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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Gears of War | Always look after your afk homies

    Gears of War | Always look after your afk homies

    Always look after your afk homies

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    A small price to pay for salvation

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    You know you lost when V2

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    The Snatchers can see invisible people.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    This is gears of war 5 ladies and gents gears of war 5

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    Was the Community Right?: A Discussion About Where Gears 5 Failed and the Disparity in Community vs Developer Goals.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Was the Community Right?: A Discussion About Where Gears 5 Failed and the Disparity in Community vs Developer Goals.

    Hello everyone, I've been thinking about the state of Gears of War for the past week or so now and want to have a discussion about the course of Gears 5. For the sake of this post I will not be talking about campaign as I feel it doesn't affect the long term health of the game.

    It's a tale as old as time, a community isn't happy because of the way the developers want to take a game. Maybe the developers are trying to attract a larger crowd of people at the expense of their hardcore fan-base. Other times the developers appeal to their hardcore fan-base too hard and don't see any growth. Sometimes a developer just doesn't get what makes a game special.

    Where does TC and Gears 5 fall under? Well, I don't really know, but I think it's safe to say that at the very least Gears 5 lost the appeal of the more hardcore fan-base for a variety of reasons.

    Also since this is a long Post, I will have a TL:DR for each section.


    Despite how you feel about micro-transactions the reality is that they're here to stay. Without getting too much in to the numbers I don't think that it's unreasonable that they exist given the fact that, despite a rise in production value, video games have consistently stayed at $60 (I know it was also a flagship title for Gamepass) for the majority of their existence. Couple that with the rise in 'games as a service', where games are now expected to maintain a steady stream of content, the fact that micro-transactions exist in Gears 5 doesn't bother me.

    That said, the way they're implemented is contentious. Having weekly resets of the store is a common practice commonly referred to as 'Fear of Missing Out', an anxiety of missing out on something that you may like. Because of this, if you like the idea of playing as say, the Cyclops, you are incentivized to purchase it the second it comes up. If for what ever reason you don't have the funds or cannot play that week, you cannot purchase it. Not only is it extremely anti-consumer, it reduces the apparent content of t game; you only see a handful of the assets actually created instead of having an impressive, ever growing store.

    The same argument can be made about the progression. Battle-passes are the hot new trend in gaming, rewarding players for coming back every couple of months to check out what they can earn. Now, instead of increasing the pool of unlockables, they're taken away at the start of every new season (called Operations in Gears). These are primarily unlocked through completing various challenges and achievements during the season.

    Why is this a problem? Simply put, it scares away potential players. I've seen it written on this subreddit and multiple forums - why should people bother getting in to the game now when they can't even unlock basic campaign skins (such as Scarred JD and Winter Kait). No matter how much someone will invest, either with time or money, they're just out of luck and will never be able to obtain an older item they may like.

    Additionally, once the Tour of Duty (the name of progression... yeah I know, it's getting a bit convoluted) is complete, there's no reason to continue playing. Additional stars/challenges completed don't reward anything and rewards for re-upping are, to put it lightly, underwhelming.

    This begs the question, "Why should I keep playing before the next Operation?" There's so many other games, that Gears 5 just doesn't do enough to retain players that have finished their tour.

    TL:DR - Gears 5's store and progression actively punishes new players, and doesn't provide enough incentive to keep more hardcore fans playing after they complete the Tour of Duty.

    -----Content, Maps, and Characters-----

    As I've previously stated, 'Games as a Service' is the new standard a lot of multiplayer centric games. By all intents and purposes, they live and die by the amount of new content provided by the developers. How does Gears 5 fare? Well, if it was good I wouldn't be making this post. I've already commented on the store and TOD, so let's take a look at the less cosmetic aspects - maps and characters.

    When it comes to characters, I'll admit that the release of them has been better than past gears games, but it still doesn't feel great. This is partially due to the PVE aspect of the game where they've taken inspiration from other shooters and implemented Hero abilities and character specific skills to the game; coupled with Arcade, this stifled the release of characters due to balancing. Credit where it's due, TC has recently stated that they will begin releasing characters just for MP(See the Carmine Pack) which is a great first step, but I fear the damage as already been done. Plenty of people argued against holding back characters for the PVE since the games release and I think the affects are felt through the game. We're still missing some classics (Dom and Grenadier please), but it's been almost 6 months before we got a respectable roster for the game. Hopefully we'll begin to see a shift and this argument will soon be moot.

