• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Gears of War | WHAT’S UP – NOVEMBER 18 2019

    Gears of War | WHAT’S UP – NOVEMBER 18 2019

    WHAT’S UP – NOVEMBER 18 2019

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Daily Discussion (November 20, 2019)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Gottaz admit, the neww pixel lancer looks dope lol.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:28 AM PST

    When you’re a hipster but also love to kick some swarm ass

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:20 AM PST

    A Carmine.... different helmet....... extra $100 worth... ��

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:48 PM PST

    Oh look, a Serapede

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:58 PM PST

    My first 5 man in gears 5 maybe in all of gears. Then again I don't play pvp that often

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    My experience with ranked

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:42 AM PST

    I thought they did the reset because ranked was broken and needed to be fixed. Apparently, literally nothing changed, except I now caught my friends' bad luck.

    I had 3 friends with less than 20 (TWENTY) total skill points before reset and I was sitting in silver 1/2. We are all pretty close in skill, have been playing together for a while, but the disparity between me and my other friends' skill points was ridiculous. We then had one friend who started playing more on his own recently, and couldn't help but gain rank and points no matter how well he did. He ended up in Masters, the exact opposite of my other friends, with only 12 points before topping out his skill points. We would play together, all do the same, and he would stay high, they would stay low, and I would kinda stay in silver.

    Change to today, I'm playing with the "Masters" guy and one of the Bronze 1 guys. We are playing poorly and usually losing, but even when we win, we lose points. Heavily-favored-other-team be damned, we are not climbing out of Silver 1. As I type this, we are bottom of Bronze 3 and falling, despite playing with people who are all clearly better than us. I'm now in hell with my friends and my rank is in free fall.

    I honestly am just in awe at how bad the ranking system can be in totality. What is the point of a team being "favored" by 20k when you lose hundreds of points by losing to them? Even when you technically should be losing to them. You gain 1/4 the amount of points you win compared to lose in these games. How can this be programmed in so poorly?

    I know this is the 10001st post about this but after a bunch of awful games and matchmaking, I just had to laugh and post about how much it didn't change anything at all. Only way to get through the pain.

    submitted by /u/Ewalk21
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    Friend wondered "WTF KILLED ME?" We discovered how.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:15 AM PST

    Is ranked fixed yet?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:51 PM PST

    Not sure if this was posted but it since to see some attempts of fixing this soon

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:56 PM PST

    An awesome campaign

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST


    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:00 PM PST

    Was going to write a long winded post about how bad this Gears is, but took the TC approach & couldn't be a****

    submitted by /u/BillyNoGates1
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    Why can't sires be chainsawed?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:23 AM PST

    Maybe I'm an asshole but wasn't it possible to chainsaw sires in gears 2? Sires should by all rights be able to be cut in half given that they are a medium size enemy that lunge into a whirring blade.

    submitted by /u/PrinceOpFaggotIsHe
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    Servers are slow and messing up

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:28 PM PST

    Stuck on screens are happening TC are aware of this

    submitted by /u/Black_Chaos666
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    I guess it really is a trap

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Has there been any talk about the next set of rank skins?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST

    When? What gun?

    I got masters in TDM again and want that flaming gnasher

    submitted by /u/KARLoop
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    lost 50 masters points because of this matchmaking

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

    How Microtransactions have ruined Gears 5 + Other games

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    Stuck on loading map in multiplayer?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    I just played a game earlier and am trying to play another, but every time i get into a lobby it stays stuck on loading map. Any reason why?

    submitted by /u/cowboysrule321
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    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST

    This might be an unpopular opinion but the Horde mode in GOW4 and Gears 5 are my most enjoyable mode versions. 4 was very grindy to get good skill cards but I still enjoyed it. With 5 I'm still finding that same joy especially with my JD character. I think the TOD medals for horde are also not too egregious either. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/gamer81693
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    Stuck on this Screen after pressing A to “continue” any ideas how I could um you know...play the game?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:18 PM PST

    Are we not going to talk about how ugly the latest Chrome Steel skins is??

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST


    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    Will Black Steel skins ever return?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:51 AM PST

    I really hope they do but im not sure if they will, has tc said anything about it?

    submitted by /u/ActuallyFuryYT
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