• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 21, 2019

    Gears of War | COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of December 20–December 27, 2019

    Gears of War | COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of December 20–December 27, 2019

    COG Enlistment — Find Teammates | Week of December 20–December 27, 2019

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 02:04 AM PST

    Post up your gamertags to make some new friends this week! Please use the following format:

    • Game: (Which gears game you want to play.)
    • Gamertag: (Your gamertag.)
    • Type: (Professional? Casual? Scrim? Horde?)
    • Region: (Your timezone or general geographic area.)
    • Time: (When you are free to play.)
    • Platform: (PC/Xbox One/360)

      You can also check out r/GearsLFG to find teammates any day of the week.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The General will see you now....

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:02 AM PST

    My boyfriend got silver Gears cogs 3D printed

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Return of the crabwalk?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:23 PM PST

    Gears 5- Can we get these classic Chainsaw battlecries for Baird back, please? I miss sharing the awesome rage of Baird in the first warcry...

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:27 PM PST

    Has gears 5 improved much since launch?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

    Long time gears fan and I played the game on release through the xbox game pass. I loved the campaign but the multiplayer was tedious. Broken ranked system, Lancer was too powerful, maps were terrible and tour of duty made the game a burden to play. The store also infuriated me. So multiplayer in mind has the game improved?

    submitted by /u/Stupendous1020
    [link] [comments]

    Just got MVP with 20,000 points and 51 ribbons in ranked koth and only got 900 exp Versus is a joke!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:35 PM PST

    I've dedicated around 20+ hours since op2 launched on this game grinding the new characters and to get onyx for each ranked mode and it's just not fun. I'm being loyal to the game and I have faith they'll fix it but damn do they need to hot fix versus exp and in general!

    I just played a 3 round game where I doubled all my teams score and the enemies score yet I only got awarded with 900 exp?! I can get 10,000 exp an hour doing the surge speedrun! But that's boring and I've already spent 12 hours doing the speedrun since op2 launched to get jermad and Lizzie. It's so boring and I wish I could earn a sufficient amount of exp from playing ranked.

    There is currently zero incentive to play ranked.

    We have ffa

    The team balancing doesn't work

    Sbmm doesn't work if it is even a thing in this game

    The match quality is poor (packet loss, ping spikes, server lag etc...) [ my internet is 50mbsps and my ping is stable around low 20ish]

    Serial quitting

    The ranking system at times decides it doesn't want to work

    Having to do another set of placement matches to then start from bronze anyways.

    Inconsistent shotgun

    Long wait times

    Running into the same players match after match

    Being matched with players that have ping 100+ continuously

    submitted by /u/arron_chana
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    The totem system is garbage

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Long time gears fan. I don't give a fuck about horde nor escape and I'm getting punished for it. I just want to unlock the character I want through the means I want (versus) is that so hard? Why all this extra shit? Can't you guys see the population is dying and because of dumb shit like this? Love the game but hate the ways to unlock stuff it's the worst. I feel bad for the devs that worked hard on this game just to have people shit on it because of greedy ,shitty annoying ways to monetize this 60$ game.

    submitted by /u/TheFestivals
    [link] [comments]

    I don't know about you, but im having a great time with Gears 5 lately.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:29 AM PST

    We now have good maps and modes variety, movements feels great, game is smooth, had no issue at all with the servers and the matchmaking ranking, while sometime a bit confusing, still feels definitely better than it used to be. I personally don't care about cosmectics so I won't say anything about that. I've been seeing lots of negativity in this subreddit so I thought it was legit to also bring some positive feedback. Been playing lots of Gears this week and i'm having a blast!

    See you guys online

    submitted by /u/nFectedl
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:16 AM PST

    Gears 5 Horde Feedback (Long Post + Videos)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:59 AM PST

    Horde Feedback:

    A while ago, I made THIS THREAD (and some tweets), in which many of you responded with what you liked and disliked about the changes made to Horde in Gears 5. I've compiled many of these notes and wrote up a few video scripts.

    I was gonna put these out last week, but wanted to wait until after the Operation 2 buzz died down a bit. So, here are the videos:

    Let's Talk Horde:

    I'm currently not at point where I'm playing video games too much. I was hoping that Gears 5 would be a release that helps me relax and get back into games...but I'm just not feeling it. Part of my boredom is probably me getting burned out through grinding in Gears 4 & G5 Op1. It also doesn't help that many of my friends aren't playing Gears anymore.

