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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (March 16, 2020)

    Gears of War | Meme Mondays (March 16, 2020)

    Meme Mondays (March 16, 2020)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I heard yall like bouncing

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    If TC continues to release the COG characters at current rates, we'll be up to the Gears 4 roster by January 2022.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    I've put together a feasible release of COG characters for each Operation and there's some interesting facts.

    Launch Characters -












    Sarah Connor

    Op1 -

    COG Gear/ Deebee

    Op2 - Dec 2019

    Baird/ Lizzie

    Op3 - April 2020

    Cole/ Clayton

    Op4 - July 2020

    Paduk/ Oscar

    Op5 - October 2020

    Dom/ Hoffman

    Op6 - January 2021

    Sam/ Anya

    Op7 - April 2021

    Tai/ Minh

    Op8 - July 2021

    Bernie/ Dizzy

    Op9 - October 2021

    Ben/ Anthony

    Op10 - January 2022

    Gary/ UIR Soldier

    Op11 - April 2022

    Barrick/ Valera

    Op12 - July 2022

    Adam Fenix/ Chairman Prescott

    Some interesting takeaways -

    1. TC won't have to create any new assets until January 2022, as all previous heroes can be imported from Gears 4.
    2. It will be April 2021 when we'll have the same COG characters as LAUNCH Gears 4.
    3. Not all characters will make a return.
    4. There's no say they can release enough Swarm characters to keep up with the variety of COG.
    5. This is assuming the game is supported for 3 years, with no delays like Operation 3 and Gears 6 comes out in 3 years.
    6. Do you really think Horde is diverse enough to allow each character to feel unique? How do you begin to think of that many lore-friendly Ultimates that also are useful and unique.

    TC have shot themselves in the foot with this system. Not only is the drip feed agonizing but their policy will only make things harder down the road.

    submitted by /u/EliteZephyr29
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    Enjoy the Video ^^

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    A Gears 2 blindfire?! (Obviously followed by a stand still sponge)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Feel like this belongs here

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Horde question, do People NOT now Lizzie's barriers give her steam / freeze enemies or what?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    I'm salty right now. 3 times this morning I've been joining Horde matches (1st as Engineer with a Lizzie on the team, 2nd and 3rd with Lizzie and an Engineer on the team).

    If you have Lizzie build a level 1 barrer and you NEVER upgrade it (I assume because then, the barrier becomes of whoever upgraded it), it constantly gives Lizzie steam and makes enemies freeze when they get to low health.

    Well, this morning I had Engineers instantly upgrade them.. First time I didn't say Anything and just placed them accordingly (beneath another level 2 barrier so double damage but still gives steam), then Engineer instantly procedes to take them and upgraded them. Fair enough, my fault for not explaining and maybe he thought he placed them there lol.

    Second time, and even with a Re up 15 person (so I assume he could read the in-game chat), I proceeded to calmly tell him "I am going to get 3 level 1 barriers and place them beneath your level 2 ones. This way I can have steam almost always. PLEASE don't touch my barriers".. He proceeds to instantly upgrade them as soon as I take them out of the fabricator... Next Wave I do it while he is away repairing stuff.. It works! Next 3 waves I am having constant steam so all good.. But nope, he realizes what I did, takes my level 1 barriers and upgrades them, then places them elsewhere.

    Do People really not know this? Even when I was Engineer and had Lizzie on the team, I placed her level 1 barriers to make her constantly have steam.. But the JD on the team proceeded to move them around, making them essentially worthless lol.

    submitted by /u/P4TiTuS
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    Servers down?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Getting errors, KADAR and 0x801901f4

    submitted by /u/Boozzman
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    Horde - locked characters

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Can someone please explain how I unlock horde characters?

    submitted by /u/chips_gray
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    If it's so easy for TC to import maps from Gears 4, why can't they do the same for the characters?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    First off, I think that its unbelievably lazy that TC would effortlessly import maps from Gears 4 like Foundation, Lift, Reclaimed & Dam with little to no changes. They should have instead created new, larger maps that are unique to Gears 5.

    At least in Gears 4, when we were given an old map it was reskinned making it feel new, refreshing & fit perfectly for the atmosphere of the game, however; in Gears 5 all we get is a sluggish copy & paste of the maps from Gears 4. What a joke! If this becomes the standard for all previous maps that make a return in Gears 5 its over for the franchise.