    When it comes to maps... oh boy, is it not great. In the half a year that the games been out we've gotten 1 map (Pahanu) which is generally disliked from what I've seen, and a bunch of Gears 4 maps re-introduced to the game. The reason for this has recently been revealed to be due to their work on a map editor, citing the reason for the lack of new maps is due to their work on tile-sets.

    Personally, I really don't like the excuse, namely because I don't feel anyone really wanted that. Also, as a Halo fan I've seen what happens when devs use 'forge' maps as a substitute for real maps, and the result feels cheap.

    Because of this, the game feels stale, and people don't like stale. While this isn't as damning as the store and progression system for new players, it causes the original players to lose interest, and even new characters are pretty superficial when it comes to gameplay.

    TL:DR - The game feels stale because of a slow output of character and a lack of new maps. Despite a change in their design philosophy, the perception of the game's design and gameplay has already been damaged.

    -----Ranked/Competitive play-----

    This is going to be a short section primarily because I don't think the ranking system is a big killer of the game, but it does affect enjoyment. So short, that I'm only going to do a TL:DR

    TL:DR - The game is plagued with afkers, quitters, and mismatched ranking. I get paired with silver team-mates in TDM when I'm Gold or Onyx, and constantly play against teams of people when I queue solo. It's frustrating and makes me feel stupid for playing alone.

    -----Aim Assist, Balance, and Skill Ceiling-----

    Gears of War has never been a super popular game, but it's always retained a dedicated, if relatively small, fan base. This is partially because of what people refer to as the barrier of entry. Most games like Call of Duty have a very low barrier to entry. Very simply, you aim a gun, shoot at the bad guy, and don't get shot. Gears on the other hand, has a lot more to it to even be viable. Movement is more important, using the proper gun in the right situation is important, it has an emphasis on close range gameplay, and the player has a much higher health pool. The result is that generally less people will be able to get in to it.

    Now, that's not as bad as it sounds because of another thing called the skill ceiling. A game like Counter Strike, hell, even Call of Duty, has a high skill ceiling. Why is this important? Well, it's because players always have something to strive for, a higher level of play to achieve. Gears games have generally had a high skill ceiling, but in Gears 5 I don't feel like that's the case.

    Using my expert graphic design skills, let me show you why I believe that this is bad.

    Where I feel Gears 5 currently exists.

    A representation of where I believe it should be.

    Imagine the green area is where most players exist. Gears 5 currently feels very balanced, which sounds good on paper, but limits the area where people reside.

    I believe that there's two main reasons for this.

    1)Aim assist in most game modes. Now yes, I understand that most games, especially console games, have aim assist. I believe that Gears 5 takes that to another level, with most of the main game modes, including TDM and KOTH, having absurd Aim assist. This results in higher skilled players feeling cheated and lower skilled players to stop pushing their skill level, both resulting in burn out and a lack of desire to play and improve.


    2) The balance in this game is weird, specifically with the Gnasher. While I know I'm only bringing up one weapon, I think it's fair to say that the Gnasher IS Gears. As it stands right now, the game actively punishes you for trying to get gibs. Why is that? Well, I have no hard evidence besides my own gameplay and experiences but it has to do with the damage drop off of the weapon. Currently, there's a distance that will score you an 83%-86%, a two shot down range, or Gib range, which will chunk the enemy. The difference can literally be a single step, and when you account for things like inclines and stairs (Such as Canals) can be frustrating to measure. While I believe it's a problem, I honestly don't know how they can fix it besides adding a small buffer for a possible 'One shot down' range, but that would be just as frustrating. At the very least it can still allow you to be saved or take down an enemy you shot first.

    TL:DR - Gears games have always had a high barrier to entry, but they've also had a high skill ceiling. Gears 5 has a middle ground and as a result is a game not many people want to get in to, and a game not many people want to get good at. The result is a middling game that feels boring.

    -----Closing Thoughts-----

    Gears of War is a very special franchise to me, and to see the most recent game plummet in both popularity and public opinion bothers me immensely. I've seen a lot of the complaints and worries from the community come to fruition, and I have a question to everyone that gets this far - was the community right?

    One example would be the PVE abilities and character system. A common sentiment around here is that it was not very well received, people actively stating that it was not something players wanted. With TC stating that they are revamping the system in some form, does this prove that maybe TC initially misread or misunderstood what the community might have wanted?