    Because of that above statement, I'm certainly not TC's target audience for this game. I'm not playing much, and I have never (in any game) spent money on cosmetics. That said, as evident by the thread linked above, I'm sure many people probably share my views towards Horde.

    Let's Talk Horde:

    I wanted to take some time and break down some of the main points in text-form here...so let's look at some of the main topics.


    Horde Population:

    Let's start by talking about how many people are playing Horde in Gears 5. From what TC has said, it's doing better than Gears 4. In addition, matches are [on average] lasting longer than in Gears 4.

    This is all great news, and I have no reason to doubt it. I believe this is due in-large to the server-browser (which I'll discuss later). I just want to bring this up upfront. Some may think that the population change is due to some changes made to the mode. This certainly will have some effect, but I really don't believe that the changes are what's encouraging people to stay.



    Quite contrary to TC's population numbers, I've actually heard people (myself included) say that I'm not playing Horde as much due to the lack of shorter variants. Escape is a nice alternative for a short CoOp mode, but it's also a very different style. Sometimes I'd prefer the style of Horde, but don't want to dedicate 3 hours for a run.

    The introduction of Horde Lite was met with praise in Gears 4. This helped the people who wanted to get a quicker match in. It also really helped the streaming community (shout-out to Cherry Quench and Grouch on Couch) as they could more easily/quickly rotate through viewers. Oh, not to mention that by wave 25 you're basically in an established base and it becomes sorta stale.

    On top of this, we no longer have the special-event variants from Gears 4. I sorta agree with TC not wanting to include these from the start...but at the same time, I would have loved to see them included.

    I may get some hate for this, but I almost feel that Horde should be 25 waves by default.

    • Horde - 25 waves - boss every 5
    • Horde Endurance - 50 Waves - boss every 10 waves & mini bosses on 5s
    • Horde Forever - Infinite Waves - maybe first 50 are standard, then it either makes them tougher or makes more per wave (or a combination)



    Beyond just the options available for Horde, we get into the way the difficulties are set up. I go into much more detail on this IN THIS VIDEO or THIS REDDIT THREAD...so I won't go crazy in here. I will make 2 notes though:

    1. Difficulties should not be tied to modifiers. They should be separate (just like in Gears 3)
    2. If a modifier is unlocked, it should auto-unlock for ALL maps. The map-by-map thing is an unnecessary/tedious grind.


    Skill Cards:

    There are a few aspects of Skill-Cards that were brought up over-and-over again. The most common complaint has been the inability to scrap duplicates. This is something TC is aware of, and they're apparently working on something. I get that it's not a simple thing, so it wouldn't be implemented right away. I am surprised that we didn't get a solution in Op2 though. I'm also going to add that this type of oversight is not something that I'd expect from a AAA studio.

    Another frequently mentioned aspect is the quality of the cards that we're getting. Even on higher difficulties, we're still getting too many green cards. I like that the higher difficulties give better rewards. I feel that a miss though is the lack of this rarity changing for consecutive waves. For example, I feel that my chances for a gold card should be higher after completing 20 waves over just doing 1-5 over and over again.

    I'm also just going to add that some of the card descriptions really should be updated. Some aren't clear, some don't give a detailed enough description, and so on. Oh...and the rarity of the card doesn't do a good job of reflecting how valuable they are it seems.


    Weapons & Ammo:

    A big shock for me when I first saw Gears 5 Horde was the strength of weapons (or lack there of) and the scarcity of ammo. On higher waves and higher difficulties in particular, it really starts to show you how weak the standard weapons really are. This, in combination with the lack of ammo, leads to a pretty stale meta.

    In Gears 4 we saw the sentry and turret meta evolve. In Gears 5, they removed the turrets...but the trishot is amazing, so we now have the sentry and tri-shot meta. It's arguably better than in Gears 4, but it still gets stale. I would have liked to see the base weapons be a bit more feasible.

    While we're on the weapon damage topic, we need to hit on ammo. Weak weapons isn't too big of an issue; when you combine it with the lack of ammo though, you run into an issue. In order to be effective with standard weapons you need to burn through a majority of your ammo EACH WAVE. That means that you'll need a way to recoup it. There's only 2 ammo boxes, so that basically means either using a weapons locker or picking up enemy weapons. Picking enemy weapons up works for some, but there's many classes that just become SOL. Maybe there's something I'm not understanding, but I'm having a hard time finding it enjoyable.



