• Breaking News

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Gears of War | I have PTSD from those medals

    Gears of War | I have PTSD from those medals

    I have PTSD from those medals

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    The Campaign was really good tho

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT


    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    Don't let a bot become the leader in Guardian.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:18 AM PDT

    It's so stupid

    submitted by /u/Vegabund
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    Rev 9 Concept Art

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    Totems should be how you unlock items from past battlepasses so you'd always have things to work toward.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:18 AM PDT

    Lets face it, people want those skins but very few actually want to spend everyday grinding bounties in gamemodes they will never play. even fewer want to stick around due to the games awkward multiplayer design. if you were to offer a way to earn past items on your own time but still have to grind for it, people would be able to play what they want when they want to and not risk burning themselves out. locking skins make no sense, its not like they make money off of the passes, the only thing i can think about is that TC want to force players to stay and play even if they dont want to just to get cosmetics that they would potentially want. it doesnt seem to be working though because the game is hemorrhaging players FAST and TC needs to do something otherwise this game is going to be more dead than gears 4.

    im ready for the downvotes now.

    submitted by /u/TheSilentTitan
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    Yeah that seems reasonable

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    In GoW 3 we had Silverback as part of the Horde Command Pack. It would be great if we got it in Gears 5. Your thoughts about it?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:22 AM PDT

    Gears 5 Characters Require 10-Hour Grinds If Not Bought (And Some Are Paid Terminator Adverts)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Marcus and Fahz

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    These two guys should be reworked, cuz starting with Elite difficult they are useless. Marcus has very low damage and his ult doesn't help him in later waves, same situation with Fahz. The optimal pick in horde right now is: JD, Kait, Jack, Del and COG

    submitted by /u/kmakma
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    I'd like to personally thank TC and Microsoft...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    ...for allowing me to try this game for $2, so I wouldn't waste $60 on this dumpster fire. I've played and loved the Gears of War series since Gears 2, but this game has absolutely no soul.

    Drip-feed content, insane micro-transactions, ridiculous arbitrary grind for ""Free"" characters just to incentive the $5 fast-forward button. And despite all this they continue to hide behind the absolute bullshit of "Gears 5 has the most content ever." Noone gives a flying fuck about bloodsprays and marks TC.

    Lancers are absolutely ridiculous (Why the fuck are Gnasher actives disabled in Ranked but not Lancer actives????). The maps are terrible. The movement is clunky as shit compared to Gears 4. The damage indicator is STILL blinding and ridiculous even after the complaints in the "tech test" that accomplished nothing. Speaking of blinding, fucking flashbangs....holy shit, worst idea and implementation I've ever seen. The matchmaking takes forever and doesn't even get you a decent match at the end of it. The servers and online experience are the worst I've seen since Gears 2. The PC port STILL freezes my $2000 pc build for a few seconds every single loading screen, and occasionally crashes completely. Horde and Escape just feel like gimmicks now, with their obnoxious forced-class character system, and yet the characters' gameplay still don't really feel that unique.

    The enemy design is both boring and obnoxious. Rejects are brain-dead bullet sponges that don't represent any real challenge, Sires are a neat throwback to Gears 2, but they're literally just a cheap one-shot kill if you don't roll at the right time, and Leeches are completely obnoxious and way too many of them spawn at once (Why can they mantle kick you??). Also come on, "Boomshot Scion" "Dropshot Scion" "Buzzkill Scion"...laziest character "design" I've ever seen. At least the Warden looks pretty cool, let me just quit my job and grind all these game modes I don't care about to unlock him, unless of course I fork up 5 bucks. The COG characters aren't particularly interesting either. JD, Kait, Del and even Fahz are just walking archetypes that don't intrigue me whatsoever compared the original 4 (why the fuck can't I play as Baird or Cole yet?) All my friends, who had been playing Gears with me since Gears 2, have all already quit the game, and I'm soon to follow. Currently reinstalling Gears 4, because dealing with the ridiculous crash issues on PC is nothing compared with the game feeling and playing as shitty as Gears 5. TC can fuck right off, trying to ruin one of my all-time favorite franchises.

    submitted by /u/Folded_Socks
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    How is the skiff glitch still not fixed?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    I can't see any lies here

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    So just did Horde 1-50 as Jack... Earning the 200 assists doesn't count

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:20 PM PDT

    Apparently Jack doesn't count as a COG character. So don't waste your time.

    submitted by /u/CthulhuMadness
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    Gears 5 gnasher consistency problem - feels like a fortnite shotgun

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:22 AM PDT

    Just beat 50 waves of horde with my totem equipped just to have it not register. Man this game is a mess

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:25 AM PDT

    Terminator Skin...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:44 PM PDT

    Seriously when is TC going to do something about this? It is infuriating playing ranked as COG having to square off with all of the try hard Terminator losers who insist on gettin every minuscule advantage.