    I'm hopeful that one of two things will happen. The launch of the Series X will result in a soft reboot of sorts, a massive content update with sweeping changes that reinvigorated the game. Alternatively, Gears 6 will take in to account this game's failings and become a much better game. If not, I fear Gears 6 will be the end of the franchise.

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Jtafuri
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    Maxed out my Day Of The Dead today finally!!!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Lvl 5 ally frustration

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    I'm a real stickler for achievements so this ally situation is the worst scenario for someone who doesn't have a consistent gaming schedule, for this achievement I have gone above and beyond. I befriended two people who were a couple who play horde a ton. I live in a tourist area so these two happen to come visit to go to the beach and they actually messaged me to come out and show then around. This was during a shelter in order that was in place so I played tourist with then in a practically empty city. All this just so we can continue to play together and reach lvl 5 ally. Why must reaching lvl 5 ally be absurdly long.

    submitted by /u/Prioritiess
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    New to Gears of War

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Hey I've just gotten Gears of War 1-3 and know that there is co op campaign. I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and play it by myself or wait till school starts back up and find a friend to play it with

    submitted by /u/ThaDeadx77
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    Is there an active MP community on the Orginial GOW1/remastered?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Ah yes the COG

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    First time Gears 4 Horde player, differences I’ve noticed

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    While waiting for OP4 I decided to go back and check out Gears 4 Horde. Gears 5 was the first time I got into PVE and fell in love. Main Kait lvl 18, have JD, Del, Fahz, Marcus, Jack, & Cole all lvl 15+. It's pretty much the only thing I play now. Played roughly 4 hours of G4 horde, here are my impressions:

    Coming from 5... holy hell, does the movement feel stiff. It was jarring as hell at first but honestly it didn't take long to get used to it & became totally fine.

    Visuals: 4 looks good but 5 might be one of the prettiest games out there right now. I know some don't like the brighter tone but can't deny it's gorgeous.

    Ammo availability seems MUCH more friendly in 4 (starting with 48 in the gnasher certainly helps lol) there was no race to get to the boxes and I needed to get one maybe once every 4ish waves.

    The class system seems pretty damn cool. While I like the hero system in 5, it's nice to have the freedom of choice (was weird seeing multiple JD's running around haha).

    Playing as a scout, I felt way more useful running around grabbing energy knowing 100% of it went to building up the base. I'm not a big perk guy in 5, but think there is a way to implement it without using energy that could be fun.

    The lack of an ultimate def felt weird... again starting with 5, that has been ingrained in my head on when/how to use them.

    Seemed to be a heavy focus on getting the dropshot... didn't understand it but went along with it & made it a point to run all of them to the base lol

    I know a lot of people don't like the emotes but it felt weird not being able to hit a quick "thanks" or "nice job" to other teammates.

    Overall, had a really fun time with it. I started with 5 so will always lean that way but can def see the appeal of 4. Will continue to play it while waiting for OP4.

    submitted by /u/Arbs916
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    Gears 5 good now?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    I dropped this game in january due to the lack of characters and unreliable gameplay on mp. Thinking of picking it back up because I miss gears glory days! Has the game got better ?

    submitted by /u/wixy_16
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    Did everyone like Fahz as a character?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Opinions on the newest character addition in Gears 5. I think he's the best smart ass and bitter type character since Baird and Paduk.

    submitted by /u/ValidToons
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    Does anyone think we will see Gears Tactics for consoles at Xbox’s event in July?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    As I don't play PC I'm really hoping for a console release date for Gears Tactics soon. I'm kind of thinking we may see it at the Xbox event. It would be a nice exclusive (also on X1) to launch alongside the Series X. I'm dying to play the game so I'm hoping that's where we get a release date.

    submitted by /u/GoodfellaJoey
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    How to play Horde on Gears 5 as Kait?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    I'm new to gears of war and I recently finished the campaign. Since then I mainly play multiplayer and have given a few spins at horde. As many of you probably don't know this is an extremely hard franchise to get into as a beginner and Horde has me lost. I know Kait is a scout but what exactly is my role? What are my teammates expecting of me?

    submitted by /u/jumpoffpiz8
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    I guess this won't be coming out anytime soon

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Save 30gb of Space in Gears 5! (PC ONLY)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Save 30gb of Space in Gears 5! (PC ONLY)

    This was not founded by me, this was founded by a Gears PC player known as Ayoody, and full credit is given to him. NOTE - Do no do this if you are still playing the campaign, this is for those who only play MP

    GO TO - Gears5\GearGame\Content\B2 then delete all files that begin with SP_ACT. This will help delete a portion of the campaign, while keeping PVP and Escape intact.