    The enemy variety was a largely discussed topic in the responses to my tweets & thread. It seems that most people are missing the glory days of Gears 3 Horde...and I don't blame them. Gears 5 has made some improvement on the enemy front, but it just still isn't there.

    The addition of the "wave sets" as I call them are nice. We have some DeeBee/Reject themed sets, some Swarm themed ones, and so on. Well sorta so-on. There really isn't that much variety. Gears 3 had this "set" mentality, and each 10 waves was very clearly defined with little-to-no overlap. The same just can't be said about TC's take on it. This mainly comes down to enemy type count, but I'd also say that the variety between types is quite lacking.

    Look at the majority of the Gears 5 enemies. It's a humanoid with a gun. Serapeeds, Maulers, Beast Riders, Shriekers, or even Kantus with their healing ability. All of these actually bring something to change up the dynamic of the fights. Pouncers were a great addition in Gears 4, and Bastions (as annoying as they are) do a great job in Gears 5. We need more though. I'd rather get 3 new enemies with different mechanics rather than 5 new enemies that are just humanoids.

    While I'm on this topic, I'll hit Bosses & MiniBosses. The Matriarch as a great addition (one of my all-time favorite Gears Bosses), but besides that the boss additions were quite lack-luster. The Warden is cool. I'll say the defense is lazy, but it's nice to see a new mechanic. The Stump is awesome looking, but man is it boring. Overall, bosses are still good, and the introduction of mini-bosses is amazing...but I had kinda hoped for more.

    Bonus note... I doubt TC would dedicate their resources to bringing back the Locust & Lambent characters. Even if they just brought back a handful of them it would be amazing. I'm actually sorta surprised that they didn't TBH. But that said, just bring back a portion of them, and even let them use the same AI as the Swarm. Yeah, it won't be much different than fighting the swarm, but at least it will add some flavor and a change of scenery.



    Jack caught me way off-guard. Most of the time a character that is implemented for the sake of bringing accessibility will actually make the character pretty weak. They may be good at first, but then prove to be worthless as you progress. Jack defies this and I was totally wrong.

    Jack is super fun to play as and was a great addition to the game. I do feel that he has a down-side though. Jack is so relied upon for high-level Horde play. It seems like the game may have been designed around having him acting as a crazy power-source. Because of this, it seems that if Jack ISN'T getting power non-stop and using the Forge, then you're at a big disadvantage. Characters should be a trade-off. Missing a character will effect you. But Jack seems to be too foundational. I feel that the importance of Jack is just way higher than any other character....and that just doesn't make for a fun/open mode.



    First off, the ability to rotate fortifications is amazing! It feels a bit slow/buggy...but overall, I'm just glad it was added.

    Another great addition was the way in which fortifications are upgraded. Not locking stuff to a fabricator level was a great change and is something that many had been hoping for.

    I do have a few disappointments though. To start with, I don't like the removal of the manned turret. I kinda wish that they had modified them rather than remove them completely. I also feel that a Gauss Cannon version that was slow (with splash damage) and Rail Gun version (with bonus headshot damage).

    The other disappointment I have is the that the Forge is really the only new thing. Everything is basically copy/paste of G4 with the addition of the Forge. I would have liked to see more levels, new designs, or even new fortifications. Mobile cover please?


    Server Browser:

    This was probably the best addition to the mode. Being able to search for matches is great. Naming them whatever you want also does a great job of assisting people trying to find an ideal match. The added filter also helps us easily narrow down to the right lobby. As I've said before, I feel that this feature is one of the keys that has led to matches lasting longer (on average). People can now much more easily find a lobby that fits their needs.

    There are a few things I'd like to see changed though:

    1. Filter to show match status (in-lobby, 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50)
    2. See which characters are already in the lobby
    3. Filters should not reset when you back out of lobby
      1. Backing out of a lobby should bring you to the browser, not main menu
    4. That stupid "no room for your party" (or whatever) message


    Power Taps:

    Power Taps were an interesting addition. They incentivize people to try defending new portions of the map and/or encourage people to spread out and expand their base. Well, that's true in theory, but in practice it kinda falls short.

    Being that the Taps are RNG, they often spawn in places that we don't care about. Due to the effectiveness of Jack compared to the Taps, the Taps are often overlooked or ignored.

    My proposed solution would be to cause all remaining rings to spawn after a boss waves. The team can then capture one and that's their choice - then the other rings despawn. This allows us to get 1 new tap after each boss waves, but now in the order that we choose.