    Maybe I'm personally blind or it's my set up, but I cant fucking see these guys and I have no issue with any other character skins.

    He's already banned in tournament play so het rid of him. At least Emile and Kat arent BS.

    I can look past many of TCs flaws, but allowing a pay to win advantage into ranked is unacceptable.

    submitted by /u/-_Chiron_-
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    The good old days of chain sawing people!!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:04 AM PDT

    Was just wondering if there are any plans regarding this gamemode? I really liked it back in gears 2/3!

    submitted by /u/maxopeko
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    Every versus match soon...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    I think it takes way too long to perform an execution

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    when holding B to perform one, your kill either gets stolen or you are killed from behind. It should just be a tap of a button or a less long circle time

    submitted by /u/SoundsAwful
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    Gears of War 5 Grind

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Gears - I'll save you the introductory paragraph about how I've been a Gears fan from the Mad World days that seems to be required for all new posts recently and just jump into my biggest problem with this game (aside from connectivity issues): The grind.

    I want to start by saying I have no issues with a game pushing players to grind for items. Gears of War 3 did it, and it worked out great. My issue arises with how Gears of War 5 has implemented the grind. Gears of War 3 executed the grind for items well because at the end of the grind you were rewarded with a badass skin that proved you completed an actual challenge (take for example the onyx gnasher skin that required 6,000 gnasher kills). In addition to this, the grind for most items could be completed without having to go out of your way. This is my biggest issue with the Gears of War 5 grind.

    I have always been a versus player. I enjoy playing Horde/Escape infrequently, but there are usually MONTHS between my Horde and (and now) Escape sessions, whereas Versus is something I pickup every time I launch Gears. It is incredibly unreasonable to force players to grind every single game mode (even if we have no interest in one or the other) to obtain any interesting cosmetics such as characters from totems or skins from the Tour of Duty. If I want to play as The Warden in Versus, why am I forced to first complete a FULL 50 waves of Horde, AND run multiple Escape sessions? I understand that a lot of time and effort went into these various game modes, but forcing people to grind through sessions they don't want to be in hurts everyone involved. It leads to early quitters, AFK players, and toxicity; which in turn takes fun away from those that do actually enjoy the game mode.

    While I know that challenges will likely never be reworked because the point of making them so long and needless is to incentivize players to spend cash on e-currency (even after already paying $60 for a broken game), I did think of a couple independent solutions that I think would be beneficial.

    1. Character unlocks are restricted to each game mode. What I mean by this is, if I want to play as The Warden in Versus, then I have to complete a versus challenge to unlock him for versus only. If I then want to play as The Warden during an Escape session, I will have to complete a separate Escape challenge to unlock him specifically for Escape.
    2. Unlocks are restricted by relevant challenges. If I want a gnasher skin, I should have to use the gnasher and get X amount of kills, X amount of headshots, X amount of executions, etc. in order to unlock the skin. My idea here would be very similar to the set up of Gears of War 3 unlocks.

    Regardless of how the unlock grind is addressed, I do think something needs to be done. I do not have the time or the desire to play every game mode in this game to unlock something cosmetic. This game feels like a free mobile game and has completely moved away from what the franchise once was with the original Gears of War trilogy.

    submitted by /u/casual_Fridayz
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    Cog Gear appreciation lol

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:43 AM PDT

    Cog Gear appreciation lol

    Loving my boy Cog Gear so far his skills and load out are perfect for me just like in gears 4 and his ultimate and cards are pretty handy whether in horde or escape, you can make him the ultimate bullet sponge madman kamakaze gnasher mf in town lol, currently sitting at around level 12 will get to 18 soon anyways i hope you all enjoy the character you've earned/bought or are currently farming and have a blasting good time like i did. Peace everyone have a nice day!

    Also Lambent Cog Gear confirmed lmao

    submitted by /u/Frosturian
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