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    Gears of War | What's Up - July 23

    Gears of War | What's Up - July 23

    What's Up - July 23

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    New artwork released ahead of Gears 5 Xbox Series X upgrades

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Who else wants to see the Devil Dogs make a return? The NCOG Marine was such an awesome skin.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Will we ever see them settle it? Would love at least a mention in Gears 6 if they did or if they do in Gears 6

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Nice, Marcus has some cool skins. Was looking forward to this Desert variant. Only need unarmored and Old man.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    Ranked Versus

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Why do I only get put against Mexicans or a full team of 5 when playing solo? This is infuriating. They should be made to queue a little longer to find another team since they have the advantage against a random solo group. I live Midwest US and literally only play with Spanish speakers. I don't mean any disrespect or racism but why can we not find others?

    When gibs don't register I put the controller down.

    E: not sure why the downvotes. Meant no disrespect to anyone just wanting to ask about matchmaking to people somewhat close to us

    submitted by /u/Koenma-Sir
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    Has anyone been able to get this medal? I've followed through on the conditions but to no avail.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    After today’s Xbox showcase makes me appreciate how great Gears 5 looks

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    This is still my favorite looking game on this console and should be held right up next to Sony's exclusives in visual quality

    submitted by /u/HowManyAccount120
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    When are we getting the classic elite drone back? Bring him back into the lore as well TC!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Does Gears 5 have a onilne website for checking out cards/weapon skins like Gears 4?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Gears6
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    Still no console release date for Gears Tactics...

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I don't really have much else to add, I am just utterly disappointed about this.....

    submitted by /u/Barron-Blade
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    Is anyone else getting stuck in cover?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I play on pc using keyboard and mouse and have been noticing randomly I can't get out of cover. Particularly when trying to go around a corner. I get stuck and pressing space does nothing I have to move my mouse around to get out. It's fucked me over in a lot of situations as you could imagine. Could potentially be an op4 thing cus I didn't really notice it before then.

    This been happening to any of you guys?

    submitted by /u/unclebong1
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    Just saw my first cheater in Gears 5.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    Almost 500 games deep and I just found the first person I would say is 100% cheating.

    Played 2 rounds of KotH with him and he ended with 63 downs. As soon as he saw you he would snap to your head and essentially insta down you. His lancer would never miss a shot, even through bloom.

    I've never seen anything like it in Gears. For example on district, from one markza spawn to the other he downed me in exactly 9 bullets from his lancer. 0 misses full auto spray.

    submitted by /u/Ipwnurface
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    Stranded as characters finally a possibility?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    With how the Gears 5 character system works we finally could see Stranded be added in a way that would work. Would be pretty cool honestly.

    I'd imagine similar to Cog Gear it would be male and female stranded as one character with many skins.

    I still think people like Chaps and Franklin would have to be their own characters dude to VA's but I'd love to see it. Probably down the line tho so we can get more highly requested characters first.

    submitted by /u/R4v3L0rdnito
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    Gears 5’s final choice

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Obvious spoilers for the end of the game

    On the artwork post for the upgrade Gears 5 is getting, there was quite a bit of discussion as to the story, particularly which ending was canon. And it got me thinking about the pros and cons of each, such as JD being more interesting and his arc geleitet incomplete with death, but Del also being Kaits likely choice, as well as it giving Marcus a personal reason to end Reyna, in the same vein as Dom. And then it hit me, such a choice is wasted on these characters, because there are two characters in Gears that would achieve everything both choices do together with almost none of the drawbacks.

    The choice should have been between Baird and Cole.

    I love Baird and Cole. It's a credit to Gears that they managed to create two iconic duos, and I personally may even like Baird and Cole more than Marcus and Dom. They mainly serve as the comic relief, their jokes being hillarious, with Baird usually being the butt of Coles insults, but their partnership and their relationship to Dom and Marcus is genuinely brilliant. Of all the things Judgement messed up, the building of their relationship was a highlight, and I think I speak for most of the community when I say we love them both.

    Again hoping I'm speaking for most of the community, I think I'm right in saying that most people chose JD in the final choice because they never considered Del an equal in terms of emotional connection. Even with his antagonistic persona through the start of the game, JD is still the more likeable character, simply because Del is just Dom without the emotion behind him. But with all of this comes another problem - their stories don't feel finished. Dels story felt like it was heading towards a Dom type sacrifice for Kait, while JD hadn't yet completed his redemption arc, and yet for either one to happen, the other has to be stopped dead in its tracks.

    You wouldn't have such an issue with Baird and Cole. People care about these characters equally, and they don't exactly have a large importance to the story anymore, Cole basically being a draft pick whenever they need a fourth squad member, and Baird just being the guy they call whenever they need some tech to help them out, which they could probably have Del take over if they really wanted.

    The key here though is their emotional impact. Because while I like Del and JD, and was saddened by their deaths, Baird or Cole would break my heart. Never mind me though, Marcus would be as angry as he was about JD's, not to mention the one who didn't die. Paduk, Clayton, the death of Baird or Cole would have been the most emotional thing in the Gears world, and to its players. And I do think it was a serious oversight to not say goodbye to one of these in an effort to rally every person against Myrrah in the same way that Don's sacrifice, Benjamin's death, Kim's brutal execution at the hand of Raam, and Tai's torture and imminent suicide all did.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Mastercreed25
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    Getting kicked from ranked games with no option to rejoin

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Anyone else having this issue? Got kicked from ranked KOTH games four times last night and received absolutely no option to rejoin even when I restarted the game.

    After all that I got a twenty minute ban from matchmaking in general, couldn't search quickplay games or escape.

    Anyone else encountering this?

    submitted by /u/Kuorwaboros
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    How Not to Boomshot, plus it's almost-perfectly cut

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    I just finished GoW 5, what the hell with the option to choose?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    I bought GoW 5 some days ago and I just finished the campaign, overall great story, I like they have started explaining about the locust origin and all that but what the hell with the option to choose who to save?

    It's obviously that we'll have a GoW 6 but which choice is cannon? tbh I chose to save JD just because I didn't want to see Marcus in pain once again but I didn't want Del to die.

    submitted by /u/tamarizz
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    Daily Discussion (July 24, 2020)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    This daily thread is for random discussion and quick questions. Feel free to discuss anything from gears to gaming in general.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Potential map leak

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Gears 5 & Gears tactics were on sale some minutes ago? I even got a message from steam but there is no sale

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I know 2 kills are bots but this is my first quint in gears 5

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    How did the locust and/or swarm get clothes and weapons before coming to the surface?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    As the title says

    submitted by /u/Sexyshark15
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    Gears 5 sniper relic

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    I started an old campaign save file, and the sniper relic was one of my weapons.

    I reloaded the save file (I wanted to play a chapter over again) and the sniper was gone.

    Is there a way to get it back?


    submitted by /u/redditrock56
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