    This will encourage people to actually use them now. If they're being used it may also encourage the expansion of the base rather than ignoring it. I also get that this would make them somewhat a bit "easier", so maybe they would be worth less.

    Last note here...some Taps are much harder to defend than others. These should be worth more if held.


    Bonus Waves:

    Bonus objectives were removed from this game. I don't mind it too much, as they were hardly considered. That said, I would have rather seen them improved, instead of a straight removal.

    Here's a couple ideas that offer sorta opposing points of view:

    • Make a random manned turret (or a new fortification) spawn on the map. If you can recover it, it get's a health bar and becomes a new fortification that you can keep.
      • This is a nice bonus because it gives you a new fortification that you otherwise would be without. It REWARDS players.
    • Make 3 lightmass bombs spawn on the map with rings around them. If you capture the ring, it diffuses. If you don't capture within 3 minutes (or before the round ends), then each fortification loses 1/3 health.
      • This is a nice bonus because it PUNISHES players for not doing it.

    Other note...having bonus objectives would allow for a new modifer "Must complete bonus objectives" or something.



    Perks are straight out of Hero shooters...and that alone kinda bothers me. I feel like these were sorta a pointless add for the sake of adding something.

    In theory, these could make the meta deeper, as they allow people to upgrade things in a different order each match. But in reality, that just doesn't happen. The perks are worthless beyond the first couple of levels, and some aren't even worth getting level 1 on. From what I've seen, people figured out an order, and just stuck with it.

    But let's get the bigger issue(s).

    • Perks just aren't worth it, and encourage teammates to be selfish and "waste" energy
    • You can't see how much you're actually upgrading. You can see what you're upgrading to, but not what you have.
      • 16% for 5,000 power seems enticing. Going from 15% to 16% for 5,000 power doesn't seem enticing
    • The curve for how effective perks are levels out pretty quickly and makes them not worth it beyond the first 2
      • A more linear curve or exponential curve would be much better and actually encourage continuous upgrades

    I really glossed over that. Please just watch VIDEO #4, as it goes into a lot more detail.


    Class-Locked Characters:

    I'm making this it's own topic because it's a BIG one :p

    The Good:

    Yes, believe it or not, I actually will be discussing some of the positive aspects that resulted from class-locked characters. There's 3 main positives that I wanted to hit on:

    1. You can easily identify teammates.
      1. You instantly know who is who and what abilities they have.
      2. It is MUCH easier to associate a loadout and abilities with a character rather than a faceless class or logo.
      3. Once we have like 20 different classes, it will start to be much more difficult to differentiate the classes. As the differences get smaller, the harder it will be to remember "Engineer #1" vs "Engineer #2".
    2. Classes have more personality.
      1. Cards like "Daddy's Boy" allow TC to reflect a character's personality in their cards and abilities
      2. I don't think they went into this strong enough
    3. It is easier to Balance stuff
      1. Think about having 3 JD's at once. You could instantly kill many bosses. This would lead to TC needing to buff some stuff. In turn, now any run that doesn't have a bunch of JD's is much harder. That's just an example, but you get the point.
      2. In general, people like to find ways to exploit stuff. By locking it to not allow duplicate characters, TC can more easily predict play-styles and create a more enjoyable experience...and not worry about people exploiting it.


    The Bad:

    Let's hit on the 3 biggest complaints I've seen:

    1. I want to play as a certain character...but I also wanna play as a class that I enjoy
      1. This doesn't really bother ME
      2. I know a LOT of people who have grown fond of certain characters over the course of the games...but now either need to choose that character, or the class they enjoy
    2. I want to play as a certain character....but someone else is already playing as that character
      1. Part of this is duplicates - which we can hit on a bit more in a bit
      2. Part of this is people who both wanna play as Baird (for example), but not necessarily both wanting Engineer
    3. It limits the frequency in which new characters can be added
      1. Now TC needs to wait until Escape/Horde classes are complete before releasing them


    Potential Changes?