    Anyway... if there is one thing that I wouldn't mind the use of the copy-paste method it would be for characters. Which honestly, they've already done with kantus, mechanic baird & locust drone. I can see how they justify putting a price tag on these characters, as are they are more popular and are fan favorites but other, less important characters I feel that should be imported and put into the TOD line up would be...

    • Male/Female UIR
    • Helmet-less Male/Female UIR
    • Dead of the Dead variants
    • Spectre variants
    • Dress uniform variants
    • Zombie variants
    • Onyx Gold Swarm variants

    Even though these would be direct copy & pastes from Gears 4 & that they're really mostly just variants of characters, it would make for a more rewarding prize in the tour of duty and include a lot more variety to the lacking character line-up. I would much rather grind for a character skin then some pointless blood spray or marker icon.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/p1angelo
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    Sign up for free, beginner-friendly, $40,000 prize pool collegiate Gears 5 league by March 16! Game Pass Ultimate codes available for anyone who signs up, so even new players can play!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    My aunt and uncles school supplies

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Quick clip I got today! Love me some free for all!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Campaign co-op

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I'm getting pretty bored playing by myself and since I got literally no friends on XBOX (recently got myself one) I wanted to throw a 'help me' in this sub.

    I plowed through Gears 1, 2, 3 and 4 on my own but I really wanna have some company now that 5 got a semi-open world setting and it's pretty boring skiffing around on my own.

    Lemme know if you're interested, I speak Dutch and some weird sounding English.

    submitted by /u/nickandmarty
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    Do people still play gears 3 online on 360

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Just wondering?

    submitted by /u/skelterz
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    Gears Tactics Wish List

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I know Gears Tactics is still a few months away, and information about it is minimal at best. I was curious what everyone is hoping to see from this title. My top 5 are:

    1) Customizable no name COG soldiers like XCOM. It would be great to finally have a custom soldier in the gears universe to play as.

    2) classic heroes playable in a free play mode. I know Marcus and Don wouldn't fit into the story, but having them available for a new game+ would be great!

    3) Horde mode. Pretty self explanatory, but anything to get some replayability out of this title. Having some larger battles with 10+ Gears would be amazing.

    4) Class system. Something close to FF tactics, learn skills from each class as you play, and change to learn other skills. Please do not lock classes to characters.

    5) Lastly, I would love to see this game get a versus mode, or even some kind of Cooperative mode. Even if it is just each player controls X number of heroes.

    I might be a little early for the Gears Tactics Hype Train, but I've wanted this style of gears since I played the first XCOM.

    submitted by /u/Wolvey06
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    Given coronavirus, is there a chance that OP3 could be further delayed??

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    So in many countries in Latin America and Europe the Gov is making sure people stay in their houses, at least until March 31st. I imagine that Canada may do the same eventually (if not done already). So I wanted to know if any of you think that OP3 may be delayed (again) because of this.

    submitted by /u/dagowguy
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    So, team matchmaking

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Why do I get a 5 stack against my team of Straight up noobs. When 1 noob quits my team starts to lancer from spawn on all fathers. ITS KOTH FFS. We weren't given the option to leave and got slapped up. Then lose 300 points. It's not my fault it's a 1 v 5. TC. Add this to a factor in your ranked. Please. This is getting ridiculous. If someone leaves the points shouldn't count immediately if they don't join back in 1 min or 2. Come on man. Why don't you guys think of this. Same way you didn't think of having tier progression by time played. Like really ?

    submitted by /u/GnarlyInfant
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    Energy Taps Between Horde Rounds

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Does anyone know how to start collecting taps while score screen is up?

    I've seen a person picking up multiple taps between rounds. I know that if you can hit the X button before the score screen comes up (which is the worst screen) that you can continue to collect while that screen is up. But I swear I saw someone finish collecting their first tap and begin collecting a second tap while the score screen was still up.

    submitted by /u/Kepabar2001
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    Versus in australia

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Hey so, has there been any word on if the versus lobbies will count toward tour stuff?

    Or if there is some matchmaking fix?

    I have literally never been able to find a versus match since op 2 landed.

    Even if we could play private matches and have it count towards tour and objectives.

    submitted by /u/JustABugWithATail
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