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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Gears of War | COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of November 22–November 29, 2019

    Gears of War | COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of November 22–November 29, 2019

    COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of November 22–November 29, 2019

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

    Post up your gamertags to make some new friends this week! Please use the following format:

    • Game: (Which gears game you want to play.)
    • Gamertag: (Your gamertag.)
    • Type: (Professional? Casual? Scrim? Horde?)
    • Region: (Your timezone or general geographic area.)
    • Time: (When you are free to play.)
    • Platform: (PC/Xbox One/360)

      You can also check out r/GearsLFG to find teammates any day of the week.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Gears 5 Classic Land Party

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:57 PM PST

    Reminder that Kait has more skins than there are Swarm+Locust characters.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:49 PM PST

    1- Armored Kait

    2- Gilded Kait

    3- Esports Kait

    4- "Classic" Kait

    5- Desert Kait

    6- Winter Kait

    7- Ice Kait

    8- Glacial Kait

    9- Skeleton Suit Kait

    10- Chrome Steel Kait

    11- AAPE Camo Kait

    It's only the first operation... how much time and resources have been and are being wasted on this...

    Most people barely own half of these skins. The majority of them are made just for marketing purposes. This is why the roster is so small and content is lacking...

    submitted by /u/Ayoody
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    Everyone gets a 24 Hour EXP Boost everyday starting 2AM PST Friday - 2Am PST Sunday! 4X XP Boost for Horde, that's a Double EXP weekend for everyone else, this is how it should have always been. Don't delete I messed up last post and had to remake.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:08 PM PST

    Reminds me of a certain research facility in Gears 5.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:58 PM PST

    Just poking fun, but I laughed a bit when I was at the mall seeing the Cole train action figure for sale... but in the actual game at the moment he’s not and probably won’t be for some time. Ah lol Irony

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:52 PM PST

    You Can Always Count On Teammates

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:38 AM PST

    Some tips for Guardian when you're leader.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST

    1. Do not stand in spawn all game, you're going to get cornered eventually and lose the round for the entire team.
    2. Keep moving around this map, this gives your teammates more locations to spawn from so they don't get essentially spawn camped if the enemy team starts getting a leg up on you and you wont get cornered as easily.
    3. Move towards the enemy leader, I know moving towards the enemy doesn't sound smart since you're the only way your team has infinite spawns but this allows your team to get closer to the leader faster if they die.
    4. It's better to not walk in a straight line towards the leader, you should hide from wall to wall if you don't want to be seen. it also allows your teammates to spawn from different paths therefore surrounding the enemy leader sooner.
    5. Holding the scoreboard button whatever it is for you (Back/Select/Tab) will bring up your map, when you're leader you can see the location of the four non leader enemy characters, it may not bring up the leader's location BUT! It will show where they're spawning giving you a clue to the leaders location. (Note : While the scoreboard is up it covers the scene so pay ATTENTION!)
    6. It's okay to shoot the enemy team while moving up as leader, sure it gives away your position (or not if the enemy is overwhelmed due to your team doing good) but you need to help also not just sit back and give you team spawns. You're gonna be found eventually you can't hide forever anyway!
    7. If you got an enemy leader in a section with many openings on the sides don't stand in one spot, go back and fourth around the enemy leader from a safe distance allowing your team to spawn at different points around the enemy leader and forcing the enemy team to spread out, this allows you to focus on the enemy leader yourself because they'll be in a panic due to being surrounded. (This strategy works best on Dam at Sniper/Embar.)
    8. While playing Asylum and if the enemy Leader is at Sniper/Embar hunkering down, you can stand at Boltok and it will spawn your units at Sniper/Boltok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJMlNgT7lcM
    9. If possible ask for ammo if you can, you don't want to be at any disadvantage if someone sneaks pass your team.
    10. Gnasher is a Last resort as leader, do not go in expecting to get kills with it. (Note : I only advise to not use gnasher due to the fact if you go down odds are your team goes down.) Try to take the enemy down from a distance, try to down them before making a run for it. Literally Gnasher should be if you're cornered and they're close.
    11. Don't charge the enemy even if you've kills their leader and they got one person left. I've seen my leader run in and get owned way too many times at the end of a match because they get cocky because the enemy leader and most of the enemy team died only to get shot in the face with a gnasher and the enemy team make a come back and win the round because we didn't have enough people on our team spawn in time or they just destroyed us out of momentum they received from killing the leader.
    12. I'm sure there is more but I'm losing focus.
    13. I somehow forgot to Mark enemies also, don't only have your teammates do it.
    submitted by /u/SonofRiggnarok
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    A nonchalant quint

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    King of the Hill Cap Only 30 Points Instead of 300?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:16 PM PST

    Ok, let me first start off by saying I have been playing this game since the first Gears of War. I have literally grown with this franchise and I honestly look forward every few years to buying the Gears and playing the shit out of it. It's been about 2 months for this game and everything was going good in Multiplayer, until they recently changed the KOTH cap point dynamic. 30 points instead of 300. Might as well call it Execution with levitating circles around the map because now the whole focus is on kills instead of playing objective. This was literally the only game mode I'd play on this game, and the only multiplayer mode I played, so now I really dont want to play this game anymore. Yeah, maybe a bit harsh, but whoever had the idea of changing this is honestly not thinking clearly in terms of competitive multiplayer. If any Gears Executives/Devs see this, please put this into consideration, it literally ruined the game mode. I'm sure a lot of objective players feel the EXACT same about this. Thank you for reading, I hope this gets fixed soon so we keep playing some Gears!