    Just deleting the SP_ACT files should save around 24gb.

    The recent patch was made a little bigger for Ayoody with the removal of these files, as it seemed to have redownloaded Act 1. Keep this in mind if doing this, further testing is needed

    Before SP Files are deleted

    After SP files are deleted

    submitted by /u/teza789
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    I'm a noob who needs help

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    So I started playing gears 5 and I've played enough to be level 20, but I still have no idea how to change my loadout in versus. If you guys could explain to me how it works I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Horned-Boy
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    Newbie In Ranked

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    So I've been playing Gears 5 for about a week now (first time playing) and I'm wondering how on earth ranked works, when I was at bronze rank the caliber of player I was coming across was MUCH higher than what I'm finding in silver. The game was almost unbearable.

    The games I'm having at silver are definately competitive but I'm not coming across people who stomp me as hard as when I was bronze.

    I haven't even improved that much. Is the game rife with smurfers or is there an element to ranked I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Kuorwaboros
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    Well... uh I think I will play a different mode...

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:42 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Just out of curiosity, does anybody know how many people still play GoW5 on a weekly or monthly basis? Not sure if there's a website for something like that.

    submitted by /u/DawgChx
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    My proposition for fixing the store while TC still profits from it.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    After you complete an operation (reach general in the TOD) You get a discount for everything in the store. I also think Iron per TOD should be increased to 750 (ill explain later). There should be a bundle for every weapon skin set as well. So lets say you have a 1000 Iron skin, take that down to 750 iron, 750 iron skin to 500 iron. A 400 iron weapon skin priced half off and a 500 iron weapon set priced half off. I think this will further encourage people to complete their TOD because i dont think there is enough motivation as it is considering i see endgame rewards very rarely. I think this will be more fair, making it strict on what you can buy during the operation (which is pretty shitty, i know but TC has put themselves in a bad spot by putting gears 5 in the game pass). This will force you to have to pay at least something for the esports skins as they cost 1000, but weapon skins should still be given discounts. Being strict on what you can buy will profit TC in certain situations, while the discount will reward loyal players. Onto the bundle suggestion. We all know how they release a new skin every few weeks and release different sets for that skin (loadout skin set, power skin set etc.) But i was thinking that they could release the skin for every weapon at once but making it cheaper than it would be to buy them individually. The way this way of releasing content works is really bad if were talking consistency. Nobody wants a weapon skin on a few weapons, they want it for all weapons. If there is anyone working at TC thats seeing this, i know this is going to sound crazy, but nerf the individual prices INTO THE GROUND. Take them from 500 (250 w/discount) to 200 (100 w/discount) i know, this sounds like a terrible idea but hear me out. Nobody is buying these individual sets except for maybe the loadout ones and im sure all of you overthere know it. No one is going to spend their hard earned iron that they want through a whole TOD for on a skin thats not even on every weapon. The actual character skins that release every week are very rarely seen, imagine how rarely seen the "blocked assault set" is. The combined set (the weapon skin on every gun) should be a total price of 500 iron (350 w/discount) the pricing could be way better but thats just what i came up with off the top of my head. If you are smart with the iron you earn every TOD you could get 2 of these full weapon sets, and an individual weapon set in 1 TOD. Each of these weapon sets last like 3-4 weeks before a new one comes out so this is 2/3 of the weapon sets in a tour. Or you could buy a character skin or something else. My last and final proposition. Make every thing thats in the store, stay in the store, forever. This would give people time to work towards skins they want to. In order for TC to still make money is to make the esports skins rotate as they do already. These are the best of the weapon and character skins in the game so there would be a lot of impulse buys for certain. I know this dosent sound perfect but i had to come up with something that TC might actually do, because lets face it, TC is never going to add a way to grind iron in this game because they know theyd lose money. The way i did things was for loyal players to be rewarded, and a way of progression to work towards cosmetics, if any at all. I added things like rotating esports store and full weapon sets so TC would still make money, if not way more money. Please share your thoughts and tell me how you would do things differently. TLDR: TC should add discounts for players who reach general in TOD, make all the content in the store accessible at any given time, Boost iron per TOD to 750 and add complete weapon sets with significant nerf in price.

    submitted by /u/ActuallyFuryYT
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    Anyone else having connection issues?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Been kicked out of two straight Frenzy matches, first before wave 1 & now on wave 5. Anyone else having problems?

    submitted by /u/Arbs916
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