Casual? Scrim? Horde?)
    • Region: (Your timezone or general geographic area.)
    • Time: (When you are free to play.)
    • Platform: (PC/Xbox One/360)

      You can also check out r/GearsLFG to find teammates any day of the week.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    Gnasher Skin 2 ��❤️, this is exactly my color that fits me exactly i will love it if i get it!!!��♉⚙️

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    If you could have gears of war cross over with any other game franchise what would it be?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:02 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/hotrod9p
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    So it was 3 days ago I was playing ranked gears enjoying it and my power went out this is the first time I've left a gears game and I'm still suspended doesn't show any time or anything and I'm confused cause ik people first leave u get warning with 15 min and it slowly rises to a few days but this is my first and it's been three days since. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Bigbabygesus69
    [link] [comments]

    Whos worse

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    The audio in this game is completely fucked

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    The audio keeps stuttering, cutting out, and restarting the game doesn't even fix it... There are some other issues I'm having like the characters' breathing/grunting and yelling are fucking louder across the map than the gunfire (I tried turning down voice volume, but it doesn't do anything), can't hear frags making impact sounds when thrown and it only beeps after exploding, but not before (wtf?), and the footsteps... What footsteps? It's probably just some wind, so mind your own business soldier.

    submitted by /u/xTHExCRAZYxJOKERx
    [link] [comments]

    I couldn't stop laughing at this

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Why do some engineers buy a sentry 1st?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I've played many public master games and I've noticed that many engineers will buy sentries and barriers first and leave jack without a forge until after wave 10 (or not at all).

    How common is this?

    Usually when I'm engineer its always forge and lockers, at least some barriers before wave 10.

    submitted by /u/JosephC007
    [link] [comments]

    Opinion on swarm + story

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Ik i'm prob gonna get a lot of hate for this. But i really prefer locust to swarm! Or not just the design choice. i mean the actions of locust were nightmare fuel. Like when they took prisoners and processed them. The swarm just stick them in pods and make more swarm. The locust broke them mentally and tortured the hell outta em and used them as slaves! (gears 2 campaign and the comics)

    Just my opinion (Love the campaign of gears 5 tho)

    submitted by /u/FatWillieJD
    [link] [comments]

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