    submitted by /u/banjisword
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    Speaking of ranked and fixes.. How about this?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:49 PM PST

    You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:44 AM PST

    The swarm is coming!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    I have some advice before you kill the snatcher and the escort mission after

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:36 AM PST

    I apologise sincerely as this is a whole lot longer than I anticipated and I appreciate it if anyone could explain everything shorter/better

    before you even go in the mine you want to find the retro lancer relic and I would also suggest you find the Bolton relic, for the sake of not spoiling anything I'm not including the location of these weapons all I'm saying is they are absolutely crucial to making that whole section seem relatively fair, for the snatcher itself it will mainly go after del and the retro lancer makes it put him down in like half a clip as well as doing explosive damage, and you'll also want the original lancer (hint hint) as the juvies are scared of the chainsaw when its revved, now for anyone following this expect to die a few times before it works cause of rng, sometimes del will stay away from you and Jack will help you but sometimes they wont, that's enough rambling so again if anyone can explain what I've said here any better/shorter please do so I appreciate it, now here's what I did

    My loadout: 1 frag (unused), retro lancer relic, Boltok relic, lancer and del has lancer gl, jack: stim, flash (unused) and laser (maxed)

    As soon as the fight begins roadie to the right and go behind that tall cover, dont attach to it just be out of the snatchers line of sight and when your not having to avoid its quill attack and/or having to deal with juvies after it smashes the ground, you want to be hitting it with the retro, when said juvies come you wanna have switched to the lancer and have it revving, stay out of line of sight (try to) keep the juvies in front of you and only attempt to knife each one when you feel you can get the chainsaw revving again before theres any consequences otherwise let Jack kill them, each wave will eventually die off allowing you ample time to hit the snatcher again, just be careful that the snatcher may have grabbed del and be aggressive with the retro to free him, once the snatcher is dead, swap the lancer for the lancer gl and look around for ammo crates before you pick up the bomb, then you want to move off the right, out of line of sight and use the retro on the juvies as they come from around the corner and (this goes without saying) keep an eye on jack, if you manage to kill this wave of juvies with 90% health on jackets then your in the right place, now go behind cover and try to land headshots with the boltok, dont try and go ahead, if you wait a while then about 2 or 3 will come to you but they wont come together, take them out and then move up, be aggressive with the other 3 or 4 left and you should win the fight, now theres nothing to worry about between there and the bridge, on the bridge the juvies are easy, kill them then run up and spawn in that big dude with a mulcher, when he spawns run back and into the room where the door is open and out the other side, take cover on the wall by that doorway and you should be able to finish off the juvies before that guy gets to you, I did this cause i found he cant follow you in the room, theres also a bit of rng here sometimes jack will go back in the room and get shot to kingdom come and sometimes he wont, but all you will have to do then just take shots at the guy when hes reloading, once he dies nothing else is there to stop you getting back to the skiff.

    I am soooooo sorry this is long and boring, I did my best and I hope this helps anyone stuck with these sections

    submitted by /u/Thomas_why
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    TC you need to get rid of these map challenges

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:52 PM PST

    I'm tired of getting the "win a versus match on x map". Im convinced that when you get a challenge like that the odds of you playing on that map is lowered.

    It took more than an hour to play on Vasgar yesterday cause I kept getting into District. Now it's the opposite, I'm trying to play on District and I keep getting into Vasgar.

    submitted by /u/illmatication
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    Quitting Matches

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:38 AM PST

    Does anyone else have a serious problem with teammates quitting during ranked matches? After the last update I was really excited to try and rank up since it was "fixed" but the last 10 games I've played someone on my team has quit and at this point I'm questioning if I want to keep playing because it's not like I don't play in a squad but a lot of my play time is by myself and frankly the game is 0% fun. You can't even get to general unless you do what the game wants you to do not what you want to

    submitted by /u/T0ASTYP3BBL3S
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    How To Succeed In Gears 5 ��

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:57 AM PST

    My opinion as a gears fans since day 1. How TC could’ve told gears of war story

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    Gears 4- Marcus showing JD how to fight and survive. Anya could've been on the radio helping both with directions and motivation. Marcus fighting with his son showing him the ropes. That is the best time to get into JD life and his character. In the game they could of rescuers or find Del and Kait as kids fighting the enemy and trying to survive. At the end Del and Kait wants in to get trained by the left over delta squad.

    Gears 5- JD, Kait and Del show them bonding and growing g up and being the new Delta Squad and finding Lizzie and making her the last squad. All of them bonding and becoming friends fighting together. Get into their characters and watching them grow into each other. Marcus has to retire he's getting old. Anya and Marcus still helps and supports the new squad

    That's my story TC could've an amazing gears.

    submitted by /u/Black_Chaos666
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    Can I join on someone to find a ranked match and hopefully get a win

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:24 AM PST

    The game is dead down here in New Zealand and I'm looking for maybe an American to join on to find a ranked match and get a win for this week to go towards the Achievement

    submitted by /u/DeadmanDT
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    Kantus coming to Gears 5, leaked on dev stream yesterday.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:19 AM PST

    They did this for 40 waves on Master difficulty...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Gear In The Machine Podcast - Gears 5 Ranked

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:52 PM PST

    ima tell my kids . . .

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:47 AM PST

    Horde funny moments!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:28 AM PST

    Gears of war 4 HardCore Ironman help

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:16 AM PST

    Is anyone willing to help me complete gears 4 campaign on Ironman and I think it'll be easier if I play on hardcore and you switch the difficulty to casual so we can get it done easy

    submitted by /u/AdvancedSmbol
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    Easiest way to get 2500 Juvie Kills?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

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