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    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    Gears of War | What's Next in Gears 5

    Gears of War | What's Next in Gears 5

    What's Next in Gears 5

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I've finished Lizzie Carmine, CARmine wash

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    OP 4 Banner!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Holy Fuck THANK YOU

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    this is it bois... gear up!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Don't do that... don't give me hope

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Who else is actually excited for OP 4?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I'm tired of listening to these complainers on this subreddit. Let's get some good vibes in here!

    Lots to be happy about! New ranking system, our beloved Dom and Classic Marcus not to mention other characters that haven't even been mentioned yet since they have done away with the PVE character system and can simply release more characters to play as! It will bring some new refreshing content to play with! Excited for more gears!

    submitted by /u/cmarq07
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    July 7th Developer Stream Highlights - Operation 4 News

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    We finally Mastered a Horde without using any skill cards!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Alternate Dialogue in Gears 5, Act 3.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    A while back when I was playing through Gears 5 and I reached act 3, I discovered something which I found a little interesting. You see, during the campaign you are told to go to the rocket hangar to secure the Hammer of Dawn Satellites and the rocket itself. Once that is done, you go to the training facility to collect the targeting beacons and bring them to Baird back at the airport.

    I discovered, on accident, that if you go to the training facility first and do everything you need to do there, you can get some alternate dialogue which I found to be rather interesting.

    I don't know if anyone else knew this or knew about it before I did, but I haven't seen any mentions of it on YouTube or really on the subreddit. I guess I could be just behind everyone since I got the game a while after it was released and everyone already talked about it and this is all old news.

    Either way, I just wanted to share what I thought was interesting about the game. Sorry if this is old news and just a repost of what someone else has said, just wanted to share something I found interesting in the Gears 5 campaign.

    submitted by /u/Shocknawe425
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    I just got xbox game pass and I’m very excited to play gears 5. But I’m not sure if I’m downloading the right thing. Is operation 3 just a different edition? Does it have the same campaign?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Please help. Thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/lawnshowery
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    Will carmines be playable in horde on july 10?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    Because they didn't say that if carmines will or will not be in horde. And they said there would be a PvE update on July 10.

    submitted by /u/BloodStrokes
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    New Ranking System in OP 4 Confirmed.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    anyone else disappointed a fix to quitters wont be coming until op 5?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    i get them more often than not & they really do ruin the experience. soon as one of your teammates leave, the match is practically over unless you have a team full of very good players & even then you're still more likely to lose

    submitted by /u/dannydubs7
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    Haven’t played in awhile how is horde and escape

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    How is the population in these game mode and have they made any major improvements that I should know about ?

    submitted by /u/HowManyAccount120
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    Gun Handling: Exhibit A - Damon S. Baird

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    didn't get all Wyvern skins from last event ?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    I claimed all of them last monday but I only got boomshot and claw wyvern skins. Do you think they 'll give us the rest soon or I'm out of luck ?

    submitted by /u/Woxinium
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    Daily Discussion (July 08, 2020)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The KOTH experience

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Dev Stream In Progress (7/7/2020)

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Operation 4

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I know this is just a teaser and we still don't know all of what comes with operation 4 but It really amazes me how it's take 3/4s of a year to add Dom and 2 new maps to a games. I really hope they turn this game around with operation 4. I would love a working ranked system and at least 4 "new" maps.

    submitted by /u/PYKNICPENGUIN
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    What legacy map is coming?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    In the dev stream they said a old legacy map is coming (in a future operation) that was not in gears 4. What map is it? What map do you want?

    submitted by /u/RedditMike007
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    Wait for it... I was going through my old clips and found this gem

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Horde on gow3 anyone? :)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Does anybody here play horde on 3? I just reinstalled the game only to find my old save file got corrupted so starting horde over again. It's been quicker than 4 in terms of finding a match but sadly ppl keep quitting out. I'd be grateful to find some fellow hordies to game with. Cheers 👍🏼

    submitted by /u/skatekittygamer
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    Has anything changed gameplay/balance wise?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I havnt played since operation1. But With the new operation coming it looks and sounds pretty cool. Has anything changed balance wise? The lancer and bullet magnetism is what shewed me away. Just wondering if they tweaked it at all. Execution and escalation had the ideal balancing back then

    submitted by /u/I_Hate_Casuals
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