    There's a few key things that I would change when it comes to this class-locked system

    1. The first is the duplicate character system
      1. If TC wants to allow 1-2 duplicates, that would solve a large portion of the issues
      2. The higher ranking character should get priority
        1. A level 15 Jack should always beat out a level 12 Jack
        2. You shouldn't be able to select a character that is already taken (unless yours is higher)
      3. The lobby should never show 2 people with the same character
        1. Many people probably quit when they load in and see their character auto-changed
    2. The other main change is to the way in which characters are selected
      1. You should first select a character (Marcus, Fahz, Kati, etc)
      2. You should then select a role (Engineer, Scout, Heavy, etc)
        1. This will determine your passive ability (and maybe something else?)
      3. You then select your sub-class (Heavy Hitter, Living Legend, X-Ray, etc)
    3. I've seen many people suggest "kits". I wanna play as Kait, but use "Fahz's Kit"
      1. This accomplishes the same thing I propose...but is less clean
      2. This is more of a baindaid rather than a proper solution

    #1 on this list should be implemented no matter what.

    #2 is a pretty difficult one, and I doubt it will happen. But I figured I'd pass along the feedback.

    #3 may still be a challenge, but is probably easier than #2. I just included it as an alternative solution.


    Another Hero Shooter?

    It honestly feels like someone at TC was playing Overwatch (or some Hero Shooter), and decided that it would be fun if Gears was one as well. Perks and Heroes really seem to showcase this.

    I don't necessarily think that it having Hero Shooter aspects is bad. I just don't feel that the game as a whole should shift that direction. You're taking an existing/established game/mode and trying to make it into something new. Of course it's going to met with resistance.

    I do feel that a Hero Shooter thing would be cool...but make it something new. That's part of why Escape works and why Overrun worked. They were new. They weren't changing something that established. I certainly want Horde to keep growing...but this feels more like a shift, rather than growth.

    I'll also add that if we have something Hero Shooter-esq, I'd like to see TC lean into it a bit more. This attempt feels a little half-baked, like they're trying to get their feet wet. Go big or go home.

    So yeah...I don't think the Hero Shooter thing is bad. But if you're gonna do it...Do it on something NEW and GO ALL IN.


    Closing Remarks

    If you got this far, thanks! If you feel I missed anything, let me know! Also, I'm sure the videos will cover a few things that I didn't type up in here.

    If anyone has any counter-points, I'd also be interested in those. My replies may be a bit delayed to to holiday activities...but I do read everything :)

    Have a happy new year everyone!


    Watch the videos, they're not that long...and you can just listen instead of needing to watch if you really want to.

    submitted by /u/BChaps
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    Did some chemistry

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:37 PM PST

    Ranked quitters

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:59 PM PST

    There truly is no point to play ranked KOTH or guardian because very game 1-2 people always leave. With apparently no in game punishment against them to prevent them from doing this.

    Is ridiculous the games been out this long and constant leavers are still an issue.

    submitted by /u/jmann1228
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    Just lost 20 places in ranked. After winning a game and having a score per min 3 below my average. What is the ranking system?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:22 AM PST

    Anyone else still having trouble with this ranking system?

    submitted by /u/arron_chana
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    How did RAAM's right eye get messed up?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    Something I've noticed when looking at his Gears 4 and 5 model is that his right eye is scarred/slightly closed. Is there a lore explanation, as his Vold and previous models don't have it?

    submitted by /u/EliteZephyr29
    [link] [comments]

    Follow up to my last post. TC should really let everyone do placement matches again. Only 2 people are masters in KOTH and TDM.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    How is everyone meant to rank up if they are being put up against onyx 3+. TC catered to noobs but this system just put them off and they jumped ship.

    Just give. Everyone 500 iron and reset the ranks. Make it work. That's it. Ranked is soooo frustrating right now.

    submitted by /u/GnarlyInfant
    [link] [comments]

    Ranked still fucked.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Why is the total team score 90,000 when I'm still stuck in silver.

    It's almost 2020 and the ranking system is garbage.

    submitted by /u/GnarlyInfant
    [link] [comments]

    Cant believe how far this series has come.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:39 AM PST

    The humans never saw it coming. OC

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

    My first Gaming video is from Gears 5 Guys...

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:08 AM PST

    Excited to buy a Carmine Neca figure, arrived broken :(

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Team Ice skin?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:33 PM PST

    This is a "re-up" skin it says but has anyone found out where them at re up?

    submitted by /u/Ephxmeral2
    [link] [comments]

    Well, this may take a while.....

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 11:01 PM PST

    Is matchmaking acting weird for anyone else?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:26 PM PST

    As the title states it seems like it keeps making lobbies then canceling them. It's not really a big deal cause it will find a game I just think it's on the fritz.

    submitted by /u/MushroomKingdom420
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:40 AM PST

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